By Pikelk278
Already THERE!
May 22, 2018
My daughter, write My words for those with ears to hear. My children, beware now, as the devil attacks whom he may. Walk under the covering and power of My shed blood. Put My armor on day and night. You are covered by My blood and made pure and supernaturally powerful through My blood. But, you must choose to receive this power and protection every day. Do not get so wrapped up in the world around you that you forget to place My armor on. My power and anointing is there for you who will receive it. Receive it, My children. I bless you with My helper, My Holy Spirit, but you must receive Him with an open heart. You must operate in the knowledge that He is within you, and through Me, you can do all things. I can breakdown all strongholds present in your life. I am the answer to each one of your problems, great or small. You must operate in this, My supernatural power, and walk away from your own understandings. Be active in your walk with Me, My loves. Start out each day walking in the power of My anointing. Be excited about what each day will bring you, as you are not on your own, but I am on the inside of you. Open your hearts and minds to My perfection, and allow Me to flow through you. Allow your hearts and minds to be flooded with Me, My children, for I am by your side, and I am working in and through you. You must find complete power and complete peace in Me, and in doing so, you will surely be in My will for you. Ask Me for advice, and I will surely give it to you. Ask me for My anointing, and it’s yours. Lift all the people you come across everyday in prayer. Even the people that you see passing by, pray for them. Pray that My Holy Spirit will touch their hearts, and pray that their minds will learn the truth about who I am. Pray mostly for the wicked and the lost. Pray for them to come to the end of themselves, and pray for them to see that I am the only answer. Pray for them to be covered in My life-giving blood. My children, nothing is by chance, so you must pray for everyone you meet, everyone I place before your eyes. Your prayers to me are what releases My power to act, so pray. My church is failing to operate in My power, My children. The teachings of men have removed My power from your view. My power to operate in and through My church has always been available to all of My children, yet they fail to operate in it. You have been taught to focus on yourselves, your own actions and your sin. You have been taught to live under condemnation. You have been taught to live under the rules of the ruler of the air, Satan himself. He defeats My children with his lies, for so few understand that My power lies on the inside of them. For, many have faith in their salvation, but they are stopping right there. The continue in their struggles and never rise above them. You are already sitting in heavenly places, My children. You are already in My kingdom, My loves. Live it. Share with Me the burdens of your heart, and they will melt away. Have faith that I am with you and that these things have already been removed from you. You are My overcomers, My children. Walk as overcomers. Walk in My victory. Walk in My power, and walk in My love. My mercy has already rescued you. Know this. When you received Me into your heart, your salvation came to you in that instant. My blood once and for all who will receive Me. Walk in the power of My salvation, My children, and do not be fooled by the lies of the enemy. He tries to take away My power within you. He has you focused on maintaining your own righteousness when apart from Me you have no righteousness at all. Understand, My children, the enemy tricks you by getting you to focus on yourselves. He gets you focused on your sin and works to convince you that you will never overcome it. My truth is that you won’t, My children, for sin is within you. Only through receiving My shed blood on the cross is sin defeated. When you receive My sacrifice into your heart, your sin is forgiven from East is to West. Walk in this forgiveness now. Do not remain under the thumb of the enemy. The more he can get you to focus on you, the more he takes your eyes off of Me. Walk away from His lies, My children, and walk in My fullness. You have My power within you, and you are already a new creation. Walk as My new creation. It is not about what you can do for Me, My children. It is about what I can do in and through you. The enemy works tirelessly to divide My church. They squabble over their manmade doctrines. I command each of My children to walk away from these that are choosing to divide you. Put your focus on Me. My promises for you are laid out in My word. Find them, and when you do, know that they are already yours. There is complete power over anything that can come against you in My promises. You have already overcome the enemy, My children. Now, walk in My victory. You are wrapped up in the finest linens and wearing many crowns, not by what you’ve done, but what I already did. You are already victorious over the enemy. Choose to walk in My victory and quit fighting a battle that you were never meant to fight. I love you, My children. Yeshua Ha’Mashiach