Prophecy, Word

ALL CREATION CRIES OUT – Whitney Eslick Manuel

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


10/12/24 12:50 PM
Whitney Eslick Manuel

10-12-2024 12:27pm

“Write for ME now. Tell them what I showed you.
I saw creation heralding and announcing the coming of JESUS CHRIST. I saw the Canadian Geese in the Florida neighborhood walking down the streets, honking. They were not announcing the storm, they were using their honks as a horn, as trumpets, announcing the KING is coming! The Yellow Jackets came out in North Carolina, the alligators in Florida, the birds and moths upon the cruise ship in the Gulf. Creation itself is heralding HIS return. Creation is crying out.

The animals, the vegetation, the earth and the sky, the sun and the moon, the wind and the waves are all announcing, they are heralding with their voice the return of JESUS CHRIST. HE is coming back to fulfill HIS WORD. HE is THE WORD. HE is the fulfillment.
Worry not if these storms are man-made or GOD-made. Does not our GOD use man’s own devices for HIS particular end? Did not GOD HIMSELF use Pharoah to display HIS power and make HIMSELF known? Argue not over these things, but listen to their voice. They declare, each of them, a message. The wind and the waves declare the imminence, the speed at which I AM coming. The floods expose that not all built by ME will be destroyed and washed away. The fires declare the judgment soon coming upon the whole earth. Is it not written in MY WORD?

As the Days of Noah? Do you not see the floods? I will destroy the earth the second time by fire. Do you not see the foreshadowing of this coming judgment speaking even now in your Midwest? Do not concern yourself with the ‘why’ and ‘how’ these things came into being, concern yourself with the signs! The SIGNS speak!

More animals will announce MY return. The people have been slow to listen to the warning and announcement of MY prophets and watchmen, so Creation itself lends its voice. I AM a Great KING, the KING of Kings, and I will be announced thusly. Creation, lend your voice to herald MY return. Do not hold back. Whether they listen or choose not to listen, they will see and hear your voice.

Tell them what you saw. I saw the Sun spewing forth larger and greater storms and CMEs, I saw the moon waxing cold and glowing red. I saw the trees whipping from one side to the other. What other voice do they have? What other message display can they give? I saw birds falling and flying frantically in great groups, unafraid of people, flapping their wings against the people. This is their voice. This is their speech, their only communication. I saw rocks falling and landslides racing down, warning the people of what is to come and telling MY most beloved creation, mankind, “Look! HE comes!”

As you see these storms, named and unnamed (and remember their names carry a message), as you witness animals coming out of their natural habitat, gathering together in your full view, sounding whatever voice I have given them (especially those who honk), as the waters rage and the fires burn, I want you to LISTEN. LISTEN. MY Creation announces and heralds its CREATOR’S Return!

MY servants and watchmen have been faithful in this for years, but the world as a whole has not listened to their voice, to their messaging. So I call forth all of creation. They will REFUSE to be IGNORED!”

G1227: “diablepo’- “to look through, penetrate by vision; to see clearly”

Scripture References:

Psalm 19:1-6
Job 12:7-9
Genesis 1:14-16
Romans 8:19-23
Isaiah 55:12
Psalm 95:3-5
Joel 1:15-20
Luke 19:40
Jeremiah 12:4
Hosea 2:18-21
John 1:1

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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