Alert! Corona: Explosion of Cases
December 30, 2021 8:58 PM
December 30, 2021
Proverbs 3:5-6 5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
In our last messages, we have pointed out that there will be rampant mutations. True to the observations, there were many mutations, some less harmful and some deadly like the Delta mutation. Before Omicron became wide spread in the US, on December 16, 2021 this was what I wrote and the message was not posted “As cases spike, evidently different mutant strains surface globally. Some harmless, some less harmless. Like the Delta variant, few can be more infectious and deadly as well as resistant to any sort of medical intervention, vaccines in this case. The current global spike (when cases were ~100,000 a day) can be attributed primarily to rampant mutations, the cold weather and “less care” for the “bad normal is set.” There is a new mutant variant of the deadly Delta variant, one of them under investigation(the current Omicron), there rest are moving unnoticed globally.”
In less than 20 days since Omicron took over the Delta variant, the cases exploded five folds, from 100,000 to over 500,000, that is half a million. See the summary data compiled below.(Make a note of the daily cases, the global as well as the US)
Regardless of what the media and the authorities tell the public, these are the points worth noting:-
(Remember, Omicron variant has 50 mutations and the 32 of them are on the spike proteins which makes it even harder to speculate what it is capable of doing.)
1. With this high spike and explosions of cases, there is a high probability for more infectious and more deadly variants to surface, here or anywhere in the world.
2. One third of the total global cases are in the US. This needs more attention in many fronts.
3. In spite of the assertion that the new mutant strain-Omicron is more infectious and less deadly before enough data is collected, what will the cases as well as the death rate be in two to three weeks? We leave the answer for time to tell, not to speculations of from any source.
4. There is already a proposal and an action for the 4th jab or Booster#2( 1st jab. 2nd jab, Booster #1 Booster #2). Is it coming to the US too?
5. When the public is told that “The presumed protective value” of each jab wans in six months, what of the Booster #1? The same? Let us wait and see what they are going to tell us.
6. The Children who are not vaccinated are the victims of this explosion of cases. Another push to vaccinate the little ones? Save the Little ones Lord!
7. At the end, whatever primary hygienic care people have to take, one holiday after the other, people all over the world need to be very careful and take care of themselves.
8. At this rate, before the second pandemic comes or overlaps, Corona is here to stay for it has a goal, as I called it “The Pandemic of The New World Order.” We know where the jab leads and it is coming closer by the day.
Repent! Repent! Repent!