By fnmatt2000
draw close to me by reading my word
Stay pure by reading my holy words daily. I am coming for mine in anticipation to pick up my beautiful brides who have kept their lamps full of oil. Many will cry out to me but will not enter in, they have let their lamps burn out of oil. It is important to read my holy word daily, draw close to me by reading my word. Scriptures tell of my soon return. The adversary comes to cause much heart ache and despair on the lost sheep, these are not of me. They fall prey to Satan who can and will devour the weak souls left behind. Listen to my holy word preached about the gospel and the soon return of Jesus Christ the great Messiah, King above all things on heaven and on earth. Great is thy faithfulness. Watch therefore that you are not caught off guard, the enemy is cunning, the lukewarm are not ready for my judgment on this planet. Oh Israel, beg for my forgiveness, I have forgiven you and will again if you will turn to me again. Pray for the lost daily. Much corruption fills the land. Much calamities ahead for my lost sheep. Bear false witness against my flock, all have been given everlasting life through my blood shed on the cross, love one another as I love you. There is no time for my flock to come against one another discussing doctrine or other things. Look up, your redemption draws nigh. Cover yourself with my blood daily, the battle is fierce, put on the full armor of God daily in accordance with the scriptures. I Yeshua am coming for you.