His PrincessBride
SUNDAY, MAY 13, 2018
A Distinction Shall Be Made
May 13, 2018
My little ones,
Think not that I look upon the ways of the ungodly without indignation. Think not that I look upon the souls of men and see not that they are perishing. It is I who come with fervor and power to destroy the ungodly devices from among My people; to remove the chaff that remains; to cleanse My house so that no longer will it be a place of worship to that which is unknown.
Think not that I look upon the lustful desires of My people without jealousy in My heart for them. It is I who will abase in this hour, and it is I who will make a distinction – a stark distinction indeed. For long have My people gone a whoring after what they should not even set their eyes upon, but the wickedness of this generation has far exceeded that of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Now I say unto you, My sons and daughters, arise from your places, as it is I who call you forward to represent Me as My witnesses, My children in the earth. They cry unto Me daily, how long, O Lord, how long? But time shall no longer be a factor in the reasoning My people use to disobey. I have not forgotten, nor have I disregarded what has kept My people back from Me. Now will I arise.
This day shall be a distinction, and they who chose not the way of truth shall reap sorrow and sadness. For they who chose My way, I will openly reward, and you shall know who has pleased Me. There are a few in the earth, and now I bring them before you to honor them and let them hear Me say, Well done.
To you, My faithful, is a cause of rejoicing, a time to celebrate the transactions of heaven in earth. Let it be as I have declared it, on earth as it is in heaven. My little ones, know that the time of sadness has ended. Your due and just reward is come.
Scriptures: Psalm 1:4-6, Zephaniah 3:8, Deuteronomy 29:26, Hosea 9:1, Revelation 6:9-19, 2 Peter 3:9, Malachi 3:18, Galatians 6:7, Matthew 6:6&10, Matthew 25:21
Posted by His princessbride at 9:37 PM