A Vision of the Apocalypse – Brother Mischa
I received and drew this around 28 years ago. I was about 17 years old. I did not fully understand what I was drawing at the time, as the symbolism is somewhat different than that of the book of the revelation. I had little to no understanding of the occult & the world was much different then.
A word was given to me while I was drawing it –
“When the adversary will rise up and the church has fallen and nature will be corrupted, when you see this the time is at hand”
I was led, seeing the content in what I can describe as a series of visions and the voice of the Spirit helped me, as it was difficult to behold, as it was to draw. I was hesitant to even begin drawing the eye until I saw the spear piercing it and comforted by the voice, I was able to complete it. The experience took about three hours. The description is in the order I recorded it more or less as are the roman numerals.
It has been a burdensome thing over my life, a scroll that is sweet to the mouth but bitter in the stomach. I have struggled on how to release this word due to its complexity. In much prayer, meditation and recent understanding given, feel it is time. I have tried this in the past just to wash my hands of it, but was unable to have it make sense to others as it does today.
With Billy Graham’s death, as his body lays in honor in the illuminati temple, under the symbol of the incarnation of man into deity I feel a key has turned. The Apotheosis of Washington that in some part is based upon the Aztec Sun Stone that was chosen to represent the dragon of Revelation 12, in the vision I was given.
In the vision the symbol given for the fallen church was the Crystal Cathedral. This is what the Lord has revealed to me over my life about that symbol.
The fallen church in the western world is principally built on the corrupt teachings of Donald Trumps pastor “the great Norman Vincent Peale” and spread by the likes of Robert Schuller who was among the architects of the mega church apostasy. The Crystal Cathedral is a Roman Catholic holding now.
Beside them is the Reverend Billy Graham who has been like a metric of the condition of the western church. The least corrupted of the three, yet his robes are still stained by the adversary to some degree even in death.
And so.
The illuminati have risen, the church defeated, save the remnant. The pyramid & eye, the Crystal Cathedral beneath the Aztec stone.
The angel of the harvest calling.
The celestial warnings given, the blood moon bottom left in the drawing.
The sign of Revelation 12 falling on this past feast of trumpets.
The great precession cycle, the Aztec Stone of the Ages, the blood moon, a symbol for the celestial alignment cycle in the vision.
Next is the head of John on a platter & “the spirit of Elijah”
This has not yet occurred yet, but we are at the threshold. It is interesting that the Aztec stone was chosen for the dragon of Revelation 12, as upon it are the symbols for the winged serpent and in my knowledge, I know of no other time where human sacrifice was as prevalent, in this age, where hearts were torn out and heads rolled.
The final image is Ezekiel’s chariot or the beasts around the Lords throne this is a symbol of precession & Revelation 4 as well.
And finally there is the spear that pierced the side of the Lord upon which flows His blood and water that breaks the eye of the adversary.
With Billy Graham’s death, as his body lays in honor in the illuminati temple, under the symbol of the incarnation of man into deity I feel a key has turned. The Apotheosis of Washington that in some part is based upon the Aztec Sun Stone that was chosen to represent the dragon of Revelation 12, in the vision I was given.
In the vision the symbol given for the fallen church was the Crystal Cathedral. This is what the Lord has revealed to me over my life about that symbol.
The fallen church in the western world is principally built on the corrupt teachings of Donald Trumps pastor “the great Norman Vincent Peale” and spread by the likes of Robert Schuller who was among the architects of the mega church apostasy. The Crystal Cathedral is a Roman Catholic holding now.
Beside them is the Reverend Billy Graham who has been like a metric of the condition of the western church. The least corrupted of the three, yet his robes are still stained by the adversary to some degree even in death.
And so.
The illuminati have risen, the church defeated, save the remnant. The pyramid & eye, the Crystal Cathedral beneath the Aztec stone.
The angel of the harvest calling.
The celestial warnings given, the blood moon bottom left in the drawing.
The sign of Revelation 12 falling on this past feast of trumpets.
The great precession cycle, the Aztec Stone of the Ages, the blood moon, a symbol for the celestial alignment cycle in the vision.
Next is the head of John on a platter & “the spirit of Elijah”
This has not yet occurred yet, but we are at the threshold. It is interesting that the Aztec stone was chosen for the dragon of Revelation 12, as upon it are the symbols for the winged serpent and in my knowledge, I know of no other time where human sacrifice was as prevalent, in this age, where hearts were torn out and heads rolled.
The final image is Ezekiel’s chariot or the beasts around the Lords throne this is a symbol of precession & Revelation 4 as well.
And finally there is the spear that pierced the side of the Lord upon which flows His blood and water that breaks the eye of the adversary.
This is the remnant.
I.I saw a pyramid with the all seeing eye above it. I realized that this was an evil symbol and wondered why it was on the US dollar bill. I saw a spear and felt it was that which pierced the side of the Christ breaking the eye. I added the spear scribbling out the iris of the eye, and then finished drawing the eye. Then saw nature that had been engineered or corrupted, the parts that were not were untouched militant, animated, raising up against mankind (drawn bellow right of the pyramid), in the form of a tree with a cross like symbol added by man to nature. It was as if nature was raging against its oppressor mankind.
II.I saw the Crystal Cathedral that represented the church in the United States and western world to me. I then saw a figure with a scythe and thought at first it was death, as the angel was frightfully awesome, then realized it was an angel calling out the faithful from the church and the world of the pyramid and the eye.
III.The angel had dominion over time and creation having robe like wings and unlimited authority, I drew a globus cruciger as a symbol of his power (I did not see him holding this, it was a symbol drawn to convey his power)
IV.The sun, became the earth, that became the moon then all these were covered in shadow and darkness. As I was drawing I drew a circle with clouds, as it changed to the earth I added landmass, then filled in the circle as it changed to the moon leaving it black as you see it now.
V.At this point I heard a voice say –
“When the adversary will rise up and the church has fallen and nature will be corrupted, when you see this the time is at hand”
I saw a female like an angel, but I knew she was not an angel in the sky, I thought it was strange for her to be an angel, as angels almost always are male, then I saw wings on her, I found this odd as well, as most angels do not have the kind of wings she had, as her wings were made of feathers. I did not know how to draw what I saw. She also did and did not have these feathered wings. I began to draw them in and stopped (finishing only one completely) I did not know what I was seeing. I saw the sun in behind her (I drew it similar to the Japanese flag)
VI.I saw another symbol I recognized it was in the sky as well beside the angel I did not know what it was but had seen it, it was a “Mexican” artifact the stone disc and was in the sky as well, beside the female angel.
VII.I saw the severed head of John the Baptist on a platter and heard the voice say “the spirit of Elijah”. My heart lept up and further when the Spirit spoke as it gave me joy to see them. Only at this point I understood I was seeing the great tribulation and wondered how could I not realize this before. It was obvious in the drawing as in the promptings of the voice… but not in the vision as what I saw was different. I did recall that the angel woman and the sun with her was written of in the book of revelation but did not know the content enough to realize what it was.
VIII.I saw an object that rolled across the land, mechanical, like wheels within wheels, gears within gears moving everywhere with faces and many eyes. I did not know how to draw this and began to draw a compass then a face inside the voice said “eyes within and without” and I added faces and eyes that can be viewed from many angles. When the voice said “within and without” I knew that it was the chariot and later the beasts that I saw.
Genesis chapter 1 v14 to 18
And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
When the land was restored to Israel in the seedtime of spring the Jubilee count began according to Leviticus when the land was restored to Israel.
In 2014, two blood moons were given 1 for Passover, 1 for Sukkot. In 2015, two blood moons were given 1 for Passover, 1 for Sukkot. In 2016, counting 266 days on the lunar calendar given in Leviticus brings New Years day solar calendar 2017.
Counting 38 weeks brings the advent of the sign of Revelation 12. The new moon was sighted and the Feast of Trumpets aligned with the sign. The Day of Atonement (when Jubilee is proclaimed) and Sukkot as well under it.
And so, all the Moedim are in the Jubilee that begins soon, as Israel turns 70 years or a generation. Consider Passover the first of the feasts and Sukkot the last, what do they mean? And what heavenly signs remain that can be foreseen?
Repent and be baptized in the water, blood and fire of the Lord. Be the assembly of the Christ written of in the book of acts.
The kingdom of heaven is at hand!