
A Time of Rest Before More Battles – Kevin Barrett

Kevin Barrett

October 16, 2018

A Time of Rest Before More Battles

Dear Saints,

My dear friend and pastor has received another urgent word for the Body of Christ in this critical hour. Please prayerfully receive His loving words to us.

Word of the Lord:

“My People, hear your Heavenly Father this day as I come to you to bring you glad tidings & to pour out My everlasting love. I come to bring you news of peace & also to prepare you for the time ahead. For many of you have stood strong amidst the battles that have surrounded you…many have stood up & fought the spiritual strongholds that have shown themselves through the recent political battles. Many of you have felt the intensity of these battles, having withstood them, standing firm in that which I have established within you.

And now there is a time of peace, as you may rest from your battles, regroup & regain more strength which you spent through adversity. Enjoy this short time, My people…rest from your battles & begin to draw upon Me to heal you & to strengthen you, as I prepare you for what is yet ahead. For very soon the time for battle will return…very soon you will need to stand strong again…so stand fast in the liberty that I have made you free! For in the next few weeks, you will see an intensity arise all around you…many troubling things will be heard.

As the spiritual climate goes to new heights in what the demonic realm would desire to do to repress & limit you, do not give in to a spirit of fear that will attempt to wound many…I need My people to trust Me as never before. For the battles of the past few weeks were fierce & some were not even aware of the many things that were at stake…but as My people stood strong during that time, the enemy could not function to complete his plans & his attempts were thwarted. In this rejoice, My people, for a great victory has truly been won for you!

And now look to Me as I lead you ahead in the coming spiritual wars…for before this coming election, many things will take place to try to get My people’s eyes off of what really matters, so you will not be focused to fight. This election is an important battle…do not underestimate its importance! For the outcome of it will set the stage for many years ahead. On the one side, they desire to derail what I have only begun to accomplish to return this nation back to Me. The other side must win, or My people will quickly lose all of their freedoms.

I want to re-emphasize that this is a global war…it does NOT just relate to the USA…for whatever happens to this nation, will ultimately affect the entire world. You have seen how My servant, this seated President has already brought MUCH change not only to your nation, but also to the whole world. If those who desire to turn back what I have started are to win…the world will suffer unthinkable losses, challenges & woes. I need My people to stand at attention & be PRESENT in what is soon to be happening…for your freedoms depend on it.

You cannot hide your heads in the sand & expect Me to do all the fighting for you. I WILL do My part…but I also NEED you to do yours! My people need to understand what is REALLY happening. The political stage is no longer what it used to be. In times past, politics were mostly limited to people & government…but in the past several years politics have advanced into a VERY spiritual nature…for what many do not know is that these areas are now infiltrated by elite forces, controlled by demonic strongholds…this is truly a battle you must win!

For the stakes of this election will swing the door of time in one of two directions…if the enemy wins, My people will not have the freedom to reach the lost on a level that they now have, but instead great adversity & persecution will arise & My people will experience what is happening in many nations around this world. But, as My people will stand up & fight, they will see the greatest victory that history has ever known as My people rise up & take back this nation & the world for My glory, before I return. Isn’t this what you want to happen?

For as those who have tasted the glory of what My people are to be is realized through this victory, great revival will begin & My people will take their place to arise & shine, for the glory of their Lord shall arise on them. As My people were awaken from spiritual sleep through the course of the previous presidential administration & the hundreds of millions began to pray all around the world on that great election night in 2016, even so, as My people will stand again & reach out unto Me for My will to be done…you will see great things begin to change.

Do not allow a spirit of mediocrity deceive you into thinking this isn’t important. REMEMBER…the night I was betrayed in the garden when the MOB came to arrest Me. What did I say? I said: “When I was daily with you in the temple, you stretched forth no hands against Me: but this is your hour & the power of darkness“. THAT entire attack was a POLITICAL event staged by the devil. Had this not been political, I would have never been betrayed or crucified! THIS current political staging is on the same par as Mine, but compounded exponentially!

You do not want the opposing side to win…for the effects of that would be devastating…the violence against righteousness would instantly increase & a spirit of fear would grip My people all around the world. The time for battle has come…you must realize this & be ready to take your place in battle. Be instant, in season, and out of season. Yes, enjoy the next few days, but be ready in an instant to stand in your rightful place against the powers of darkness. I need you to do you part & fight with Me…you will not be disappointed, says the Lord”


These are very critical times we live in. It is VERY important that we both pray for God’s will to prevail in the November U.S. mid-term elections and do our part in the natural by getting out and voting. If we don’t do our part and lose this election to the enemy, things will get very bad very fast and we will most likely quickly lose our religious liberties among many other freedoms. I for one greatly desire to see God get the victory over the enemy, not only in the elections, but also in a great end-times revival…. Please take this word to heart and share it with your brothers and sisters in Christ….


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