Deep Calls to Deep
8/14/18 A word I received this morning~
Daughter, keep your thoughts fixed on Me and My words in your heart. You will do well to follow My commands and keep My words. Speak this message to My people:
A time is coming and is even now when you will see things you can’t imagine. A time is coming and is even now that sudden disaster will come upon you when you think you are safe. Those who look to Me will be saved from calamities. Those who put their hope and trust in Me alone will find refuge in the storms that are coming. Though the arrows fly by day and the pestilence comes near at night, I will protect all who are called by My name and keep My covenant of love. Look to Me to be your strong tower and rampart when thousands fall by your side, even ten thousand all around you. Come away with Me, My children and hide underneath the feathers of My wings. Seek Me now while I may be found . My mercy and grace will lift and the ark door will shut. Do not let the rains sweep you away. Do not be drowned in the flood. I love you My children and it is not My desire that any should perish but all to be saved! Turn from your wicked ways and repent while there is time. I will not relent forever.
Daughter, write these words that are faithful and true. I am the vine and you are the branches. If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, you are Mine.
Scripture References:
Psalm 91
Malachi 3:16-17
Isaiah 55:6-7
1 Timothy 2:4 & 2 Peter 3:8-9
John 15:7
2 Corinthians 6:2