A Majestic Bride
February 19, 2021 5:09 PM
Humberto Rábago
God bless you Saints of God. I am being moved by the Lord to share one of the clearest Visions I have ever had. The Father showed me the Bride of his son Jesus Christ (Yeshua) and I think it is time to share it openly, he will exhort and bless the one who reads it.
One morning I woke up with a feeling that I had dreamed something very important, I remembered that I saw and heard things but nothing was clear. I was very disappointed that I couldn’t remember anything. Still in bed, I prayed to the Lord so he would give me the dream again.
In a few minutes I fell asleep and saw visions, this is what I saw immediately.
I saw myself on a very large esplanade in a high part, in the distance I saw how a bride enjoyed dancing with her bridesmaids, it was wonderful to see that bride with her beautiful white dresses, the dress was not long but short, this made it easy for her to dance. (I think her fabric was taken from the same clothes of the one that is seated on the Great Throne).
Around her, her bridesmaids admired her and could not take their eyes off her, they pleased, laughed with happiness and followed her dance rhythm and did not separate from her.
I couldn’t hear music with my ears, it was as if she produced the melody that made her friends dance, I can think that in her entrails there were like fluttering butterflies and these were like a symphonic that produces the most tender music of the soul . The eagerness and the superficial did not exist around her, they had fled completely, her focus and gaze was high. She lives in the heights and eats from the hand of her Father, her diet is very rigorous, in her table there is JOY, PEACE, HAPPINESS, GRACE, HOPE AND MUCH, MUCH LOVE AND TRUST.
What a scene I contemplate with my eyes! and my imagination goes beyond without a doubt.
After observing it for a while, I now found myself on a larger esplanade, much lower than the previous esplanade. In this place many people were preparing to participate in a ceremony, there was a lot of fuss about the ceremony that was about to take place. I started observing people and realized two things.
1. People were not dress properly, they wore common clothes and I wondered: How is it possible that they go to the ceremony like this?
2. I saw that people had a small dirty cloth stuck in their chest, it looked very very bad.
When I looked at them, I said to myself: That’s wrong, it looks very ugly, how is it possible that they bring that dirty piece of cloth over their clothes and thus go to present themselves at the ceremony. I understood that it was their cloak and it symbolized her dirty heart, unfortunately they didn’t even give it importance.
Walking on the esplanade, I was dressed in an appropriate suit for the occasion, it was very elegant. Suddenly the doubt arose me if the cloak would be used (remembering that one had been given to me). Earlier, I had been told that I had been chosen by the groom to participate in the ceremony as his friend and to be part of the courtship.
At one point I saw the event coordinator pass, I approached her and asked her if the cloak would be used, to which she answered yes, and that we should be ready. At that moment I knew that my cloak was on the upper esplanade where the bride danced and I went to pick it up. I remember that the staircase was very vertical, there were many steps that led up to the top. When I got to the esplanade, in front of me, I saw a package with a rope tying it. I got ready to open it and inside was the cloak, I took the control from the two corners, followed by letting it fall in front of me, like when someone wants to see a garment in front of them. My surprise was that, when I extended it, I saw that it was a very beautiful Talyt, its blue stripes at each end made it unmistakable, I was very eager to have it on me. After that, this thought came to me, when I saw the stripes on its ends: By his wounds (stripes) we were healed.
End of the visions.
Many things are clear here, others not so much. However, we see that a very important event is about to happen, it is understood that the Majestic Bride who danced on the upper esplanade is ready for her meeting with her beloved, she remains without spot and without wrinkles. She walks very aware that very soon her beloved will break in and join her forever. She lives waiting for that moment and she takes care to stay holy out of love for him.
My concern is for the esplanade below, there was a lot of commotion and people thought that they would attend the ceremony and that everything would go well. But in reality the one that has been prepared is the BRIDE from the esplanade above. She sits in heavenly places, she dances in her courts and offers sacrifice in God’s holy place. She knows that she has approached Mount Zion, the city of the living God, Heavenly Jerusalem, and the company of thousands of angels.
With the pain in my heart I must explain that a large crowd that moves in said esplanade will not be able to meet the groom, the groom does not have the obligation to take that bride who has not been cleansed of so much evil that has nested in his heart. Certainly this bride will experience disappointment and she will experience the absence of the groom at the altar. He is not obliged to take it under those conditions.
What will come after this is a time of PURIFICATION, through FIRE she will be REFINED, THE HAMMER OF GOD will destroy all her idols. She will suffer the dispossession of all of her so that in this way she cries out and humbles herself in repentance and God heals her and thus her soul is not lost. The Lord cannot be mocked, without HOLINESS no one will see him.
The Lord says:
Because of me, I am a ladder, they will be able to climb that HIGH EXPLANATION, there is still time. Do not see how complicated and tiring it can be to climb such a steep staircase, and with many steps. Learning denial and through many afflictions they will meet me in the kingdom.
To those who are left behind because of the hardness of their hearts, I will continue to love them and use all my power to bring them to their knees before me and to be able to carry them and confess in front of my father.
Glory be to Jesus (Yeshua) for such a great and unique love.
Humberto Rábago
Biblical References
Fruits of the Spirit
Galatians 5: 22-24 NLT
Weddings arrived, the bride dresses in clean linen.
Revelation 19: 7-8 NLT
A man without a wedding dress
S. Matthew 22: 11-14 NLT
Cleansed of all evil
1 John 1: 9-10 NLT
By his wounds we were healed
Isaiah 53: 5 NLT
The groomed bride enters the weddings
S. Matthew 25: 6-10 NLT
Sitting in heavenly places
Ephesians 2: 6 NLT
Approaching Mount Zion
Hebrews 12:22
I will leave you, Jehovah said
Jeremiah 23:33
Cleansed of our sins
Isaiah 1:18