A Year Without Electricity
1/14/25 10:48 PM
February 4, 2024
I was on a military uniform but a cloak on top looks like I was a homeless person. I was given a bread by someone as I was walking down the road which leads to a place where the elites lived in their mansions. The surrounding looks like a campsite where there’s lots of trees/greenery. I saw a couple in their teens walking ahead of me. I went with them and we all felt that we shouldn’t be on that secluded place. From afar we saw white teens with blonde hair playing on the swimming pool in their mansion and they also saw us. We hurriedly ran back to the road we came from for fear of being picked up by the police. I lost sight of the boy because he ran fast. I saw the girl who was running ahead of me stop on the crossroad unsure of what road to take. She frantically ran on each road back and forth then she looked back at me and shouted “This is the way!” We finally reached the place where we came from but a police car was already waiting for her. The officer told the girl that a relative of her reported that she was missing and that she spilled drinks in their house. As she was being put inside the car she tried to tell me that it was a lie by doing a hand sign.
I continued on with my walk and went inside an apartment building located on a busy main road. I was wondering why the entrance (a sliding door with a screen door then a curtain) was not locked. There was an elevated king size bed right after the entrance and I saw a mother and child in the corner. I heard a man shout at me to get out of the building and get in the truck right away. I left the mother and child and hop on the back of the truck. The road was full of vehicles going on the same direction as we were. It was like everyone was trying to escape from something like a pandemonium just broke out. I saw the sky was red from smoke and fire. I adjusted the cloak I was wearing to cover my head and protect me from the ashes allowing only a small opening for me to breath.
While travelling uphill I saw molten rocks, pile of rocks on the side of the road. We passed by a truck that fell on the ditch because of its heavy load and it’s starting to melt. Far ahead I could see that we have to drive over some hot rocks. I asked the man if our tires will melt and he said that it will not do much damage since we’re driving very fast. Some debris fell on my arm and I remove it quickly before it burn me and we successfully passed through.
(I was unaware of what calamity befell in the dream so I could only describe what I saw)
I asked the man if God talked to him about the place we’re heading to but this time it is as if I was invisible like I don’t exist so I become just an observer in the dream. The man wants to saved his family and he sought refuge on the only place he could find – a coal mine. It was just a guess that the place is a coal mine because there was a poster on the entrance of that massive warehouse that says “A year without electricity.” In the poster there was a colorful shed on a mountain or field taken on a night sky with stars.
Inside that place has many compartments/boxed room that is where the refugees will live. I saw the man looking for an unoccupied room and when he found one, he hugged his child as if saying they’re safe. I also saw other families looking for rooms.
When I woke up, I was really questioning if they’re in a safe place. God told me that they’ll be a slave in that place. I felt sad because the man sincerely wanted to save his family.
Remember, the only thing that could save you and your family is to fully trust in God. Do not depend on your ability, knowledge and/or wealth. In the last days, God is the only one you can trust not even yourself. God will designate places of safe refuge. Train yourself to be able to hear from God and heed His warning. Listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, communicate with Him. Do not be a slave to the New World Order.
Now I will tell you what I am going to do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it will be destroyed; I will break down its wall, and it will be trampled. I will make it a wasteland, neither pruned or cultivated, and briers and thorns will grow there. I will command the clouds not to rain on it. – Isaiah 5:5-6
For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock. – Psalm 27:5
In the Old Testament there is a provision for six cities of refuge (Exodus 21:12-14, Numbers 35:9-34, Deutoronomy 4:41-43, 19:1-13, Joshua 20) These cities of refuge were not for the protection of the guilty but for the protection of the innocent.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos