Bride, Vision, Word

A Word For My Bride – untilthatgloriousday

A Word For My Bride

December 18, 2020 8:08 PM

This morning, December 18, 2020 I saw a vision of a mighty warrior on a war horse. His sword was drawn and he and the horse had armor and were ready for battle. I knew it was Jesus and I prayed for a Word.

“My Dear, my Queen, my Bride,
You have been tested and tried.
You have been forged in the fire.
You have endured with patience the pressing down, the trials of your soul.
Now you are tired and weary.
You have little strength.
Prepare to see what I do for my own.
Prepare for the reward of the righteous.
For many years you have been trodden under foot as you spoke My words. For many years you have been treated as a lump of coal, kicked to the side and little valued by those who claim to be my Church.
Now I say get ready to see what I have for my faithful servants! I will war for you. I will pour honor on you. I will pour glory on you and on all my faithful saints who have not bent their knee to this world. All will see the separation of the righteous from the wicked. They will see what I have seen in the lonely places.”

Then I saw a bride similar to one from India—the way Indian brides have many jewels on.

“My Bride will be clothes in splendor unimaginable. She will be revealed as glorious. I have formed her through the trials. Now she will be adorned with jewels and spun gold and no amount of expense will be withheld from her because she has fought the good fight. She has given her all and I will pour on her the finest treasures and no hurt will come to her.

Watch and see what I will do!
Watch and be stunned, my faithful Church, as I lift you up and carry you away from this troubled world! I will carry you to the house I have prepared for you!
And so for iron, I’ll give you silver and for brass I’ll give you gold.”

Then I saw a woman, like one from the old Bible Times. She is in a tent and was laying down on pillows but waiting and listening. She hears something and runs to the tent opening and opens the flap to bright sunlight.

“Behold I come!!”


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