Destruction, Prophecy, Video

After The Destruction / I WILL HEAL YOU where is your faith? – Barbara Francis

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

After The Destruction / I WILL HEAL YOU where is your faith?

October 17, 2022
Barbara Francis

After the destruction I will open the springs and fountains to wash away the abominations from my sight. Many who say they are with me mock me in secret. I know them I hear the jokes and the sarcasm in their voice. They believe they work for me . They laugh at my messengers and prophets. They forget what the scriptures say about doing this. It says their judgment is death. Justice will prevail. Come to me all who are weary, tired and sick. I WILL HEAL YOU. Where is your faith?. I give you power over sickness. Your faith will heal you. I laid down my life for you. Believe. I will never leave you or forsake you .I AM YOUR HEALER.

Original Article Can Be Found Here

Photos courtesy Depositphotos 


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