Warning, Vision



Jan 13, 2020 6:07 PM
Melinda Goss


First I give God all the glory, all the honor and all the praise for giving me the privilege to see and to pray… to HIM BE ALL THE GLORY.
Good evening brothers and sisters I am being obedient in sharing a series of visions and several words regarding Alaska. I ask you to continue to pray as the vision received this morning was very serious indeed. I will begin with the one shown this morning and go backwards. There are two common themes about Alaska both very serious 1)Earth changes and 2)Military / invasion scenarios. God bless you all…Much love your Sister in Christ Jesus.

I was on a mountain ledge and I was being shown a village at the bottom with lots of snow and not a lot of houses. I saw military people with guns they were dressed in black. And they were going door-to-door and rounding people up at gunpoint. I asked where this was, it was Alaska! The people were being rounded up and put on buses, I saw one of the military men shoot a dog. I got the sense they were Inuit people. I asked what if anything I could do to help. I was told to pray and publish everything I’ve been shown about Alaska.

October 10, 2019
I saw an eagle flying through the clouds upward then it landed in the midst of a great Army all in full armor. Then I looked at the eagle and we became one and I began to fly over Alaska, through the clouds and I looked down and I saw the ocean was red I look to see if it was a reflection of the sky it was not. Saw dead fish and reddish-brown water I then saw a late with boiling water and gases coming up.

August 24, 2019
I saw a huge Rift or crack in the Earth to the right was a lot of snow in a hidden building.
The vents are boiling the crack is widening. O children o children why do you rejoice when the time of morning has begun. Cry out cry out for the cup is full. The indignation has begun your world is changing can’t you see, the cries have reached Heaven. The cleansing has begun. Not by your will but by mine it will be done. Watch and see watch and see.
Romans 2:8 but to those who are self-seeking and don’t obey the truth but obey unrighteousness will be wrath and indignation.

July 15, 2019
I was shown a cavern of ice and I saw many bubbles and I heard again Watch Alaska and pray for the people that their hearts will turn back to me. I was shown for the second time or oil in the waters off of Alaska, oil will begin bubbling up on the face of the Earth.

May 10, 2019
I saw military operations West Coast coast and north east coast Alaska.

October 30, 2018
I was standing on a high mountain peak. To the right were many snow covered mountains, as I look to the north I saw a red sky into the left Alaska. I saw what appeared to be a fleet of subs and ships then I noticed there was black in the water’s moving south, oil I believe. As I looked West I saw a mini military ships.

October 21, 2018
I was on top of a mountain peak North Northwest and mountains began to fall. Next I saw a big crack with rain on the right and left in the middle was a huge crack in the Earth.

October 12, 2018
I saw a 9 or 13 subs off the coast of Alaska.

October 8, 2018
I heard a Great Divide is coming, I will restore righteousness on Earth. Then I saw snow capped mountains in Alaska to the left I saw a beach with a slope and I saw military coming on the shore.

September 28, 2018
I saw a submarine northwest corner of Alaska I wrote “they have been coming in and will wait at the border with Canada.” Alaska / Russian invasion.

August 22, 2018
I was told to pray protection over God’s people. I was told to watch Alaska, that the evil ones are waiting for a specific time possibly a planetary alignment and to keep watching Alaska. I saw what appeared to be a triangle one eye symbolism / indication Fallen ones Northside of Alaska at border with Canada. Saw Alaska completely red.



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