1111 and 3 Days of Darkness
August 24, 2021 2:58 PM
The King Returns
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Crrist, greetings in the name of our Lord, JESUS CHRIST.
I would like to share some words I have been receiving since yesterday and an urge I have been feeling in my spirit. since the Supermoon Strawberry Moon of June 2021, an urge in my spirit that something is coming upon the earth for this last semester of the year 2021. I don’t give dates, the Lord’s timing is not ours but I am sharing here what I sense .
All throughout yesterday I have seen more than 7 times these 11 – 11- 11- (which we know is one of the ways GOD speaks to his children among many other ways,} today as I was walking through the street I happened to look down and saw this again, I photographed it !
Photo by The King Returns
I heard in my spirit yesterday August 23 th 2021 ,as I was fixing breakfast, ” THE WORLD WILL PLUNGE INTO DARKNESS”
I continued my day as usual and at the evening time close to 7 pm, I heard again
( I prayed at night for a confirmation of these words) This morning I received the confirmation through sisters Lyne Johnson ‘s post
And today morning August 24 th 2021 as I was walking through the parking lot towards the mall, Again these RHEMA WORDS ” THE WORLD WILL PLUNGE INTO DARKNESS”
This is not the first time I have heard these words, by the end of 2019 close to December I heard clearly in my spirit ” 3 DAYS OF DARKNESS” PREPARE “
And after this I was led to make a video about the topic which I will leave the link to.
So I felt led this time to share , it is the first time, I have been following the 444 web page for quite some time now, and this is the first time I am sharing things I have received.
Also by the start of 2019 I heard 3 knocks at 330 am in my house. It woke me up! I live alone, and have glass doors, but these Knock sounded like on a WOODEN DOOR, the sound was slow paced, and it felt like a heavy wooden door sound, almost old, I KNEW in my spirit it came from the LORD. I was able to recognize this a couple of days later after pondering on the situation.. I believe he is calling all his people to PREPARE and be READY for the EVENTS that we will see and to be READY AT ALL TIMES FOR HIS RETURN.
I am not a prophet, just a simple follower of our beloved MESSIAH YASHUA HAMASHIAC THE CHRIST..
I bid you farewell for now ! and pray that we are all praying and fasting as lead by the HOLY SPIRIT, in one accord as the apostles in the upper room of old, awaiting the instructions and anointing that will fall upon his children,
May we be worthy of receiving his grace and guidance❤ for these perilous times. and be a light for others.
Much Love & Blessing to all of you Brothers and Sisters ! Always in my prayers !
Little sheep of the Flock ❤❤❤