A Warning for the World
September 11, 2022 9:52 AM
Paul Campos
But for the past 2 years the Lord has told me there will be typhoons, tsunamis, hurricanes and tornados, this vision was from 2 years ago, God Bless, Stay Strong
June 28 2020 1125 am Written
The Lord has pressed it on my heart to
Share more of my visions. He gave me a string of visions, one right after another.
The first vision was a huge building burning.
God said buildings will keep burning. I believe he’s referring to the rioting and looting.
The 2nd vision were images of storms all over the world. The lord said storms will be coming. There have been many random natural disasters and storms around the world.
The 3rd vision were American soldiers fighting in battle. And the lord said there will be a war.
I don’t know where or when this will happen.
These are warnings from God for the things that are to come or that have already been set in motion.
At the end of these visions, again the lord told me to tell everybody He is coming back very soon.
So please be prepared for the return of Jesus Christ, we don’t know the exact day he will return but it could be at anytime.
So for those that think they have more than enough time and are gonna put Jesus on the back burner.
You are wrong, we are to be active and on fire for Christ. We the bride should be ready for our bridegroom. Please be alert, be ready!
Shalom, be strong brothers and sisters in Christ and be prepared at all times
Test the Spirit, God is our Salvation, our Hope.
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