By Ilona Novaky-Wilson
Early this morning March 5th I had a dream I was driving with my 10 year old daughter Katie on the Northern California coast and we were up North near San Francisco on Scenic Highway 1. We stopped to take a photo a Lighthouse on a huge rock right off the coast when all of the sudden the SUN disappeared TOTAL Darkness filled the earth !! People were screaming running in fear…There was total chaos and pandemonium. We were invited into a ladies home where everyone was crying upset and I was telling them that the Bible speaks about the signs of the times and the signs in the skies and I flipped the Bible open and was showing them the scripture. I knew time was short and we were indeed in the last days. Luke 21:25
“And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves”
I feel that this is an ALERT of things to come. To be prepared make sure you are right with God. If you have any unrepentant sin in your life REPENT NOW for the Kingdom of God is at hand !!