Kim Weir
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
A Summary of What God Has Shown Me
I’m feeling an urgency about the times so strongly today. When you have dreams and/or visions it’s easy to believe something you see is going to happen soon, like the next day. Years ago, I began to realize that things can feel this way because God doesn’t operate in time. He is past, present and future. He wrote the beginning from the end. He is omniscient and as Peter and David proclaimed ‘a day is a thousand years’ with the Lord.
This urgency I feel is due to the heaviness I am feeling in the spiritual realm. The battles are just raging. It is so heavy. The enemy is doing a lot and has more stronghold in this world than ever.
I’m careful not to assign times to things I see. That’s gotten me in trouble in the past. But I do feel an urgency. I don’t know when certain things Gods shown me (and the few others I trust) will happen. I do believe at some point things will decline rapidly. Because of this I want to simply post a summation of the things God has shown me for almost 30 years. This post will be long. I hope you will stil read this. The enemy wants our attention spans to be short. He wants us to be impatient. He’s done many things in America to help cultivate this in our culture. It works to his advantage.
I’m not trying to convince you to read this because I am great and have the truth. I profess Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten son of the living God who has all truth. I am simply a humble messenger. The only reason I can tell you God decided to show me things is because he is God. I’m not someone with some kind of halo over my head. Oh, no! God makes choices we can’t understand. He does what he wants. I’m just a sinner saved by grace that he chose to give dreams and visions to. And I fear the Lord.
Through the years I have been shown some major things. There are some things I’ve been shown that I catagorize as ‘themes.’ I’ve had so many dreams and visions that it has become important after decades to identify and recognize the importance of recurring themes. Here are the themes:
The growing error and evil infiltration of the church (places of worship for Christians)
Warning that a storm comes that most ignore or don’t see
“It’s time to go”
Technological growth and its eventual use as the enemy’s weapon
Abduction, imprisonment of believers, especially those who operate in the prophetic
Miracles of provision performed by God for his people
A leader who will be very evil and rule the world (even America)
Efforts of evil to procreate/use science to attain the power of God himself
Natural disasters
Leaders, nations, presidents
Persecution of saints and those who take a stand for the poor and oppressed
Great deceptions Christians will believe
That was a big portion of my summation. But I’ll elaborate a a little.
The majority of dreams the Lord gave me from 1989-2000 were dreams of warning. There were so so many. I would see a storm coming. I would see a tornado or multiple tornadoes and warm people. Usually very few believed me. In some dreams there were storms of rain and of fire. In some dreams people would be laughing at me and see nothing. In some, people would not awaken out of sleep.In some, I would say a storm was coming but the skies would be clear so people didn’t believe me. In one specific dream, I remember waiting for the storm to hit and I was in an underground shelter. I opened the door to look over a few times to see nothing happening but then the last time I looked out, the storm was coming.
Those who are filled with the Spirit of the Living God need no interpretation to be given. You know what this means. I encourage you to warn others.
I have steadily been shown dreams and a few visions about the error in the church that exists and grows. I’m not against assembling together. In fact, I and my family go to church. But it is important to be aware that much is being done poorly or wrong in the vast majority of churches and to understand the importance of how our enemy is infiltrating the churches as well to pray for Christians everywhere (whether they attend a church or not). We know the gates of Hell will not prevail against the church body. But many Christians have lost hope because of a multitude of corruption in churches .Prayer is needed constantly for those who serve and live for Jesus Christ, the Savior.
The strongest dream God gave me is on my blog here. I do believe it is broken up into two parts because it was very long and very detailed. I believe it is titled Error in the Church.
I’ve had many dreams that ‘it’s time to go.’ In most of these dreams, me and my husband see it’s ‘time to go’ but we don’t know where to go but we know it is time and we leave. We are afraid in these. In some of the dreams, horrible destruction has happened to buildings and structures in the city or a ‘madman’ is on the lose and we must go, taking our children with us to escape the dangers. Will God have me and my family relocate? I can’t say yes for certain. I think it is probable. For me, it’s important to seek God always. If we are his sheep, we know the Shepherd’s voice. He is able to warn us or give direction. If there’s one thing the Lord has shown me in these dreams, it’s that we have to have faith in him if we are to survive and complete the work he has for us to do. We cannot rely on our possessions (money, vehicle, weapons, etc). We must rely on the Holy Spirit.
Technology has been a recurrent theme in dreams and visions. Honestly, these are some of the most frightening dreams and visions I’ve had. They shake me to the core, even now. Technology isn’t evil. Technology in the hands of evil people is. One of the most powerful visions I’ve ever had was about a demonic power using technology worldwide. I posted it here on my blog. The title is something along the lines of ‘Creature with a Hand in Every Nation.’ There is an enemy who will rise. In fact, God has shown me that for decades, the way of this man is ‘being made’. Technology is so phenomenal and I’m thankful for the advancements it has made but anyone with half a brain can know that if the wrong people are in power and if the circumstances are exactly right, it is a weapon that can be used against humanity on a large scale.
I’ve had many dreams of being abducted, tortured or locked up. I even had one where I was placed in a hospital ran by evil powers and put into a medical coma but the Lord woke me out of it. In these dreams I generally help free others, or God performs miracles to save me and others. I have had a few where I am killed. What do I take from these dreams? That Christians will be persecuted in a myriad of ways. Some of us will help others get free, some of us will die trying and some of us will be miraculously spared. The Lord knows all. Each of us has a journey with the Lord. Don’t let fear overpower you. We will be with the Lord Jesus Christ and see one another again.
Rejoice! Many dreams and visions, especially in the last several years have been about the miracles God performs on behalf of his people. God doesn’t change. He made a few fish and loaves feed thousands with some left over. He has promised to meet our needs. It may not be an easy journey for us but he will provide. If he fed the children of Israel manna and quail, he will provide for us if we can ‘no longer buy or sell’ or find ourselves destitute, physically. I’ve seen the Lord cast demons out, heal sick bodies, bring believers together to share supplies and he has told me there are people he has told specifically to stock up on items because he will take care of believers through them when they need it.
A word of wisdom here. If the Lord has shown you to stock up on supplies, do so. If you stock up in wisdom, this is good. If you stock up in fear and you are dependent on it more than you are on the Lord, don’t do this. Just as the saved manna and the excess quail spoiled, so will your stock. Do you have faith in what you have? Or do you have faith in God? As I said, if you stock up in wisdom, not in fear this should bless you and others.
Food, water, shelter, clothing, medical needs will be provided to Christians who follow God and do not fall to despair or give in to the enemy and what he has to offer.
The most horrific visions God has ever given me have been about a man who will rise up and desires to rule the world. These visions left me in shock, in tears, speechless and even too affected to write down what I was shown for several days. Some were very detailed. I saw this man in detail and his heart. I will never forget his face. There are 4 others who have shared they have seen this same man. They say they will never forget how he looked either. And I still have not seen this man in leadership or on TV. A few men I suspected but it wasn’t him. One vision is here called ‘The Dark Leader’ where I Ann given details about this evil man. One of
the visions I had over 10 years ago is on my blog here about a winged creature that represented
a world ruler. The color of light blue (of the UN) was one of 2 colors in its wings. An angel told me it would rule over many nations. I am certain every nation in the northern hemisphere will be under its rule. And though I haven’t heard specifically, portions of the Southern Hemisphere will be also ruled.
After a lot of prayer I have concluded the leader that’s coming to ‘rule the world’ isn’t alone. He has a vast network of people with wealth and power and his way is being made by them. In 2016 the Lord gave me a vision that lasted for 3 days. In this long vision, I saw many things happen to America. I am only a messenger though. I do not have full interpretation nor can I give any specific times for all I saw. In this vision though, I saw this leader looking to us from the east after many calamities occurred after Donald Trump had been president. He is not American. He says he is of the lineage of King David. He says he is a friend to Israel and many conservative Christians here will support him because of this lie. He is a liar. He is evil. He will deceive many. He will have a charisma that is demonic.
In one dream associated with this man, I saw that no possession I had was safe from the technological power he had. He had slaughtered sheep and was angry at me and looking for me to harm me also. I knew my only protection from this evil man was God, himself. A word of encouragement. Just as angels have been sent to deliver, warn and hide people in the Bible, they will be sent to us also. God never changes. Trust him. Seek him. He will take care of you
The strange dreams about procreation have seemed so strange and mysterious to me. But in the last 2 years I have been learning about technology that can mutate or manipulate DNA and I’m learning about hybrid creation. I know so little about it that I can’t say much about it. I will say that I have dreamed of women of minorities being experimented on reproductively and they didn’t see they were a part of an evil agenda, though I tried to tell them. I also know the enemy will try to attain the power of the Holy Spirit by natural means. I actually had a dream recently and it’s all so strange to me. In this dream a few nights ago, Kanye West looked at me and said ‘Sheep and humans cannot procreate but goats and humans can.’ This has meaning, people. And procreation is such an important part of the Bible that I believe it has to be important to the enemy. Why? Because if it is important to God, it is something the spirit of antichrist seeks to defile.
I’ve had a lot of dreams and visions of war. The most disturbing was a war we started based on an assumption. Despite my warning, proud Americans drew first blood in a war
that we lose. We were spying on this nation. They seemed tribal so I knew they weren’t a 1st world nation. I do not believe this war has happened yet. It comes to mind very often. It was a very sad dream.
Other dreams have been more specifically spiritual wars. I have had visions about a civil war in our nation too.
As for leaders and presidents, the most important people who are known leaders I’ve seen have been Mahmoud Abbas (in a dream in 2001) and Vladimir Putin and the Bush family. I’ve seen things Clinton’s, John McCain, John Kerry, Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Also, Kim Jong Un, Chinese leaders, leaders of England, Sadam Hussein and various American politicians. Why are the ones I stated so important? I know Abbas was important because the Lord showed me he was. I know he has held several important positions (and currently does). The Lord showed me clearly that he was doing something that would affect the world in a bad way. Perhaps he has already done it or perhaps he hasn’t. I believe the Lord though.
As for Putin, I have been shown for 15 years that he despises the USA. He is a ravenous wolf, he will have a greater rule. I was shown in 2016 that Russia had interfered with the 2016 presidential election also. It was shown very clearly to me that they were involved and sadly, Russia may cause real destruction to this nation.
The Bush administrations have been instrumental in setting things in place for the dark leader to come. Dick Cheney more specifically. I was shown Cheney has known the dark leader for a long time.
God showed me a very bizarre thing during W’s presidency. He showed me a vision of Bush being assassinated. This upset me terribly and I interceded. As time passed I had other visions and believe the vision was about the Republican Party. In the vision, Bush was shot and killed by one of his own. I believe this could be about tea party, Libertarian and Republican situations. Knowing that the Bush family would not support the Republican nomination Donald Trump for the election of 2016 speaks to the inner fightings of the party. These visions were very important. Why? I only know that the Lord impressed upon me that they are VERY important. Whatever happens in the Republican Party is very important.
I’ve shared some about persecution I’ve seen in dreams and visions. Christians will be persecuted even in America. I’ve had some very difficult visions of people being harmed or killed for the stand they take to support the poor and oppressed.
As for deceptions, I’ve mentioned some things to watch out for. An evil man who says he is a friend to Israel but isn’t. And this same man will come along with answers to world problems and he will be more deceptive than any man that’s been on the earth. Even able to deceive those of the faith. Don’t be sucked into arguments and disputes over social issues and parties. This feeds into the beast that is and will come. Instead, heed Christ’s teachings of love, prayer, mercy and wisdom. Spend your time in prayer and not in protest. Read the Bible rather than articles written by various activist groups. News cannot be trusted, friends. The world is too corrupt. I am not saying we should not keep up with what is going on in the world. I’m saying we should be sure to focus our energies on the work of the Lord (and no, petitions and protests aren’t). And when we hear or read news, pray and take it with a grain of salt. God knows the truth. I know I am always praying the Lord show me what is true out there. Media is corrupt, powered by Satan. Very little out there is sharing truth.
I wanted to write this post because our days could be shorter than we think. This urgency I feel persuaded me to type this and share it. I do not ask anyone to believe what I say, blindly. To do this would be to disobey Gods Word. He has told us to test ever spirit. I ask that you simply pray about it. Pray for the body of Christ and the lost and do as the Lord has commanded in the Bible.
Kim Weir
A Summary of What God Has Shown Me
I’m feeling an urgency about the times so strongly today. When you have dreams and/or visions it’s easy to believe something you see is going to happen soon, like the next day. Years ago, I began to realize that things can feel this way because God doesn’t operate in time. He is past, present and future. He wrote the beginning from the end. He is omniscient and as Peter and David proclaimed ‘a day is a thousand years’ with the Lord.
This urgency I feel is due to the heaviness I am feeling in the spiritual realm. The battles are just raging. It is so heavy. The enemy is doing a lot and has more stronghold in this world than ever.
I’m careful not to assign times to things I see. That’s gotten me in trouble in the past. But I do feel an urgency. I don’t know when certain things Gods shown me (and the few others I trust) will happen. I do believe at some point things will decline rapidly. Because of this I want to simply post a summation of the things God has shown me for almost 30 years. This post will be long. I hope you will stil read this. The enemy wants our attention spans to be short. He wants us to be impatient. He’s done many things in America to help cultivate this in our culture. It works to his advantage.
I’m not trying to convince you to read this because I am great and have the truth. I profess Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten son of the living God who has all truth. I am simply a humble messenger. The only reason I can tell you God decided to show me things is because he is God. I’m not someone with some kind of halo over my head. Oh, no! God makes choices we can’t understand. He does what he wants. I’m just a sinner saved by grace that he chose to give dreams and visions to. And I fear the Lord.
Through the years I have been shown some major things. There are some things I’ve been shown that I catagorize as ‘themes.’ I’ve had so many dreams and visions that it has become important after decades to identify and recognize the importance of recurring themes. Here are the themes:
The growing error and evil infiltration of the church (places of worship for Christians)
Warning that a storm comes that most ignore or don’t see
“It’s time to go”
Technological growth and its eventual use as the enemy’s weapon
Abduction, imprisonment of believers, especially those who operate in the prophetic
Miracles of provision performed by God for his people
A leader who will be very evil and rule the world (even America)
Efforts of evil to procreate/use science to attain the power of God himself
Natural disasters
Leaders, nations, presidents
Persecution of saints and those who take a stand for the poor and oppressed
Great deceptions Christians will believe
That was a big portion of my summation. But I’ll elaborate a a little.
The majority of dreams the Lord gave me from 1989-2000 were dreams of warning. There were so so many. I would see a storm coming. I would see a tornado or multiple tornadoes and warm people. Usually very few believed me. In some dreams there were storms of rain and of fire. In some dreams people would be laughing at me and see nothing. In some, people would not awaken out of sleep.In some, I would say a storm was coming but the skies would be clear so people didn’t believe me. In one specific dream, I remember waiting for the storm to hit and I was in an underground shelter. I opened the door to look over a few times to see nothing happening but then the last time I looked out, the storm was coming.
Those who are filled with the Spirit of the Living God need no interpretation to be given. You know what this means. I encourage you to warn others.
I have steadily been shown dreams and a few visions about the error in the church that exists and grows. I’m not against assembling together. In fact, I and my family go to church. But it is important to be aware that much is being done poorly or wrong in the vast majority of churches and to understand the importance of how our enemy is infiltrating the churches as well to pray for Christians everywhere (whether they attend a church or not). We know the gates of Hell will not prevail against the church body. But many Christians have lost hope because of a multitude of corruption in churches .Prayer is needed constantly for those who serve and live for Jesus Christ, the Savior.
The strongest dream God gave me is on my blog here. I do believe it is broken up into two parts because it was very long and very detailed. I believe it is titled Error in the Church.
I’ve had many dreams that ‘it’s time to go.’ In most of these dreams, me and my husband see it’s ‘time to go’ but we don’t know where to go but we know it is time and we leave. We are afraid in these. In some of the dreams, horrible destruction has happened to buildings and structures in the city or a ‘madman’ is on the lose and we must go, taking our children with us to escape the dangers. Will God have me and my family relocate? I can’t say yes for certain. I think it is probable. For me, it’s important to seek God always. If we are his sheep, we know the Shepherd’s voice. He is able to warn us or give direction. If there’s one thing the Lord has shown me in these dreams, it’s that we have to have faith in him if we are to survive and complete the work he has for us to do. We cannot rely on our possessions (money, vehicle, weapons, etc). We must rely on the Holy Spirit.
Technology has been a recurrent theme in dreams and visions. Honestly, these are some of the most frightening dreams and visions I’ve had. They shake me to the core, even now. Technology isn’t evil. Technology in the hands of evil people is. One of the most powerful visions I’ve ever had was about a demonic power using technology worldwide. I posted it here on my blog. The title is something along the lines of ‘Creature with a Hand in Every Nation.’ There is an enemy who will rise. In fact, God has shown me that for decades, the way of this man is ‘being made’. Technology is so phenomenal and I’m thankful for the advancements it has made but anyone with half a brain can know that if the wrong people are in power and if the circumstances are exactly right, it is a weapon that can be used against humanity on a large scale.
I’ve had many dreams of being abducted, tortured or locked up. I even had one where I was placed in a hospital ran by evil powers and put into a medical coma but the Lord woke me out of it. In these dreams I generally help free others, or God performs miracles to save me and others. I have had a few where I am killed. What do I take from these dreams? That Christians will be persecuted in a myriad of ways. Some of us will help others get free, some of us will die trying and some of us will be miraculously spared. The Lord knows all. Each of us has a journey with the Lord. Don’t let fear overpower you. We will be with the Lord Jesus Christ and see one another again.
Rejoice! Many dreams and visions, especially in the last several years have been about the miracles God performs on behalf of his people. God doesn’t change. He made a few fish and loaves feed thousands with some left over. He has promised to meet our needs. It may not be an easy journey for us but he will provide. If he fed the children of Israel manna and quail, he will provide for us if we can ‘no longer buy or sell’ or find ourselves destitute, physically. I’ve seen the Lord cast demons out, heal sick bodies, bring believers together to share supplies and he has told me there are people he has told specifically to stock up on items because he will take care of believers through them when they need it.
A word of wisdom here. If the Lord has shown you to stock up on supplies, do so. If you stock up in wisdom, this is good. If you stock up in fear and you are dependent on it more than you are on the Lord, don’t do this. Just as the saved manna and the excess quail spoiled, so will your stock. Do you have faith in what you have? Or do you have faith in God? As I said, if you stock up in wisdom, not in fear this should bless you and others.
Food, water, shelter, clothing, medical needs will be provided to Christians who follow God and do not fall to despair or give in to the enemy and what he has to offer.
The most horrific visions God has ever given me have been about a man who will rise up and desires to rule the world. These visions left me in shock, in tears, speechless and even too affected to write down what I was shown for several days. Some were very detailed. I saw this man in detail and his heart. I will never forget his face. There are 4 others who have shared they have seen this same man. They say they will never forget how he looked either. And I still have not seen this man in leadership or on TV. A few men I suspected but it wasn’t him. One vision is here called ‘The Dark Leader’ where I Ann given details about this evil man. One of
the visions I had over 10 years ago is on my blog here about a winged creature that represented
a world ruler. The color of light blue (of the UN) was one of 2 colors in its wings. An angel told me it would rule over many nations. I am certain every nation in the northern hemisphere will be under its rule. And though I haven’t heard specifically, portions of the Southern Hemisphere will be also ruled.
After a lot of prayer I have concluded the leader that’s coming to ‘rule the world’ isn’t alone. He has a vast network of people with wealth and power and his way is being made by them. In 2016 the Lord gave me a vision that lasted for 3 days. In this long vision, I saw many things happen to America. I am only a messenger though. I do not have full interpretation nor can I give any specific times for all I saw. In this vision though, I saw this leader looking to us from the east after many calamities occurred after Donald Trump had been president. He is not American. He says he is of the lineage of King David. He says he is a friend to Israel and many conservative Christians here will support him because of this lie. He is a liar. He is evil. He will deceive many. He will have a charisma that is demonic.
In one dream associated with this man, I saw that no possession I had was safe from the technological power he had. He had slaughtered sheep and was angry at me and looking for me to harm me also. I knew my only protection from this evil man was God, himself. A word of encouragement. Just as angels have been sent to deliver, warn and hide people in the Bible, they will be sent to us also. God never changes. Trust him. Seek him. He will take care of you
The strange dreams about procreation have seemed so strange and mysterious to me. But in the last 2 years I have been learning about technology that can mutate or manipulate DNA and I’m learning about hybrid creation. I know so little about it that I can’t say much about it. I will say that I have dreamed of women of minorities being experimented on reproductively and they didn’t see they were a part of an evil agenda, though I tried to tell them. I also know the enemy will try to attain the power of the Holy Spirit by natural means. I actually had a dream recently and it’s all so strange to me. In this dream a few nights ago, Kanye West looked at me and said ‘Sheep and humans cannot procreate but goats and humans can.’ This has meaning, people. And procreation is such an important part of the Bible that I believe it has to be important to the enemy. Why? Because if it is important to God, it is something the spirit of antichrist seeks to defile.
I’ve had a lot of dreams and visions of war. The most disturbing was a war we started based on an assumption. Despite my warning, proud Americans drew first blood in a war
that we lose. We were spying on this nation. They seemed tribal so I knew they weren’t a 1st world nation. I do not believe this war has happened yet. It comes to mind very often. It was a very sad dream.
Other dreams have been more specifically spiritual wars. I have had visions about a civil war in our nation too.
As for leaders and presidents, the most important people who are known leaders I’ve seen have been Mahmoud Abbas (in a dream in 2001) and Vladimir Putin and the Bush family. I’ve seen things Clinton’s, John McCain, John Kerry, Barack Obama and Donald Trump. Also, Kim Jong Un, Chinese leaders, leaders of England, Sadam Hussein and various American politicians. Why are the ones I stated so important? I know Abbas was important because the Lord showed me he was. I know he has held several important positions (and currently does). The Lord showed me clearly that he was doing something that would affect the world in a bad way. Perhaps he has already done it or perhaps he hasn’t. I believe the Lord though.
As for Putin, I have been shown for 15 years that he despises the USA. He is a ravenous wolf, he will have a greater rule. I was shown in 2016 that Russia had interfered with the 2016 presidential election also. It was shown very clearly to me that they were involved and sadly, Russia may cause real destruction to this nation.
The Bush administrations have been instrumental in setting things in place for the dark leader to come. Dick Cheney more specifically. I was shown Cheney has known the dark leader for a long time.
God showed me a very bizarre thing during W’s presidency. He showed me a vision of Bush being assassinated. This upset me terribly and I interceded. As time passed I had other visions and believe the vision was about the Republican Party. In the vision, Bush was shot and killed by one of his own. I believe this could be about tea party, Libertarian and Republican situations. Knowing that the Bush family would not support the Republican nomination Donald Trump for the election of 2016 speaks to the inner fightings of the party. These visions were very important. Why? I only know that the Lord impressed upon me that they are VERY important. Whatever happens in the Republican Party is very important.
I’ve shared some about persecution I’ve seen in dreams and visions. Christians will be persecuted even in America. I’ve had some very difficult visions of people being harmed or killed for the stand they take to support the poor and oppressed.
As for deceptions, I’ve mentioned some things to watch out for. An evil man who says he is a friend to Israel but isn’t. And this same man will come along with answers to world problems and he will be more deceptive than any man that’s been on the earth. Even able to deceive those of the faith. Don’t be sucked into arguments and disputes over social issues and parties. This feeds into the beast that is and will come. Instead, heed Christ’s teachings of love, prayer, mercy and wisdom. Spend your time in prayer and not in protest. Read the Bible rather than articles written by various activist groups. News cannot be trusted, friends. The world is too corrupt. I am not saying we should not keep up with what is going on in the world. I’m saying we should be sure to focus our energies on the work of the Lord (and no, petitions and protests aren’t). And when we hear or read news, pray and take it with a grain of salt. God knows the truth. I know I am always praying the Lord show me what is true out there. Media is corrupt, powered by Satan. Very little out there is sharing truth.
I wanted to write this post because our days could be shorter than we think. This urgency I feel persuaded me to type this and share it. I do not ask anyone to believe what I say, blindly. To do this would be to disobey Gods Word. He has told us to test ever spirit. I ask that you simply pray about it. Pray for the body of Christ and the lost and do as the Lord has commanded in the Bible.
Kim Weir