A Dream Of NYC & The World: Symbolic & Figurative
February 10, 2021
The dream opened as I was on a street with a couple of young people. We started to walk down the street, seemingly in the middle of it? I knew it was NYC (kind-of like Times Square), but the configuration was like a small town main street, where all the stores line a small section of road and then, you’re outta town. As we walked we looked left and right, amazed at the technological marvels, all brightly colored and lit-up, just on the market and totally engaging, distracting, worldy idols. But their intention was evil incarnate, under the shiny new car exterior. We never went into any store, we only looked at the displays and continued walking.
Half-way along our journey, I turned my attention to the right (God’s clarity) and saw a tall building with huge plate glass windows. Street-level was a classroom, right next to the sidewalk, with old school wooden student desks lined up in rows, facing left (evil). At each desk sat a small black goat, sitting on it’s hind legs with both front legs flat, on top of the desk, still. They didn’t move, they all looked forward totally transfixed, under complete control, eyes front. It was figurative and symbolic of the people themselves who lived in this town. I turned back my head and we proceeded to the end of the street. It abruptly ended and faced the Governor’s Mansion; white fence, extensive lawns and a huge house. It was called the Governor’s Mansion, but I knew it was the Antichrist’s House! There was a long road in front of the mansion that went both ways left and right, off into the far distance. Make your own choice Now, Heaven or Hell? Speaking to a young man standing to my left, who had been a fellow traveler down the road (the path of life) for the whole journey; I said “They have built a cemetery at the end of the road on the right, that is only for satanists. His reaction was, “So What!”
The Dream Ended
Notes: Simple and direct, most are taken in by the tech marvels of today and those to come shortly, to entice us to fall further into the trap, for many will fall for the Great Deception. It is already here and rolled out. The class of the School of Deception was full. I got the sense the young man I spoke to at the end, made the wrong decision after walking the walk of the Lord, almost to the end of his life. In the back of my mind through the whole dream, I knew that NYC and this whole techno-digital culture was slated for destruction by God Almighty.