Ali Winters
Although My church is not counted among the mega churches of today…she stands as a small light in a vast darkness.
The church has failed, My church stands straight and strong and tall. Small though she may be she must continue to speak the truth. Refuse to be like the mighty, the mega, the condemned. Let the weak say ‘I am strong.’ The sins of America began at the doorsteps of the church.
‘I trust in you LORD. I say, “You are my God. My times are in Your hands; deliver me from the hands of my enemies, from those who pursue me. Let Your face shine on your servant; save me in Your unfailing love.’ Psalm 31:14-16
Remember the gates of hell will not prevail against MY church. Where two or three are gathered I am among them. 2019 will bring heartache and destruction yet many will come to faith in My Messiah. At this time, allow your love for Me to outshine your frustration with others (perhaps only a word intended for me). Allow bitterness, resentment, anger to fall away as you embrace My goodness, My Word, My ways. Do not allow the flesh to destroy your witness. Many are watching, make the most of each moment, each opportunity.
I love israel. I never stopped loving Israel. Even in her rebellion and disobedience I loved her. So too I love rebellious, disobedient America. But My love does not mean I will not discipline. As I did with Israel so too will I do with America. Like a good father, I discipline those I love. Judgment begins in the household of God. Much turmoil awaits the church in 2019, be prepared…be of good cheer – remember I have overcome the world. Stand in My authority, robed in My righteousness, under the Blood of The Lamb. Rejoice in The LORD always, rejoice and be glad. Strengthen the weak knees, refresh the fainting and replenish the manna.
2019 has arrived…open the gates and allow My Holy Spirit to flow. My people perish from lack of knowledge.”
Holy Spirit directed me to read all of Jeremiah Chpt.10 and Romans Chpt. 6. I pray you will also read and allow Holy Spirit to speak to you through His Word, the scripture.
ali at 12:00 AM