A Prophetic Warning For Kenneth Copeland
December 3, 2022 3:26 PM
Bro. John in Mo.
Greetings to all the Saints of God worldwide. The other day, I was thinking back at some of the dreams and visions that I have received over the past 13 years, since I received the Holy Spirit baptism. Recently I felt led of the Lord, to submit this prophetic dream to the body of Christ, that I had over 6 years ago concerning Kenneth Copeland.
Before I relay the dream, there are a few things I would like to say. When I first got saved, back nearly 33 years ago, Copeland was one of the first preachers that I began watching on T. V. Being a young impressionable Christian, I was really drawn into his charismatic personality, style, and wit.
Back around 1993, I worked with a lady who signed me up to start receiving David Wilkerson’s “Times Square Church Pulpit Series” newsletter in the mail. Every 3 weeks, those anointed words from the pen of Bro. Wilkerson, began to clearly show me that the so called “Word Of Faith” teaching of Kenneth Copeland, and others, was a complete falsehood, and total scriptural error. (Thank you Lord, for pulling me out of lies, and into the truth!)
There is no way to know the true spiritual damage that Copeland, Dollar, Meyer, Duplantis, Jakes, Hagin, and many others have caused the church, and sadly, it is only getting worse. The false foundation that these “preachers” have laid, is now giving birth to an even worse generation of deceived spiritual hucksters. Many are now adding “vision boards”, “visualization”,”laws of attraction” and many other types of demonic witchcraft to the “word of faith” teachings, as if the so called “word of faith” doctrine wasn’t bad enough. Enough said. Let’s get on to the dream.
The following dream I am about to relay, happened on November 28th, 2016. In the dream, it was a snowy winter day. I saw an older model van, which looked to be from back in the 1990’s, parked down near the bottom of my driveway. As I walked up to it, I saw that it was Kenneth Copeland, working inside the van. He and I started talking casually to one another, (I don’t remember what about) and he was very kind, and smiling a lot, as he worked.
Inside the van, Bro. Copeland had lowered the back two seats, to where they laid flat, then he unrolled a mattress, and was getting it situated to where it fit back there perfectly. Once he had the mattress situated, he began putting on the sheets, bedspread, and pillows. He was very focused on what he was doing.
He began tucking in all the corners, smoothing out each and every wrinkle on the sheets, and bedspread, as if it had become an obsession to him. (like an obsessive-compulsive disorder) When he finished, it was just the way he wanted it, absolutely perfect. That was the end of the dream.
The next morning, I began thinking about this dream. I thought it was very strange to have a dream like this… about Kenneth Copeland, especially since I haven’t follow his ministry in over 30 years. I strongly sensed that this was a very SPIRITUAL DREAM, so I began seeking the Lord in prayer, as to what was the meaning of it all.
I have asked the Lord about many things over the years, sometimes I get an answer, and sometimes I don’t. Sometimes it takes days, weeks, or even years for the answer to come. Sometimes it doesn’t come at all. This was NOT one of those times. When I asked the Lord the interpretation of the dream, the Lord spoke instantly to me: “HE IS BUSY MAKING HIS BED, AND SOON HE WILL HAVE TO LIE IN IT.” The answer is self explanatory, and I need not add anything to it. Pray for Kenneth Copeland…his eternal soul is in great danger.
Bro. John in Mo.
Photos courtesy Depositphotos