
2 Peter Chapter 3 – Solitary Man

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2 Peter Chapter 3

Solitary Man

2Pe 3:1 This second epistle, beloved (ag-ap-ay-tos’), I now write unto you; in both which I stir up (wake fully, arouse) your pure (judged by sunlight, tested as genuine) minds (dee-an’-oy-ah – deep thought, understanding) by way of remembrance (recollection):

For those two or three of you that managed to slog through chapter 2, having to endure my extreme verbosity, I sincerely congratulate (or pity) you. I am not quite sure why I ventured off the path down so many cul de sacs, but I wish to assure you that this will not be the case in this final chapter. I think I just had a lifetime of New Testament teachings stored up inside me, and this first NT commentary has served as the dumping ground for all those ideas!

Peter makes it clear that this is his second epistle, verifying his authorship of both. We know from 1:14 that Peter knew he was about to die. Given that this would be the last time that he would communicate with these people, what doctrines did he wish to ensure that his congregation was to be reminded of? Was it their eternal security? How about reassuring them about the pre trib rapture? Or maybe reminding them who they were in Christ? Perhaps he would urge them to reclaim the seven mountains of authority in pagan Roman society. Maybe one last sermon on how they could have whatever they said. Surely he would reiterate 1 Pet 2:24, where Peter himself said that by his stripes ye were healed. Every modern day charismatic preacher yanks that phrase out of the entire letter and preaches the right of every believer to walk in divine health – free of all sickness and disease at all times. So how much more would Peter want to speak about what is become the number one truth in the North American church!

No, none of those things crossed Peter’s mind. The one thing that he wants them to focus on is the danger of embracing false teaching and the subsequent apostasy that results. The apostles never focused on teaching the saint how to get his own needs met. They emphasized the opposite. How to forget about your self, and press into the mind and will of God. God’s will is what a true man of God will always lead his flock toward.

2Pe 3:2 That ye may be mindful (recollect, bear in mind) of the words which were spoken before (foretold) by the holy (hag-ee-os) prophets, and of the commandment ( en-tol-ay’ – injunction, authoritative prescription) of us the apostles (ap-os’-tol-os – ambassador, he that is sent) of the Lord and Saviour:

We are always to keep in mind the word of God. In Peter’s day, this was the OT (Old Testament), with an emphasis on the words of the prophets. Why them? Because the prophets not only foretold the coming of Christ, their words were the best safeguard against apostasy. Their mission was to continually warn God’s people against the dangers of sinning, and continuing therein. What is more beneficial to the child of God than to be reminded about staying out of sin, and continuing to meditate on the awful consequences thereof?

The second weighty matter that Peter speaks of is that he seems to be giving equal weight to the commandments of the apostles, versus the OT scripture. This is an extremely brazen thing to do. Cults do this all the time. The book of Mormon is given equal, if not greater weight, than the bible. Catholic tradition is of equal weight to the scripture in their tradition. However we must recognize that there had to be a specific moment in time when the scripture was being written. At that time, someone would’ve had to have been the first one to suggest that these new writings should be considered as scripture. This is one of those times.

Peter is the first (and only) NT writer to claim that these new NT writings, that existed up until this time, should be considered as the same level as scripture. If this verse does not make this idea clear enough, verse 16 will definitively state that the church should consider all of Paul’s writings as they do scripture, though they be hard to understand. In this verse, God’s people are to bear in mind not just the writings of the prophets, but also whatever commandments the apostles had managed to communicate thus far. This would be more than just the edict drawn up by the church at the Jerusalem council in Acts chapter 15 that was circulated amongst all the Gentile churches. This would include all the commandments the apostles were authorized to share with the saints, which would’ve come to them via epistles such as these.

What a burden and responsibility these apostles carried! How would you like to be responsible for creating new parts of the bible? Did satan ever give them doubts? Did they ever wonder if they were overstepping their boundaries? Did they consider themselves worthy to add messages that greats such as Abraham, Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel had already written? Did they do so with much fear and trembling? I am guessing they did.

While we do not have that same burden, yet if we presume to speak a word from the Lord, whether in prophecy, sermon, or teaching, are we cognizant of the great responsibility that is being placed upon our shoulders? Peter in his first letter touches upon this:

1Pe_4:11 If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

Peter knew the awesomeness of what he was doing. If we are truly speaking under the real inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that is the same Spirit that inspired the apostles. Let us never take that assignment casually, or we will find ourselves under scrutiny and possible judgment by the Lord himself.

I suppose the Gentile believers probably had a much easier time embracing and obeying the commandments of the apostles as authoritative prescriptions of behavior than the Jews. Being steeped in the OT, they would have found it hard to elevate the teaching of the apostles to the same level as the teaching of Moses. But in the sovereignty of God, eventually the whole church would come to embrace these new writings as equally inspired. Apparently the 27 books of the NT were not formally adopted until the council of Rome in 382 AD, proving that man is slow to perceive, then embrace, then fully obey, the will of God!

One of the many heresies of the Hebrew roots movement is categorizing the books of the bible as being more or less inspired, rather than equally inspired. This is nonsensical, as either each book is equally inspired, or it should not be in the bible! How can something be less inspired than another? That would imply that at a certain point, some books may have errors and some don’t.

They have no choice but to say the gospels have the highest inspiration, since they contain the words of Jesus. But they then go on to say that the Torah is next in inspiration level. The rest of the OT is under that, followed by the rest of the NT, where the letters of Paul are considered the least inspired. The Hebrew roots heretics really hate Paul, and for good reason, since he exposes these very same frauds under the label of Judaizers. There is nothing new under the sun.

Do not be fooled by these cults. God has made it clear to his body that the bible we have today is the bible that he intended us to have (I lay aside the arguments over the apocrypha). The 66 books are something that all believers agree on, and should rally around. In this verse we see the first notion of the mind of God in that he was ready to add sacred scripture to the 39 books already in existence.

2Pe 3:3 Knowing (ghin-oce’-ko – to know absolutely, perceive) this first (in importance), that there shall come in the last (es’-khat-os – farthest in time) days scoffers (, emp-aheek-tace’ – deriders, false teachers, mockers) walking after their own lusts (ep-ee-thoo-mee’-ah – forbidden longing),

By revelation knowledge, another sort of heretic will become manifest, especially in the last days. The notion of the timing and length of the last days has a fairly great degree of flexibility, depending on the biblical context. It can range anywhere from the resurrection to the end of time, to the period known as Jacob’s trouble, the last 7 years before the Millennium. Generally speaking, the prophecies that pertain to the last days become more precisely fulfilled, and are of the more pertinent relevance the closer that we get to the actual day of the Lord’s return.

These unholy ones are not only known for their scoffing, but also that they follow their own lusts. We shall see in this context that this has nothing to do with sexual desire per se. Lusts refer to man’s appetites that they are not willing to bring under their own subjection or anyone else’s authority, certainly not under the authority of God’s commandments.

These scoffers, these mockers are said to be walking after their own lusts. That is their hod-os, or deh-rek, or their path of life, one of total self fulfillment. They want to grab the ring, they want to be all that they can be. Everything that Babylon has to offer is what they desire. There is no fear of God in their heart.

2Pe 3:4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming (?par-oo-see’-ah – advent, return) for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue (remain, stay constant) as they were from the beginning (commencement) of the creation (ktis-is – original formation).

These souls, who are looking for an excuse to continue in their selfish lifestyles, mock those who preach that Jesus is coming once again, this time to judge the living and the dead. They mock the second coming precisely because it signifies the time of reckoning of all mankind. They don’t believe in judgment, otherwise they would fear God. This is a crucial point. Anyone who does not fear God really does not think they will be judged, even if they have to lie to themselves. Oh sure, every Christian will claim to believe in the second coming, but if they really did, then they would also believe that Jesus is coming back to judge the world. Therefore, they would stop sinning and begin to fear God. But in their heart they think the world will continue to spin on its axis as it always has. Who has time to worry about something that they don’t really believe will occur, at least for sure not in my lifetime?

This leads to the main error of our age that this verse and the ones following refute. This section is perhaps the greatest refutation of the retarded blasphemy of the theory of evolution, and the age of the earth.

Most Christians have never been taught the truth about creation. Indeed, creation is mostly ignored in the church. The modern pastor does not want to appear ignorant, and is actually embarrassed as to how the bible handles creation. They have swallowed the lies of evolution and the lie of uniformity (the earth’s natural geologic processes have remained uniform for billions of years), so they really believe the creation account in Genesis is a fairy tale and not historical. They are embarrassed that their bible contains such an ‘unscientific’ section.

Charles Darwin will occupy one of the lowest, hottest places in hell. His ideas have sent more people to the abyss than almost any other idea in the history of mankind. Thinking that life evolved from non life means that God is not necessary to explain reality. But not only that, by introducing the seductive idea of billions of years, he made the impossible seem possible.

The key to break free of this garbage is to recognize that once you know that something is impossible (ie, the creation of life by random processes, indeed the creation of anything out of nothing), then it does not matter if you place the age of the universe at 6000 years, as the bible does, or 20 billion years, as the evolutionists do, the process still remains impossible without God. Adding a trillion trillion years does not make the impossible possible. Snap out of it. The universe is really 6000 years old. If the bible has lied to us in Genesis chapter 1, then why do you think it is true in John 3:16? If one verse in not true, then how many others are subject to debate? Do you see where that road leads?

Now, some would try to stick millions of years, for example between Gen 1:1 and Gen 1:2. There are easy arguments to counter that nonsense. Or perhaps you wonder how could light from a star system millions of light years away have reached us in only 6000 years? There is also more than one defensible argument to explain that phenomena, explanations that are far more coherent than anything that the ‘big bangers’ can conjure up. Suffice it to say that an apologetic for the age of the earth and biblical creationism is beyond the scope of this writing. All you need to know is that the bible is true – every verse of it. If you don’t really believe that, then you are definitely hanging around the wrong substack!

These fools, who speak out of their own sinful lusts, want to shut off anyone speaking about the second coming. Why? Because they don’t want anyone putting them on a guilt trip. They do not want to repent. If they had to face the reality of Jesus words, and the prophet’s words of old, then they would have no excuse to continue in a lifestyle that says that I am not worried about any future judgment because I refuse to believe that there is such a thing!

2Pe 3:5 For this they willingly (choose or prefer, delight in) are ignorant of (let lie hidden), that by the word (logos) of God (theos) the heavens were of old (of ancient time), and the earth (ghay – ground, soil) standing out of the water and in the water:

Here is a famous verse, used in many sermons. Willful ignorance. Countless souls shall be guilty of this crime at the final day.

When I was growing up, anytime someone tried to talk about something religious, someone would pipe up and say that we don’t discuss religion or politics. Two topics that cause too much strife. I am sure many of us have had situations when we tried to talk about the Lord to unsaved (and to the saved of perhaps a different Christian group), but were quickly cut off, as people did not want to hear what we had to say. They chose to stay ignorant. In other words, they were willfully ignorant.

The same happened to all of us during covid. Try to talk to some blinded, woke, brainwashed sheeple about the dangers of the jab, or any other lying aspect of the plandemic, and you were immediately told to shut up, at best, or ostracized, shamed, fired, beat up, or worse! Willfully ignorant. They loved their fear porn. How dare you try and tell them that they shouldn’t feel terrorized! What sort of awful person were you? Did you want to kill your grandmother?

Now the text itself in the Greek is a bit obscure. I think it helps that the word earth is the word ghay, not kosmos. Ghay refers to the soil, the land, while kosmos refers to the entire planet, including the inhabitants thereof. Peter is saying that by the word (logos) of God, the heavens were there from the beginning, and the soil or the physical ground was by itself, but also under the seas. In other words, the dirt (land) had been divided from the waters, which God called the seas. Why Peter thinks to mention this fact, I am not sure.

2Pe 3:6 Whereby the world (kosmos – the arrangement of the planet, including its inhabitants) that then was, being overflowed (kat-ak-lood’-zo – being dashed away via deluge, only time in NT) with water, perished (:ap-ol’-loo-mee – destroyed fully)

Now Peter chooses to speak not of the soil, but of the entire planet, both animate and inanimate. In other words, everything on planet earth. It was not just the soil that was covered with water, but everything, including all life forms. Peter is making the case that we already have one example where God exercised comprehensive judgment not just on the dirt, but on all living matter, especially mankind. This is important to keep in mind as we look at the next verse.

2Pe 3:7 But the heavens (oo-ran-os) and the earth (ghay), which are now (in the present time), by the same word (logos) are kept in store (laid up, held in reserve), reserved (tay-reh-o – guarded, kept an eye on, detained, held fast) unto fire against the day of judgment (kree-sis) and perdition (ap-o-li-a) of ungodly (as-eb-ace – irreverent, wicked) men.

Keeping the fact of the first judgment in mind, and the scope of it, Peter is telling us that the current heaven and earth (ghay – the soil) are being held in reserve, or kept safe, until it is time for the second great global judgment. And what is it a judgment of? The soil and the sky? No, a judgment unto eternal damnation (ap-o-li-a) for all wicked men. Peter seems to be saying that one of the main functions of the planet being in existence today is that God will somehow use it as an instrument to judge the wicked with. We shall see a few verses down exactly what God intends to do with the oo-ran-os (heavens) and the ghay (earth). He will do something to them that will bring total judgment to all mankind. God stores up stuff. Other verses speak of wrath being stored up for the wicked. Here the heavens and the earth are being stored up for the day of final judgment.

2Pe 3:8 But, beloved (ag-ap-ay-tos), be not ignorant (do not lie hid this truth in an absolute sense) of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

Peter’s scribe has dazzled us with the abundance of unique Greek words that he has graced us with. Here is a word that we will now see used several times. Ag-ap-ay-tos is used to describe a beloved one. So once again we see the word agape and its derivative used in a context that is far more broad than some sort of special love of God that humans do not have. It is the highest form of love, but a love that is always related to some sort of action. Here, it is denoting someone who is very dearly loved by someone else. Peter could not have used a stronger word to express the affection that he had for these people.

We will now come to one of the very few rabbit trails in this chapter that I will allow myself to indulge in. Here is the verse that this novel idea of time comes from:

Psa 90:4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

Many (including myself) believe that this verse is a remez, or a hint of something deeper. Remez means that a portion of scripture contains a hint of an allegorical meaning, or that one scripture contains a hint of something deeper, not readily apparent from the text itself.

Let’s face it, all of us are intrigued by the prophetical timeline. Indeed, many people made a living out of attempting to predict exactly where we are on the prophetic time clock. No topic has ever produced more false prophecies than a predicting of how close we were to the tribulation and/or Jesus’ return. Several cults sprang up over the centuries, based on someone’s calculations as to where we were on the prophetic timeline. Think of the Millerites of the 19th century as one of the most prominent groups. People like Hal Lindsay and Jack Van Impe amassed large followings, as they attempted to fit world events into the prophetic time calendar. Or how about Edgar Whisenant, who (in)famously wrote the book ‘88 reasons on why the rapture will occur in 1988’. When that didn’t work, he quickly wrote ‘89 reasons why it will occur in 1989’. And this guy was a NASA engineer, so it’s not like he didn’t have intelligence. I remember my sister gave this guy credence, and tried to get me to look at his book. Thankfully, I declined.

I must admit that the 6000 year timeline has always struck a chord inside me. The idea comes from this verse. If a thousand years is like one day with God, then 6 days is like 6000 years. The traditional start date of creation, as calculated by archbishop Ussher of Ireland in the 17th century, was 4004 BC. This can be easily verified by simply adding up the dates found in the history books of the bible, from Adam to Jesus. Since God made the heavens and the earth in 6 days and rested on the seventh, then this verse is why it seems as if man has been allotted 6000 years of history, before the 7th day, or 1000 year Millenium.

However, since 6000 years have come and gone (according to the above calculation), one has to get creative to make this still work. One can posit that the calendars are wrong, or that the way the years were numbered were different in bible times versus our own. Indeed, the Jews had a lunar calendar. In order to synchronize their calendar with the solar cycle, 6 times in 19 years they would have to add a 13th month to catch up. Or, at times the bible seems to speak of a 360 year day. All these things make it uncertain as to exactly what year we are in since day one of creation.

No wonder Jesus said no man would know the day or the hour of his return, as no man could definitively say what year it actually is!

One of my pet theories is that God may not count the time that Jesus walked the earth as part of this 6000 year period. In other words, those 33 and one half years that Jesus was alive need to be subtracted out, as that may have been a suspension of the divine time clock, being such a singular event, when God chose to become a man. If that is the case, then that would put the 6000 year mark around 2025 or so, would it not?

To complicate matters, the Jews have a couple of different ideas as to the date. The current date that the Pharisees have calculated would put the year at 5785 rather than 4004+2024 = 6028. There is also a date that is calculated by the Essenes, which holds some promise. To understand it, we need to examine one thing.

There is one major area of dating where there is some controversy. Let us look at some scriptures:

Act 7:4 Then came he [Abraham] out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead, he removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell.

Gen 12:4 So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.

Gen 11:26 And Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.

Gen 11:32 And the days of Terah were two hundred and five years: and Terah died in Haran.

Did Abram leave immediately after his father died at age 205? Since Abram was 75 when he departed, Terah would’ve been 130 years old, unless Abram was the firstborn when Terah was 70, so this could have been a subsequent trip when he came and moved his father’s body to Canaan. Because Abram was listed first in Gen 11:26, some think he was the firstborn.

Thus, although the plain reading of the text seem to favor Terah being 130 when Abram was born, there is some room in the text to make the case that Terah was only 70 when Abram was born. Because Terah’s genealogy is handled differently than other names, it is crucial to determine how old Terah was when Abram was born, as that has to be used to accurately calculate the age of the earth, and the timeline thereof.

If we take away these 60 years, then we have something that helps to explain the date that the Essenes believe is the correct one. That is, they believe the current year is 5949, or around 79 years less than the commonly accepted Ussher date. The other years in dispute may be accounted for by the fact that the kings of Israel and Judah all used various dating systems when calculating the length of their reigns. Some counted partial first and last years of their reigns, some did not. Some had co-regents, where the father and son’s reigns overlapped, causing some confusion. Some would use the Jewish calendar, some the Babylonian, where the start of the year would be 6 months apart. There is room for debate in all these areas. Suffice it to say that we come close, but never know the precise date. Sort of like Jesus saying that we could know the time and the season, but not the day or the hour. Even Jesus himself does not know the exact day of his return, only the Father! I think that is due to the fact that the Father always reserves the right to extend the grace period for man. Jesus certainly knows the exact number of years since creation, since he (the logos of theos), created all things in the first place! But the Father seems to have reserved to himself the final say as to how many extensions of time we will get, partially based on our intercession, our repentance, and our obedience.

The Essenes believe that 2025 marks the year 5950, or the start of the last 50 year Jubilee period. Since the bible says that unless God cut the days short, no flesh would be saved, it is possible that at any time from when the Essene year turns to 5950 (ie. Mar 19, 2025), that Jesus could then return at any time, as who knows how much of the last Jubilee God will cut short?

Now before you go booking your cruise on the rapture train, based on my babblings above, I show this to you as one theory, and one theory only. No, I am not saying this is the way it is. I am not going to write a book called ‘26 Certain Cases Causing Christians Certainly Carried Away in 26’. Take it for what it’s worth. If you want to further investigate the Essene calendar theory, check out, and the work of Ken Johnson. He is a brilliant scholar, though I don’t necessarily agree with all of his doctrines, such as the pre trib rapture. Nevertheless, he is the only scholar that I know of who has examined many of the extra biblical texts, and written easy to read commentaries on them. I found some of them extremely useful and fascinating, and own some of his books.

Now that I have shot all the rabbits that were down this trail, let us quickly return to the text of Peter. I am sure the main context of this verse was not to let the cat out of the bag, as far as calculating the actual date of the planet. The context is simply to use an expression that indicates that God sees time way differently than we do. And that is the main point being expressed here. Every single believer has jumped the gun as far as timing goes concerning the personal promises of God. God says that he will bless you shortly, and five years later you are still waiting! Remember, 1 day = 1000 years!

2Pe 3:9 The Lord (kurios) is not slack (absolutely not one to delay) concerning his promise (pledge), as some men count slackness (brad-oo-tace – tardiness, only time in NT); but is longsuffering (mak-roth-oo-meh’-o – long spirited, great endurance) to us-ward, not willing that any should perish (be destroyed fully), but that all should come (enter into) to repentance (met-an’-oy-ah – compunction, to think differently, to reverse your decision).

Just in case you came to the erroneous conclusion that God is some Gen Z slacker living in his mom’s basement, Peter quickly reminds us that there is a good reason why God does not move according to our timetable. In the case of why he has not yet sent his Son back to reclaim this sin sick planet, it is because of his unbelievable, supernatural patience towards us! He is willing to wait and wait, to endure more and more sin, if there is yet one more soul that may come to repentance, and be spared the flames of hell!

The main reason that God has his church go through tribulation is that our suffering should be an acceptable price to pay in our minds, when we realize that we are still here because God has use for us in bringing those very last souls home! Take comfort and courage from this verse. If we are suffering in our little corner of the world, think of the anguish God must feel as he watches his entire creation turn against him, as in the days of Noah. The watchers’ forbidden knowledge is still being somehow communicated to the wicked. Indeed, we are seeing the American government trying to normalize alien contact, whereas up until a few years ago, they would not even dignify any inquiries into this topic with a response. Something is definitely up, and it should surprise no one if something unprecedented is revealed to an unsuspecting planet in the near future. Just know that there is no such thing as aliens. They are beings from the enemy’s army. Whether fallen watchers, or fallen angels, or demons, or Nephilim, they are not from another planet, they are from another dimension. Do not be taken in by supposed ‘compelling’ evidence of spacecraft and space travel. The spiritual realm is not subject to natural law. God is giving the enemy unprecedented authority in this last generation. Only those who are fully grounded in all of the word of God shall be able to escape those things that are coming upon the earth, and to stand before the Son of Man at the end of the age.

Repentance is to think differently, to reverse your decision. It is not a strong emotion, though emotions may be a part of the experience. No, you can calmly, in the quiet of your room, choose to think differently at any time, even if it ‘feels’ weird to do so. You may have made a decision to go one way. You have obtained new information that is clearly telling you that is not the correct hod-os, or deh-rek. You must use your free will to reverse course. If you currently have the ability to repent, be grateful, as that is a gift form God. Not everyone is given that gift. Some even have that gift removed from their life forever. Therefore, do not delay. Repent today!

So next time you are tempted to despair over your seemingly unending battle with something or other, just remember that you are still here because there are souls that have yet to be saved. Once that final soul is in the barn, get ready for that express pass to the sky!

2Pe 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief ( klep’-tace – stealer)in the night (noox – can be midnight); in the which the heavens (oo-ran-os) shall pass away (perish) with a great noise (hroyd-zay-don’ – a great crash, or whizzingly) and the elements (stoy-khi’-on – something orderly in arrangement, rudiments) shall melt (loosen, break up, dissolve) with fervent heat (to be set on fire), the earth (ghay) also and the works (toil, labor) that are therein shall be burned up (kat-ak-ah’ee-o – shall be burned down to the ground, wholly consumed).

There is this tension in scripture over the second coming. On the one hand, it is said to be imminent (could happen at any time, so stay ready). On the other hand, certain prophecies must first come to pass. On the one hand, God gives us warning after warning, telling us the day of the Lord is getting closer and closer. On the other hand, we see passages such as these that tell us that the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. That is, stealthily, suddenly, when no one is expecting it. Jesus said if the homeowner knew the hour the thief would come, he would set a watch and be ready for him. But most will be found sleeping. How are these contradictions all true at once?

These truths are written from the viewpoint of different people. As a believer, we should be continually expecting the return of Jesus in all joy. We may always preach that he is coming back soon, but also have it in our hearts that while he may delay his coming to the planet, he may come for each and every one of us at any time. Thus, we always need to stay ready. There are enough parables that speak of those who did not stay ready, and the Lord dealt with them very severely when he suddenly showed up.

In the same way, those of us who are constantly on the lookout for the return of our king are not supposed to be caught unaware. But if we are tempted and distracted by the events of the world, we will forget about the day of the Lord and for those, he will come as a thief.

Think about how the vast majority of the world has no thought of repenting, even after what all of us have gone through from 2020 up until now. And those of us who know the signs of the times know that covid was only a trial run to see how efficiently the mechanisms of control and terror that they have installed will operate when the real takeover is unleashed. I am sure the cabal is extremely satisfied with the near universal compliance by the deluded and brainwashed sheep over something so blatantly disprovable. I shudder when I hear so many proclaim that the cabal is on their knees, running scared, about to implode, all because Trump got elected, and some small percentage of people are waking up? You’ve got to be kidding, right? It is amazing how badly we want to believe what we want to believe! We have had 5 years of minor misery, and we so badly want our old normal back, that as soon as one thing goes our way, we think that’s it, the battle’s over. Yet did we not see just in the last week that they have stolen Romania’s and Guatemala’s elections, in such an overt and obscene fashion, daring someone to do something about it! And hardly anyone on the planet even realizes it, much less is opposing it. No, the cabal has just begun. God gave us a breather here in the last couple of years. Everyone expects that if Trump can just make it alive to Jan 20, then everything will start to get fixed. Dream on. Perhaps God will be merciful, but don’t bet your life on it.

Let us make sure that the day does not catch us sleeping. Thieves know how to sneak in. They know how to evade whatever security you think will keep you safe. They know how not to trip any alarms. They are able to get in and out without you even realizing it. You wake up the next day, and the damage is done.

Are you sure your spiritual defenses are such that no enemy can penetrate within? Are you aware at the first sign of attack? Or do you sleep through the assault, only awakening after the spiritual damage has been done? You have lost your joy, you have lost the presence of God, the thief has robbed you of your peace, and you wonder what happened. Well, take care that no false prophet has infiltrated your defences. Know the word, and know it well, else you too could end being robbed of your faith.

The imagery that God gives us sounds like the end of all physical matter. According to the book of Revelation, this event occurs at the end of the Millenium, when God dissolves the old heavens and earth and creates a new one. However, that does not mean a foreshadowing of this cataclysm does not occur at the end of the tribulation. Perhaps the world’s nuclear arsenal is exploded. It is unthinkable what that would do to the planet. The base elements of creation itself would be disassembled.

Note also that not only the physical will perish, but also all of the wicked works of mankind will be obliterated. Do we not all yearn for the day when all of these unfathomable evils are once and for destroyed for all eternity?

2Pe 3:11 Seeing then (therefore) that all these things shall be dissolved (loo-o – broken up, melted), what manner (what possible sort) of persons ought ye to be in all holy (hag-ee-os) conversation (behavior) and godliness (piety, holiness),

Peter is quick to pull back from the science lesson to what is truly important. No, we do not need to know exactly when and how this end time destruction is going to occur. All we need to focus on is our own relationship to the Lord. If the judgment of the Lord is so cosmic, so all encompassing, how can you even for a minute not make it your absolute top priority to climb that spiritual ladder of holiness that Peter set out for us in chapter one?

Peter is saying that this total destruction is not something that may happen, it is guaranteed to happen. Knowing this, is anything more important than knowing that you are ready to meet the Lord, regardless of when this awful event will occur?

2Pe 3:12 Looking for (anticipating, awaiting, expecting) and hasting (speeding along, urging) unto the coming (parousia – advent, return) of the day of God (theos), wherein the heavens (oo-ran-os) being on fire (ignited, inflamed) shall be dissolved (loosened, broken up, destroyed, melted), and the elements (stoy-khi’-on) shall melt ( tay’-ko – liquefy, only time in NT) with fervent heat (by being set on fire)?

Peter is not finished scaring us. Apocalyptic image after apocalyptic image has filled Peter’s heart in these, his last days on earth. Perhaps God has given him a vision of these end times. Perhaps that is why he is so zealous to communicate the urgency that he feels in his heart. I am sure John felt the same way when the vision of the apocalypse was given unto him that caused him to write the book of Revelation.

So we are commanded not only to look for the day of the Lord, but to hasten it. How do we hasten it? Traditionally, I suppose the most common interpretation is that we do so via our evangelization. Some think that there is a certain amount of souls that are destined to be saved. Once that last soul is in place, then the day of the Lord comes to punish the world. Others may say that our intercession helps to hasten the day. Certainly if anyone of us is backslidden, I hope that it is not you that is delaying our Lord’s coming, otherwise you will have a lot to answer for!

If the Essene calendar is accurate, then 6000 years is not up until 2075! however, the last jubilee starts on Mar 19, 2025. Jesus, we know, is always interceding for his church. Perhaps, by mutual agreement, the Father reserves the exclusive right to decide when and if to let Jesus go and get his bride at any time during this final Jubilee. Jesus has agreed to abide by the Father’s decision, and has chosen to not use his oneness with the Father to know the answer before it actually occurs. Therefore it may be in that context that we first look for (ie, determine that we are in the final Jubilee period of the history of man), then hasten (ie, petition and evangelize and obey) the coming of the day of the Lord. Perhaps we have a part to play as to exactly which day the Lord returns! Isn’t than an exciting (and terrifying) thought!

In any event, thank God that we have the scripture that God promises to shorten the days for the sake of the elect, else no flesh would be saved. How much he shortens it may be partially up to us. Has the church not continually prayed: ‘Thy kingdom come’? Maybe it now takes on greater meaning than ever before.

2Pe 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth (a permanent residence) righteousness (dik-ah-yos-oo’-nay – equitable character).

We are always to look ahead, and not behind. Above, not beneath.

Php 3:13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,

Php 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Col 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

Col 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

Col 3:3 For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.

Col 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

Whether or not there is a Millenium (and I have no reason to doubt that there is), this current planet is destined to be dissolved and disappear. We not only reject the allure of this present age, these phony treasures that are nothing but fleeting vanity, but we eagerly look forward toward the next heaven and earth, where it is said here that righteousness dwells. Yes, we have had righteousness in a tiny measure on this planet, but in the one to come it will be perfected. A world without sin, without the fall, without any watcher angels corrupting mankind forevermore!

An important point is that we may not be living in heaven for all eternity as we have been led to believe. Otherwise why the need for a new earth? For decoration? No, earth seems to be the permanent home for mankind. Who knows how all that will work out? But isn’t it fun to imagine what it will be like – especially as we face the day to day grind of our present evil age?

2Pe 3:14 Wherefore (therefore), beloved (ag-ap-ay-tos), seeing that ye look for (are in expectation) such things, be diligent (use speed, make every effort) that ye may be found of him in peace (i-rah-nay – quietness, rest), without spot (unblemished), and blameless.

To sum up, Peter one more time exhorts his followers to pursue purity, holiness, and perfection, which will lead to the real peace that only Christ can give. We are to make every effort, use all means to be found by Jesus living in a state of quietness and rest, one who is untainted by any recurring sin in their lives.

Have we not amongst our acquaintances those who do not bring peace, but chaos, wherever they go? They are like a hurricane when entering a room, and leave destruction and confusion in their wake. We are not to be like that. If our lives are filled with stress and much noise, we need to learn and pursue and cherish the quiet life.

2Th 3:12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.

1Pe 1:16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.

1Pe 3:4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

1Pe 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

1Pe 3:16 Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.

Peter, in his first epistle, certainly emphasized humility and the fear of the Lord. The development of a godly character is a pearl of great price.

Let us be diligent to seek peace, and pursue it.

2Pe 3:15 And account (consider) that the longsuffering ( mak-roth-oo-mee’-ah – forbearance, patience) of our Lord is salvation (so-tay-ree’-ah – deliverance); even as our beloved (ag-ap-ay-tos) brother Paul also according to the wisdom (sof-ee-ah) given unto him hath written unto you;

Once again Peter felt compelled to remind us that God’s patience is exercised for our benefit. Who could be saved if God was not patient? All of us have tested the patience of the Father. Peter now refers his flock to the writings of Paul, as a second witness to what he has been saying.

2Pe 3:16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood (doos-no’-ay-tos – difficult of perception, only time in NT), which they that are unlearned ( am-ath-ace’ – ignorant, only time in NT) and unstable (unfixed, vacillating) wrest (,streb-lo’-o – wrench, torture, pervert) as they do also the other (rest of) scriptures (graf-ay – document or holy writ), unto their own destruction (ap-o-li-a).

Peter and his congregations are well aware that Paul has written several letters. Therefore, they must have been copied and passed around to all the churches. Peter says that Paul talks about the same things that he has been talking about, just in case someone holds Paul’s teaching to be of a higher calibre than Peter’s.

Here is an honest confession from a great saint. Even Peter himself found some of the things that Paul spoke of hard to understand. I personally believe that the two greatest documents ever written by man were the book of Romans and the book of Hebrews. And no, I am not going to go into why I believe Paul wrote Hebrews. Suffice it to say that I personally have absolutely no doubt that he is the author. Romans has more commentary written about it in the last 2000 years, especially since the Reformation, than any other book in the bible. Protestants are especially enamoured of it. And it contains many stupendous truths concerning the subtleties and nuances of the gospel. And yet I find that the book of Hebrews may be even more profound. No book ties the old and new testaments together like that one.

If Peter did not understand everything Paul wrote, then I think we should not feel too bad if certain scriptures puzzle us.

The next great point Peter makes is that the false teachers, characterized by their ignorance and wishy washedness, do great damage to the word. False teachers have a nasty habit of twisting the plain meaning of texts into something else, usually the exact opposite. For an example, I remember listening to a particularly crazy word of faith lunatic in the 80’s speak of how Job did not know that everything that happened to him was solely satan’s fault, as if God had no hand in allowing it. He then said that he had no faith, because he made sacrifices for his children’s sins on a regular basis, as that somehow did not prove his devotion, but his unbelief. He then tried to make it all Job’s fault, by quoting one verse where Job stated that what he feared had come upon him. This nut said that if Job had been walking in faith and not fear, then the devil would not have been able to touch him! And he continued to preach along these lunatic lines of so called logic. Twisting every word of God to his and his listener’s doom.

Heretics torture the text. The spirit in them hates the word of God with such passion that the person can do nothing else.

The final, most spectacular truth found in this verse is that Peter calls Paul’s writings scripture. This is a second witness to the one we identified in verse 2, regarding the status of the writings of the apostles. As stated previously, someone has to go first in declaring something as sacred. The task fell upon Peter.

2Pe 3:17 Ye therefore, beloved (ag-ap-ay-tos), seeing ye know these things before (prog-in-oce’-ko – foreknew), beware (watch, be on guard) lest ye also, being led away with (take off together, be seduced) the error (plan-ay – fraud, delusion) of the wicked (ath’-es-mos – lawless, criminal), fall from (drop away, driven off) your own stedfastness (stay-rig-mos’ – stability, only time in NT).

How many times does Peter warn against apostasy? I wonder if he had been witnessing a lot of it from his Roman jail cell during Nero’s persecution. It may have been tearing his heart out, watching Christians either refusing to recant, and being slaughtered in the most cruel and inhumane fashion, or what was even worse (from Peter’s point of view), recanting Christ and worshipping the emperor. Remember the greatest moment of shame in Peter’s life, one that would haunt him all his days, was his denial of Christ. Not once, not twice, but three times. Though he was forgiven, I am sure the story followed him the rest of his days. That sin might have been the most egregious one could commit, to his way of thinking. Thus, he is reiterating over and over the importance of staying strong and steadfast in the faith. Never listen to false teachers that will lead you astray. Never even think of apostatizing, for the present agony of your guilt will be too great to bear, never mind the eternal one.

All of us, beloved in the Lord, you know the truth of the gospel. You must watch, and never stop watching. You must always stay on guard. Or else, you also run the risk of being taken captive by some deluded fraudster, someone who is without law, who is a criminal in God’s eyes. It is possible for anyone to fall. The letters of Paul mention several by name who turned away from the faith. It is Peter’s greatest desire before he goes to face his final ordeal, that none of the flock entrusted to him ever departs from the living God.

2Pe 3:18 But grow (enlarge, increase) in grace (khar-eve, or charis – divine influence upon the heart), and in the knowledge (gno-sis) of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory (dox-ah) both now and for ever. Amen (am-ane’ – trustworthy, surely, verily).

Concentrate on growing in grace and knowledge. Not head knowledge, but experiential, revelation knowledge. Get to know him intimately. Grace abounds when relationship abounds. The closer you get to Jesus, the more grace you will find.

Peter ends this short letter with sending all praise to the one who has redeemed us from all sin. An appropriate ending to a vital epistle. An epistle whose lessons contained within are needed more today than perhaps any other previous generation.

May God bless you richly for taking the time to study his word so faithfully.

Solitary Man


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