Chris Westcott
I want to submit two dreams: one about President Trump and Obama and the second about Obama.
Dream 1
I was watching Trump on a boat by himself, a speed boat, and it was coated in black. The boat had his last name plus the number 6 in white (TRUMP 6). He was driving alone and fast on the ocean, and behind him were many cars following him on the water. Eventually, President Trump’s boat sinks and is destroyed and all the cars that followed him scattered everywhere.
Then, I was taken to Washington D.C. I see many secret service agents waiting for something, some knew what was going to happen, others looked clueless. A helicopter landed at the White House and President Obama came out. Some people came to meet Obama and were escorting him inside the White House. Some of the secret service agents started questioning why Obama is at the White House.
As he entered the White House, I heard a voice that said, “After the first year of his reign, American cultures and values will diminish.”
Watch out, Trump will be knocked out (assassinated or destroyed, I do not know) and Obama is coming next.
Dream 2
I was with President Obama, and he takes me into this room that contained many books. The main book that stood out the most was the Constitution of the United States. It was clear he knows EVERYTHING about the law since he was proudly showing his intellectual prowess.
Eventually, the scene changes and I am at a wedding with some people that I know and some African Americans, along with President Obama. The bride and groom were wed and Obama gave that couple their blessing. After the priest finalized the ceremony, everyone said “Amen.” But, a stern-looking African American secret service agent, looked at the room and said, “No, OMEN.” Everyone repeated, “Amen.” Then, the man said, “Omen, Omen, Omen!” Some of those who said Amen changed to saying “Omen.” I and some other people refused to say “Omen,” and the squinted with evil intent at us. After the ceremony ended, we walked outside and say many helicopters surrounding the area, which was odd. The night was very dark.
Obama thinks he is a god. His followers counterfeited the Amen with Omen (O representing Obama). And, “omen” is used as a double meaning so it is actually using the noun form, which means a premonition or something about to occur or a sign.