Jeffrey D. Byerly
Prophetic words from the Holy Spirit
Friday, May 19, 2017
Received 5-15 through 5-18-17
The Lord has spoken a warning to me over these last few days.
He who has ears will hear.
“Hear the word of the Lord!
I desire to speak to you who head MEGA-ministries, churches, Christian entertainers, Television ministries, and internet ministries, those that write Christian books, and sell DVDs or CDs in My name.
I want to tell you that I love you the same as I always have, unconditionally and eternally. I am the same yesterday, today and forever. My Word and My law has never changed either and those who love Me keep My commandments.
Be honest with Me now, My beloved, you do not love me as you once did.
You have left your first love and another lover has taken My place.
You have built kingdoms for yourselves on this earth, instead of building My kingdom.
Once you served me with a clean heart and pure motives but you have fallen into the ways of the world. The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches have choked your once flourishing and fruitful work that I had called you to. You have let the idols of wealth and pride take you from the very close, intimate relationship you once had with Me.
To maintain and even increase the number of your followers you have compromised the message that you preach. You are afraid of offending the masses so you no longer say My name, Jesus much anymore. You rarely speak of My blood or its cleansing power anymore and you don’t speak about sin or hell either.
You have been deceived to believe that I am OK with My people doing whatever makes them happy because I died for their sins. This is not true, this cheap grace and it means little to you because it costs you nothing. This what you teach the people that have been put under your care?
I told the Apostle Paul to die to self, pick your cross and die daily. So how can you who are dead to sin live any longer therein? The doctrine of “Once Saved Always Saved” is not in My word. You are to work out your salvation in fear and trembling, in all holiness and righteousness or your name shall be blotted out of the Book of Life.
Instead you have preached and taught what the people’s itching ears want to hear, it is a different Gospel and it has no power of My Holy Spirit. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are not evident in your gatherings at all! In fact most of you believe they are not even for this day. Most of you don’t believe that this word is from the Holy Spirit but there are some of you who KNOW it is and you feel conviction and I say to you REPENT and I will forgive you! You can still turn around, even though the time is short.
You will be accountable for each and every sheep that you have led to the slaughter, as well as every last cent that you have taken from them to make yourself rich. If you do not repent and change your ways their blood will be on your hands and you will pay for all of eternity for what you have stolen from Me.
I tell you that I AM the Rock of offense, I offend the fleshly desires of man. You will either fall upon Me and be broken or you will be crushed when I come down upon you with My judgment for sin. I DO NOT care about your comfort here on earth, especially if I see that you are heading straight for hell. I love you enough to warn you to change your ways!
I say to you that My judgment shall be upon you if you do not turn from your wicked ways and repent before Me for the lies that you have allowed to come out of your mouths that are directly from the evil one. A lying spirit has entered you!
A seducing spirit has deceived you and you don’t even realize it!
As you slumber the door will close on you! You have no oil in your lamp or vessel!
You have been so focused on your own kingdom that you have failed to realize where you are on My end times timeline. We are just about at the very end, this is why I warn you!
Those who do not repent immediately of your wicked ways are going to be exposed before the whole world and some will repent.”
I was given a quick vision of a popular televangelist sitting down doing his show and then a group of military men came in and cuffed the whole group and they were taken to a camp of some sort at gunpoint. The leader of the group cried out “I’m Sorry! I’m Sorry! Oh God I’m so sorry!”
I was given these verses, 2 Cor. 7:9-10 “Now I rejoice, not that you were made sorry, but that your sorrow led to repentance. For you were made sorry in a godly manner, that you might suffer loss from us in nothing. For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.”
I was given another quick vision of a large stadium sized church and while the service was going on hundreds of men in camouflage and automatic weapons entered and started killing everyone they could. The leader of the church was one of thousands of casualties.
The last quick vision I was given I saw another large stadium sized church on Sunday morning. This time I was up in the sky looking down on it and a huge explosion when off and the roof collapsed, the whole building was engulfed in flames and I saw very few get out and run to safety.
“My hand of protection has been lifted from you and you have handed over to Satan for the destruction of your flesh so that your souls may be saved. You will not be flying away before any of the “bad stuff” happens, as you have told your flock. Everything that you now possess will be stripped from you and you be mocked, hated, tortured and killed because you were not under the shadow of my wings but you were found under the shadow of another lover!
Some of you will be thrown into the great tribulation and some will repent, but some will shake their fist at the sky and blame God and will be cast into the lake of fire forever.
I wish for none of you to choose the latter.
Return to Me in repentance, My children!
I wait for you to turn and I will be right there to embrace you!
People of God I urge you to send this message to any and every ministry that the Lord would lead you to send it to. Time is very short and this message needs to be heeded.
Love and Peace
Jeffrey D. Byerly
HolySpiritWind at 12:00:00 AM