5th Vision Warning of Present And Future Vaccinations: “They Were Not Created To Help You”/ Coming Famine and Another Global Pandemic
Vision #224
October 2, 2021 12:06 AM
Sharlene Reimer
Oct 1/21 Fri am
I find this vision timely as later in the day I was informed of the increased restrictions for those who are unvaccinated in our province. The enemy is clearly persecuting those who are not agreeing with his agenda and is relentless; such a push for us to give up and give in. The deception is overwhelming sometimes and is difficult to watch because it’s dividing family, friends and church. (Reminds me of Matt 10:34-36) But God has called me to trust Him, not shrink back, love in the hard and continue to pray. My hope is in Him and I believe in what He is and will be doing. Remember- Above all, love each other deeply as love covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8
I was having my God time or just be time before the Lord God Almighty in His temple. Lately, I have been reminded to come before Him with purpose and in reverence and trembling. (sometimes I am too distracted. Tip- put your phone away when you are anticipating God time!) It’s been a humbling lesson. Today, I chose to come before Him in reverence and joy. Choosing to spend time in His Presence is how we learn to KNOW our Father in His fullness. This is His heart for us. It’s one on one with each of His children to understand Him beyond informational knowledge. This is relationship, whether you see it in the spiritual realm or not.
As I was trying to quiet my mind, I tried to focus on His majesty. I smiled. I saw before me great Light and Fire. I remained bowed before Him but this time I was in the area before the steps that lead to where He is Present. The floor area is vast and acts like a corridor between large pillars or columns which are strategically spaced in a row on either side of me. I am completely dwarfed by the pillars. I saw the angel Ariel approach me and he bowed with me for a time. He then got up and offered his hand to me as he has often done. We walked together for a short distance and I looked ahead. Before me were bare and dry fields. The wind was blowing the dirt around. The scene changed and I noticed a child sitting by the door of a small home. I understood the child was hungry. I understood this represented famine. Then the view changed and I was in a hospital where everyone was wearing those white suits that completely protect them; much like the equipment that is worn in labs that work with dangerous viruses and bacteria. I understood many people were dying and had died.
I heard the Lord speak, “There is coming famine and another epidemic that will become global. It will cause many deaths. This was prophesied in My Word. But do not fear. Rest in Me, as I have overcome the world.”
I asked God- is this next global pandemic the one that You have spoken to me about before in previous visions?
And God replied, “Yes, daughter. The global infection will also produce more vaccinations, but they won’t help, any more than the present ones that are being taken will. They were not created to help you. Do not take these future vaccinations. They are part of the beast system as I’ve told you in the past. You have been warned.”
Thank you God that You choose to want to warn us. I pray people will choose to listen. Please see previous visions #239, #251, #253, #272
Luke 21:11 “There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.” NIV
Matt 24:7 “Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” NIV
Matt 24:7 “Nations will go to war against nations and kingdoms against kingdoms. And there will be terrible earthquakes, horrible epidemics, and famines in place after place.” (The Passion translation)
Matt 10:34-36 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace on the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter–in–law against her mother-in-law. A mans enemies will be of his own household.” NIV See also Micah 7:6