By Holy Spirit Wind
Would You Have Me Judge You as Mercilessly as Some of You Have Judged Billy Graham?
Received 2-26-18
The Father spoke this to me during my morning prayer time and then continued speaking again in the evening.
“Children, you have seen many things happen in in recent days that are markers on My timeline. Man has many differing opinions about these events. I ask you, did you come to Me and ask about them or did you just believe what men have said? The passing of Billy Graham is one of these events. There are those out there that have spread lies from the enemy about him. Billy was My servant but he was not perfect and sinless. He needed My Son to be his Savior just like all of you do. Billy said and did wrong things and even some of his doctrines were wrong as many among you have pointed out. I tell you that there are none among you that are 100% flawless in your doctrine and none of you are without sin. I tell you this though, through this servant thousands upon thousands came to know Me. How Many have you led to Me?
I would also ask, would you have Me judge you as mercilessly as some of you have judged Billy Graham? You are same ones who are the first to point out the faults and flaws of just about every preacher, teacher, watchman and prophet that I have sent. I speak of those that I have chosen not those chosen by men, none of them are perfect. I tell you, there some of you who would have cast the first stone at the woman brought before me caught in adultery because you are that self righteous! You will be judged with the same measure as you are judging others with unless you repent of your evil, pharisaical ways! I AM the one who judges men’s hearts and I need no help from you!
Every tree is known by the fruit it bears. Is your fruit sweet or bitter? Do you point men to Me or do you push them away from Me? Does it not say in the scriptures that he that doesnt love doesn’t know Me, for I am Love? Are not the 2 greatest commandments about loving Me and loving your neighbor as yourself? I ask you this one last question: How do you show love for Me and your neighbor when you are publically disparaging and even gossiping about them on the internet?
Children, heed My warning now there is not many days for you left to act in such a manner. Plans have been made by the enemy in secret and I will allow them to happen now for it is time. Men plot, plan and scheme against the apple of My eye because their father, the devil wants to have it, oh so badly. He wants it all! He wants to erase the very memory of Me from the earth and he will attempt just that. Watch the movement of the US embassy to Jerusalem for it is being used as a lure into a trap. War shall come from this because that is what has been written and what they want. I will accomplish My end-time purposes for the whole earth through testings, judgment and then wrath. I know all of the plans of the evil one but he does not know all of Mine.
These were both markers of where you are on My timeline and if you are wise you will spot the next one very quickly.
The Father
PS – While Typing this message out I received word that Chuck Youngbrandt has also passed away as Feb 10th 2018. I could not confirm this at the time of this post. If it is true I would say that it is yet another marker. The Lord is taking some of His older weaker people home to be with Him before the severe judgment starts.- Jeff
Jeff Byerly Posted on February 26, 2018