All Power and all Authority – Lasttrumpet777
August 17, 2018
All Power and all Authority belongs to Me, The King of Glory. I Am Infinite. I Am Omnipotent and I Reign by My Great Power and Glory forever and ever. My Kingdom is The only Kingdom that will last forever and ever.
You can all be part of My Everlasting Kingdom. Seek My Kingdom and My Righteousness first and then will I add all the other things unto you. I Work all things out for good for those who Love Me who are being called according to My Plan and Purpose. My Promises do not fail. I Am always Faithful. I do not Fail nor do I Disappoint. I Am not Limited nor Restricted. I do the Impossible, the Extraordinary, the Supernatural. I Am able. I Am The Almighty, The One who Is who was and who is to come at the Appointed Time. I Am in control. All Power and all Authority belongs to Me.
The same Spirit that Raised Me from the dead, lives in you My beloved children. I Give you Power and Authority over satan and all the evil spirits. Your struggle is not against flesh and blood, do not forget who your enemies really are but you have all the Power and Authority over them in My Name, the Name above all other names. They are defeated on the Cross by Me already. Victory is assured with Me, without Me you can do nothing. All Power and all Authority Is Mine. Stay with Me and do not stray from Me. I Am your Source of Life.
“To The only God our Savior be Glory, Majesty, Power and Authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.”Jude 1:25