A Time of Darkness…
January 20, 2025
Mena Lee Jones
I want to share a dream that was given to me the night before the election.
In this dream, I was driving on a highway. I knew I was heading west because the sun was setting in front of me.
I looked up and saw a large billboard on the left. It read “Trump 2024.”
I glanced at the billboard and thought within myself, “Oh, he won.”
As I drove, what seemed slowly, past the sign, I readjusted my focus back to the highway in front of me. Immediately, I was plunged into total darkness. It was as if someone turned off the lights. I was still driving on the road, but it quickly became difficult for me to see. In the same breath of my panic, I realized someone was in the car with me. It was Donald Trump! He was sitting in the passenger seat.
I quickly realized that I couldn’t continue on the road because it was entirely too dark (even with my headlights on). So I decided to pull off onto the shoulder of the road for safety. As I was merging left, it was like some type of force pushed the vehicle, and I loss control as the car began to flip. The flip itself was in slow motion and I knew we were going to end up at the bottom of a hill. I could hear Trump screaming in fear. When the car landed, all went silent. My eyes were closed…
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