2nd Tsunami Warning For South Korea
Vision #270 Feb 23/21 Tues.
February 24, 2021 12:55 PM
Sharlene Reimer
I was praising and worshiping the Lord Jesus in His Throne Room with other saints. I declared the Lord in scripture and in song. When you sing and declare scripture, it opens up heaven. I began to pray as I always do. I stood in the gap for many people; those I knew and those I didn’t, particularly the more difficult people to pray for: sex traffickers and those who persecute/murder the Believers. Didn’t Jesus die for them too? When I came to proclaiming Ps 91, I stood on top of the mountain and saw myself close up. I was wearing new armour and it was bright golden and had gems on it! I was shocked! I’ve always seen myself at a bit of a distance and always without colour where my armour is white. Thank you Jesus for the lovely armour and revealing it to me. J I saw myself lean down and help up another saint. I was then me grasping someone’s hand and assisting them up. My eagle met me and we were off.
I found myself on top of a tall building. I looked down and saw a harbor and other buildings and the ocean before me. Looking out in the ocean not too far in the distance, I saw a larger long line of wave coming towards the land. It reminded me of the wave that hit Japan in 2011. It was moving fairly fast with force and moved inland. In my head I understood it was South Korea. But I wanted to ask Jesus about it so I went to the white bench.
I asked Jesus to confirm that this tsunami wave hits South Korea and He replied: “Yes, daughter.” I have had a previous vision about this in #171. In that vision, I saw an earthquake that hit the nation resulting in a tsunami wave. I then asked why this nation and not North Korea? (I felt North Korea deserved it more because of their extreme communism) But Jesus said: “I will be dealing with North Korea yet. They are not exempt. I know their wicked leaders.” So I asked why then South Korea? Jesus replied: “This nation needs to repent of their idolatry and return to Me. They spend their time foolishly.” I asked then about the Believers there. And Jesus said: “I will take care of My own. The disaster will also wake up My church.” I left and went down the stairs to see a vision.
I greeted my greeter group and walked over to the area where the others have already gathered. The vision opened up to see the area that I had just looked down on from on top of the building. But now my perspective was as if I was standing in the harbour, looking towards land and the city. The area was a mess; looking much like the aftermath of the tsunami wave. There was a lot of destruction; debris everywhere. I understood people had died. What is the message?
Jesus said: “Disaster is almost upon you. Come out of your idolatry and repent, South Korea! Return to Me. I am waking up the nations.”
Please pray for the people of South Korea that God would release a hunger for righteousness over this nation that they would repent and return to Him. Amen!