A Word From The Lord Jesus – “Hold on tight” – Become Like Jesus
Repent and accept Jesus into your heart now, because tomorrow may be too late! God bless you❣️
Daughter, it is I, the Lord Jesus who speaks to you this day and I am using you, a vessel in which to speak through. Write these words for they are true and faithful. Yea, I confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.
My children, my bride, stay close to Me and pray always. Be tender hearted and forgiving to one another. I am coming for those that even when they lay down to sleep their heart is prepared and ready to go. I want that none should be left behind. Because to be left behind will mean death. I want my children to blameless and harmless in my sight. Continue to have a close walk with Me, keeping your lamps full of precious oil, because it will not be possible to possess new oil the moment I come for you. I love you so much more than your human minds can imagine. For My ways are not your ways, nor My thoughts, your thoughts. For your wait is at an end. Moments before the enemy begins to destroy the earth, you will be snatched up out of harm’s way. The earth is even now showing signs that the normal life for people, mammals and fish will soon be past.
I have so much in store for you. Your eyes have not seen, nor your ears have heard the things I’ve prepared for you in heaven. The experience of a lifetime awaits you. Your entrance into my heavenly kingdom will be grand, and as you eat of the Tree of Life and immerse yourselves in the River of LIfe, eternal joy and happiness will take over your entire being. After you dawn your robes of righteousness, a crown will be placed upon your heads. But that will be the only beginning of your eternal life with Me. In heaven, the excitement is in the air because I am in your midst, ready to take you home. I want you to remember this, to love others as I love you.
Hold on tight, because you are about to leave this earth in style. Yes my darling bride, it is I, your forever love, Jesus❤️