America Grieves Me So
Krystal Beall
To all of you whom love me, I hear your cries of sorrow. Never will I leave or forsake you. Trust me. Lean not on your own understanding. Faith. Not sight. I know the wounds you bear. I have healed you. I know what you have endured and are enduring. I will deliver you. Trust me. Those that mock me and continue on in sin despite my many warnings and pleas have wearied me with their perverse ways. Be not deceived , I AM not mocked.
( I then received a Vision of CHRIST tossing a small golden cross in which he held in his hand)..
I will withdraw from those who reject is written. . I will not strive with a man forever. Those who reject my grace, will come harshly under my rod of correction…What a severely harsh discipline it shall be. How bitter the tears shall be for many, as they find themselves walking naked and exposed bearing their shame for all to behold. As many as I love I rebuke and chasten…be zealous therefore and repent. Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden me underfoot.. and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?” Truly I tell you never has a generation, my final generation of men, grieved me and provoked my wrath. I truly find great comfort in my Bride at this time. I hold and comfort her…uphold her as she does me. Together we walk as one in the garden. Longing for my return watching..alert .awake..ready.
The hour has come.
The hour for the wedding banquet. I have prepared a place for my Bride unlike anything seen by man. The wedding feast is indescribable and the gifts I have are from me personally and I so long to present them to my children. The mansions I have prepared are absolutely breath taking. I can no longer tolerate the defiance from man. I love man so much I poured out all my blood for them upon my cross at Calvary, bearing the sin in my body as my own. How I suffered in my love and thirst for man. How few receive this gift of salvation in which I offer. I gave up my life. Gethsemane has been a witness to my angished sobs, with the soil receiving my blood, sweat and tears with far more gratitude than many men. How sad I truly was, despite my great sacrifice so many would still pursue the world and all it’s vanity.
I AM sad and angry as I look upon the four corners of earth in this hour. I AM sad for those who do not know me and I will shake all of heaven and earth to wake them from their slumber. To those who love me and cling to me, Who have denied yourself, picked up your cross and are following me; You bring me so much comfort and solace in this hour. Great are your rewards. Great I tell you. I will dry all your tears and there shall be no more sorrow. My great desire is for man is to see me as I truly am, and not who I have been made out to be..or thought to be. I AM fully God and fully man. I have all the same feelings as any man and despite my divinity ( GOD) I am disgusted and appalled by that which I see. So much so I vomit. I still shed tears for what is before me. I hear the cries of the hurting…the trodden down..the weary..those who feel forgotten and unloved. Iniquity abounds and the love of many has waxed cold. I AM ever so near to you broken hearted soul and I uplift you in my arms and hold you close to my close you feel my heart beats and its soothing rhythm. I too know the pain all to well of rejection and scorn. I came to my own and my own received me not. What pain this caused me.
There are things that I have not revealed to man about me. For this was reserved for a later time and that time is upon man. I AM close to the broken..the hurting and the weary..the lowly. That is where I see and find myself. My creation is based on love and family. A man..a woman..husband..wife..and children. Family is my greatest gift to man next to life itself. For in family love was intended. Through disobedience ( sin) many have allowed the enemy entrance, unable to discern, and in doing so have caused both themselves and me great suffering.
The world is in enmity with me. Filled with many distractions and deceptive speech of men. The enemy desires fame. Power..glory…high positions of authority.. seen today was seen before. As the pharisees and scribes desired high positions. So it is the same today. I warned my children of this. They wear long and flowing robes…speak of me..(God) with their lips but their heart is far from me. There is a way that seems right to man.. but in the end it leads to destruction and death. Narrow is the path to eternal life and few find it. Broad is the path Which leads to destruction and many be there that travel on it. Many today are on the broad path. They chase after the wind. Caught up in the web of man.
A new beginning is upon man.. a glorious one at that.
America grieves me so. I can not bless sin. This nation has passed abominable laws against me. The nation as a whole with exception of my own have followed pursuit. There is discipline and punishment for mockery of God. I cry for all men to repent. America is in a state of darkness as is the whole earth. From one corner to the next it openly defies me. I weep in that many remain blind. America work to you for the revelation upon your soul. You shall be recompensed most severely.
Behold I come quickly. I desire all men to repent and for none to perish. I plead with man continually. Come let us reason.. Though your sins be as scarlet; they shall be white as snow; though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool. My sheep hear my voice and they follow me. I give them eternal life. I have engraved you in the palm of my hand and no man can snatch thee. The hour is very late oh earth hear me this hour. Verily I say unto you; generation you have rejected me. My sorrow is profound and my indignation severe…My love and mercy remain. All is to change in the twinkling of an eye. I AM the way..the truth…the life. My Bride look up for your redemption draws nigh. Come away with me won’t you..I love you…I will not disappoint you..I will reveal to all my new name I will be your God and you will be my people. Thou shalt no more be termed Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed Desolate: but thou shalt be called Hephzibah, and thy land Beulah: for the LORD delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married.”
Jesus Christ
July 18, 2019
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