Received 9/21/2017
Published 9/22/2017
(I want to say this is a heavy Word to put out there but so necessary and I got attacked by satan as I was trying to start writing it so then I knew how much he didn’t want this out there for the public to see. All the more reason for me to get it out for Abba. Got severely attacked by satan again halfway through and had to stop because the pain was so great. So stopped and had to go in prayer in the Spirit and finally it subsided because Abba took it away for me so I could finish this. Satan really does not want this out. I have never been attacked this hard writing a Word which means he really does not want all of you to know the truth of what he has deceived you all with)
My daughter, write these words down.
My people, why do you insist on walking on the broken path that leads to your downfall, your destruction? Do you think I am not real? Are most of you under the belief that you are going to make it to My Kingdom living the way you live? I see you. I know you and from where I sit most of you will never see heavenly things, will not be in My kingdom. You cannot live as you want and think all your present and future sins are forgiven.
I see no change in most as you partake in your filth, vulgarity, drugs, alcohol, pornography, masturbation, fornication, casual sex, loving violent movies and violent video games. You play on your phone apps totally oblivious to what is happening around you and around the world.
My children, you make an appearance at Bible Study and at church as the hypocrites you are, living lives against My Word, My Ways acting as if you have knowledge and thinking somehow this makes you right before My eyes. Is this Holiness? Is this living according to My Word? You serve Ba’al at every turn, you worship him on his day, you live in Babylon and in whoredom.
My children, you underestimate Me. You make a mockery of Me and I will not be mocked. There is a heavy price to pay for this. So you think hell is not real or do you believe you can get out one day? Hell was never made for man but man chooses to go there by his own free will.
Rebellious, arrogant, prideful you children insist on doing things your way. You must realize your soul never dies and in hell you will relive every sin along with torment and fire. The screams of those in hell never stop. The pain never leaves. This is what you are choosing as your final destination. No sin enters into My kingdom.
You say you can’t stop sinning but what I see is you do not even try to resist temptation. You love your sins and embrace them daily without one thought of sorrow for committing them.
My children, did your Pastor tell you that you are saved when he himself is following his sins straight to hell? You follow these churches blindly to hear the itchy ear gospel and to hear false doctrine because it justifies your sins, your lifestyles. Are you willing to throw away everlasting life for all eternity for a temporary pleasure as you feast on flesh? My kingdom is eternal and hell is eternal!
If you do not come clean before Me, The Great I AM you will burn for all eternity. Have you not learned anything through my prophetic warnings? *asatan is a liar and has been from the beginning. He has his wolves on stages telling you just get baptized in this tub of water and you are free forever.
My Son hung on the tree with His flesh pulled apart, bleeding profusely to make a way for you, to show love to you that no man can give for there is no greater love than this. My Son did all this so that you might be saved, get to know Him, have a relationship with Him yet you crucify Him over and over again and take His sacrifice lightly.
I am the Father of Creation, I gave My Only Begotten and Beloved Son to you and I DO NOT TAKE THIS LIGHTLY!!!! I require holiness, righteous living, a turning away from sin, complete surrender to Me. I gave My Spirit so that you would be comforted and led by Me but you walk away willingly and so I leave. You grieve My Spirit and I cannot live in those that continuously embrace the same sins with no desire to change, to stop.
Many of you had My Spirit in you at one time but I am no longer there. Don’t be so confident that you are saved. You need to re-examine your heart, your lifestyle. If you are not experiencing any conviction while you partake in a sin, then I AM is NOT there! Do you understand?
MY PEOPLE, HEAR ME NOW. If you are backslidden or lukewarm, you must repent and return to Me or you will soon completely fall away. Is this what you desire? I desire it not. Remove yourselves at once from these wolves for it is a matter of life and death to your soul. Remove yourselves from anything that has to do with Babylon. This is all paganism and idolatry which I detest.
My true followers hate what I hate, they desire holiness and seek it daily. They come before Me daily and ask for cleansing and forgiveness, they hate the abominations as I do. These are My children, those who desire to please Me, turn from sin, and live in obedience out of love for Me. This has nothing to do with “works” and they are not trying to earn their way to heaven. They pure and simply love Me and do not just give Me lip service as you hypocrites do proclaiming you love Me!
Do you think you can stand before My Holy Presence with all your excuses regretting how you rejected living in My ways then and believe I will let you in? It is too late then. You must get right with Me now!
Do you not notice all the weather disasters and judgments falling upon the earth? You do not have much time left. I will show mercy on those who truly seek Me and lay it all down at My feet and ask forgiveness.
The enemy has his wolves teach that you are not under the law yet do not My commandments define what is sin? Without these you would have never known what I require. My commandments define sin and what is sin? Sin is transgression of the law is it not? Stop believing the Once Saved Always Saved, greasy grace gospel, prosperity gospel, itchy ear gospel, and the gospel that is of the antichrist teaching that you can live in disobedience to My law, My commandments. This was put in place to free you and when you live against My commands you are in bondage and *asatan has you right where he needs you to be.
I will be removing these servants that do the work of the Father of lies and purging, some to their death! Do you not see how these are the ones that earn their incomes by fleecing My children earning their favor through “works”? *asatan rewards his followers with filthy lucre.
My true disciples, Pastors, preachers, evangelists, watchmen, prophets, messengers are not living lavish lifestyles. If you are going to a church and those leading are living deliciously in beautiful homes with everything they desire, RUN and do not look back. This is your RED FLAG to get away! Do not give them your hard earned money. Remove yourselves.
All you need is Me. I AM is available anywhere at anytime. I am not in those buildings built on sand. Children, you have been deceived far too long. Do you not know that you are the “temple”? This is why you must not defile the body for it is the temple I reside in when you receive My Spirit. You are the body of Yahusha (Jesus Christ). Clean your temples of all filth!
I have poured out My heart to you so many times. I have given you truth to live by. I have shown you how *asatan has you bound to his Babylonian system. I have given instruction to remove yourselves. I have shown you what false doctrines his wolves teach you.
What will it take for you to see that I AM LOVE and out of love, I warn over and over and over again. What will it take for you to come out from under these lies you’ve held onto all these years?
I AM is your friend, your healer, your truth, your comfort when you need it, the shoulder to cry on, your shield, your Savior. Children, all you need is Me; you and I alone in the quiet of your room. I desire a relationship, a direct one on one connection. This is what you were born for. You were born to love Me as I love you.
Why do you complicate things with “religion”? Religion is manmade. I am accessible to all. Get rid of your “religiousity”. It has no place in Me. Just simply come! Let me show you the way to the peace, love you need. It is in Me. I offer it to you and I offer you everlasting life if you will just come as you are, confess it just to Me alone. It will please Me greatly if you seek Me alone; just talk to Me as you would a best friend. Let it go child. Unlearn what you have learned. I AM is easy to come to. Do not be afraid of Me as you confess. I want to cleanse you, forgive you.
Come My child, Come to Me
I love you!
(After I received this Word He said: these warnings are coming to a close soon and no scriptures needed on this Word. This Word is to wake the sleeping flock up)
Given to Ms. Sophie on 9/21/2017