
A Message For The Hour – Wren

A Message For The Hour

May 26, 2024 3:41 PM

May the LORD be glorified

repent for the kingdom of Heaven
is at hand.

Behold I am coming quickley
and my reward is with me
to give to everyman acoording
to his deeds. (works)

to those who by pacient
continuing in my word seek
life everlasting, but judgment to
all the workers of iniquity. to
the jew first then to the whole

All who walk in darkness
have theie eyes blinded and can
not see.

You are the light of the
world, a city set on a hill
can not be hid. You are made
to shine for all the world
to see my light, and truth.
to be drawn to my side. Where
there is mercy and truth. When
They seek me early. I will
be found of them.

Seek Me, with all your heart
seek me early, Don’t faint or
be wearry in well doing.

Those that seek me find me,
knock and the door shall be
opened unto you.

Seek the Lord all the
meek of the earth, yes

I say seek the Lord all you who are werry and heavy
Ladien and I will give you
rest for your souls.

Learn of me, learn from me
I will be your guide, to keep you
in all your ways, never conform
to this world, but be changed
by the renewing of your mind
through the Knowledge of CHRIST

He will set you free, by the
precious blood of the Lamb, and the
word of His testemony you will
be set free. by the precious blood
of the cross, I am free. Not to
live my life in the flesh with
the filth thereof, but to walk
in purity, Holy and acceptible to
Christ which is our reasonable
service, not to be man pleasers
but Lovers of God and not lovers
of self. My little children Flee from
idols. Is is a light thing to
defile yourselves with the cares
of the world. Have not I died
to set you free? why then do
you run back to the filth of the
world, making a mock of my death
and reserection. Did I die in vain?
No, God forbid. but for a pure and
spotless bride, with out spot or winkle
blameless in love and deed. in all
Holyness, looking forward to my return
ever hastening the day of the Return of

the Lord

7-5 1:00 am


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