Warning, Word

72 Hour Warning! Great War Against Saints Begins! And Listen for The Sound of Liberty! – Michelle Katherine Orts

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72 Hour Warning! Great War Against Saints Begins! And Listen for The Sound of Liberty!

July 23, 2022 2:40 PM
Michelle Katherine Orts

The Sabbath, Saturday, July 23rd, 2022

Dear 444ProphecyNews/Jonathan,
I received a vision and Rhema Words after waking, once again, from an intense Heavenly Warfare Dream. Thus is an URGENT 72 HOUR WARNING for ALL SAINTS to pray and prepare themselves for spiritual (and possibly also physical) battle. The entire earth will be “in shambles” Jesus says “within three (3) days.” This re-enforces the previous highlighted date of July 26th, 2022, which was given to me in a previous Rhema Word which was published here on 444ProphecyNews, “Tell Them I AM Your Shock Absorber.”

Brief Excerpt of New Rhema Words just received,

“Within three (3) days from now the world will be in shambles. The Great War against My Saints will begin.”

“Listen for The Sound of Liberty!”

I am submitting this vision and these Rhema Words to you for your prayerful review and publishing.

In Warrior King Jesus’ Service and
ALL Glory to God always for everything!


Title: 72 Hour Warning! Great War Against Saints Begins!
Subtitle: And Listen for The Sound of Liberty!

Prophetic Warfare WARNING Dream/Vision and
Rhema Words Received Noon 12:00PM Central Time, USA
The Sabbath, Saturday, July 23rd, 2022

I knew that I had just had a Heavenly Warfare Dream but I could not remember all the details. Jesus allows this to occur dear Saints so that we will know what to share and what not to share! It is protection for us from the enemy By Our Loving Jesus. Though while we sleep, our spirit man receives all Truth in Spirit all in full in The Power of Jesus’ Holy Spirit.

After I woke up, I was in intense pain as if I had actually physically been in battle. I awoke with an intense headache and a very painful neck ache. Dear Jesus please heal me? And please protect all of us in my family and everyone in Your Family, all My Brothers and Sisters around the world? Please? Thank You. I trust You Jesus for everything.

Vision and RHEMA WORDS I received as I was waking up from having this Heavenly Warfare Dream from Jesus.

Jesus Holy Spirit sent a Holy Warring Angel to say this to me, “Tell Mark Anthony, “It’s time to take the trash out. And tell Ryan, “It’s time to empty the compost and to turn it.”

(NOTE: I believe Jesus is using these names for a reason and I suggest we all pray for discernment and look to Strongs Concordance in Hebrew and Greek and even Latin for further understanding.”)

I then was shown a large bucket or a large bin filled to the brim with compost. Then I saw someone’s hand holding a small baking soda box. I saw the baking soda being sprinkled on the top of the compost in order to conceal the smell of the rotting food which had been formerly perfectly edible food not just scraps or old food.

And then suddenly my attention in this vision (waking dream) was redirected and I was shown, by Jesus Himself, a very large, tarnished and well worn with time, metal bell-shaped dome with a hole cut out in the very center. And while I was given the vantage point of (in my spirit) hovering above and peering directly down on top of the massive, heavy and solid domed bell. I heard Jesus say, “This is The Liberty Bell.”

I didn’t understand the meaning of all these things I had just been told and shown. Jesus knew my thoughts and then Jesus Holy Spirit explained the Vision and His Rhema Words to me.

“All the garbage is all the sin and all the sinners both. The people in high positions with notable names (Like Mark Anthony) will be humbled as they are forced to resign because their hidden sins will be revealed for all to see. Some will be forced to take menial jobs in prison. This purge is of Me and will take place globally and in all levels and all aspects of society.

The compost represents both literal and figurative spoiled food intentionally placed out of reach from human consumption left to rot. The enemy’s plans will literally stink and will be offensive. No matter how they, the Fallen and their cohorts, try to “cover it all up” it won’t work. The baking soda reflects an attempt or attempts of “a cover up.””

Jesus’ Holy Spirit continued to speak to my heart this, “The Liberty Bell is known to be cracked in reality but is still functional though rarely ever used for its true purpose anymore because it is a historical, antique treasured piece thought to be too fragile to be used again for its purpose. The Lord Jesus is going to drill a hole at the very top of The Liberty Bell and is going to mount it properly and permanently so that The Liberty Bell can be heard ringing loudly once again all across The Nations not only in America but around the entire world.

Jesus is going to ring The Liberty Bell Himself and is sending His Holy Angels to multiply and to amplify The Sound of Liberty. No one will be left out. All will supernaturally hear The Sound of The Liberty Bell Ringing.

People will feel the reverberations of the Sound of The Liberty Bell deep within their bodies, in their souls and within their individual spirit man. It will have a lasting effect.

Listen for The Sound of Liberty!

Those who love The Sound of Liberty and who choose Life will live in True Freedom and will have Eternal Liberty which is True and Abundant Life in The Hand of God.”


“Those who can’t stand The Sound of Liberty will become increasingly aggressive towards those who love to hear and experience its sound. They are choosing their own fate to be without Me forever in torment with no hope of escaping their destiny of Hell. When they reject Me for the last time, it will indeed be for some, their last moment of Grace to receive Me on earth.

There will be a clear line drawn on earth and in Heaven. Those who desire to remain in bondage and those who desire to break down every chain of bondage even delivering others in bondage.

This will all be done with My Sound of Liberty at My Own Hand.” Thus says The Living Waters Who desires none to perish but all to come into My Father’s House. I AM Jesus, Yeshua, Yah, YHWH Your King, Your Lord and Your God Forevermore.


Jesus continues to speak to me, “You must tell all the nations what I have shown you and what I have told you. Within three (3) days from now the world will be in shambles. The Great War against My Saints will begin. I have already told you this and you were obedient to share it.

(Note: Jesus is referring to the three (3) highlighted dates previously given in The Rhema Word in “Tell Them I AM Your Shock Absorber published here on 444ProphecyNews.com!”)

The Anti-Christ and his puppets will begin to make war with My Children in seventy-two (72) hours from now. How will you know? You will see it. You will hear it. You will smell it. You will taste it. The Enemy hates My Father, hates Me, hates My Holy Spirit and he hates you My Children. But do not despair! I AM with you! I AM with each one of you! And whatever the enemy tries to do will turn back and fall upon his own head. Does not My Word Promise this? If the enemy harms any one of you, he shall likewise be harmed. If the enemy takes your life? You who know Me, will be with Me! But the enemy and all who serve Satan, remaining unrepentant, will face eternity without Me in torment, in The Lake of Fire.

DO NOT FEAR what is about to fall upon the earth. Seek Me for Wisdom! Seek My Word for insight and for Comfort. Seek MY Holy Spirit for live up to the NOW MOMENT spiritual UPDATES. I WILL NOT LEAVE YOU ALONE MY CHILDREN! You are OVERCOMERS! You are STRONG! You are MY ARMY! You are MY WITNESSES unto the outermost parts of the earth. I will send MY HOLY ANGELS to do battle on your behalf. Do not fight this enemy in your own strength. Ask Me what to do and I will tell you. I will show you. When you submit to My Leadership, I will direct your steps. Your safety is in Me. REST IN ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STORM. TAKE MY HAND AND I WILL RESCUE YOU AND LIFT YOU UP IN THE MIDST OF RAGING WATERS OR IN THE HEAT OF WILDFIRES. I AM WITH YOU. CALL UPON ME. I SHALL SEND THE RAVENS, I SHALL SEND THE SHELTER. I WILL GIVE YOU RESPITE FROM THE HEAT. I WILL CAUSE WATER TO GUSH FORTH IN THE DESERTS. I WILL RAIN DOWN MANNA ONCE AGAIN. I WILL COVER YOU WITH MY WINGS. I AM AN EVERLASTING, UNCHANGING, LOVING AND JUST GOD. I AM YESHUA HA MASHIACH. I AM YOUR SALVATION. CALL UPON ME AND I WILL RESCUE YOU!!!”

Thank you Jesus. Amen. Love, Your Daughter, Worshipper and Servant yet You call me Your Friend, Your TurtleDove Whom You Love, Michelle Katherine Orts.and wife to my loving husband Apostolic Reverend/Pastor
David Orts

Photos courtesy Depositphotos 


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