
Zephaniah Chapter 1 – Solitary Man

Zephaniah Chapter 1

9/28/24 11:11 AM
Solitary Man


Zep 1:1 The word of the LORD which came unto Zephaniah the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hizkiah, in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah.

As noted in the introduction, Zephaniah has the distinction of the most detailed genealogy of any of the old testament prophets. This is why such a strong case can be made that the name Hizkiah, actually refers to good king Hezekiah. The exact same Hebrew word is used for Hezekiah and Hizkiah. Why the King James translators decided to spell the name in a different way in this verse is beyond me, as it only served to muddy the waters, and tempt some scholars into a potential controversy where there is no logical reason to create one.

The point is that the genealogy is given to the fifth generation to show that Zephaniah descended from royal blood. The paucity of famous lineages for most of the prophets brings to mind this verse from the apostle Paul:

1Co 1:26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:

We certainly can attest to the truth of this statement today. Why does it seem that virtually every rich man on the planet has aligned themselves with the globalists and the new world order? Have they never read a bible? Do they not know how it must end? Nonetheless they almost all have chosen the losing side. The verse above says that it really is up to God to decide whom he calls into his service. Those who have chosen to claim their reward in this life will not be on God’s shortlist of desirable candidates for the kingdom! Zephaniah can rejoice in that he is one of the few exceptions.

The bible only recorded one son for Hezekiah. Nevertheless that does not mean that he did not have others, as rulers throughout history are famous for multiple offspring, but history often only recorded those in the royal lineage, or perhaps some others if they achieved something of significance in their life.

The names themselves are most interesting. Zephaniah means Jah has secreted or guarded, or Jah has hid. Do we not all long to be hidden by the Lord as we see the final day of the Lord approaching at breakneck speed? I presume that many of the readers of these commentaries are part of God’s hidden army. You have been called by God out of Babylon, and invited to enter into his secret chambers. Whether that is spiritually, in your prayer closet, or also physically, in moving to a place of separation, we all pray and desire that Yahweh will find our service useful to him, and will continue to secret, or hide us, from the plans and purposes of the anitchrist spirit, that is now operating in full force in this world.

The son of Cushi, would be the son of an Ethiopian, or possibly an Egyptian. This word is only used 2 times in the bible. I cannot find any insight from the commentators on the significance of this name. Perhaps it is to show that not only did Zephaniah share a common ancestry with Hebrew nobility, but that he had a connection with the Gentile people as well. The day of the Lord will affect us all. Jew or Gentile, we will all face these dreadful days, as no tribe is exempt. Also, there is no distinction in the family of God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ, all tribes are welcome.

Gedaliah – whom Jah has made great. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this was said of us – that God takes a nobody like ourself, and makes us great for his purpose and his glory?

Amariah – whom Jah has promised. What has Jehovah promised us? Collectively, we are promised eternal life if we have been washed in the precious blood of the lamb. Individually, what has Yehovah promised you? Do you still truly believe it? Is there any reason to doubt Jah’s faithfulness?

Hizkiah or Hezekiah – strengthened of Jah. Is this not one of the most needed of Yahweh’s promises, from the perspective of a daily need in our lives? Can we not all recall specific situations in our lives where we simply would not of made it, without the tangible strengthening of God almighty that we knew and felt at that particular time?

This is a blessed genealogy. God guarded it, by hiding it away. God made this bloodline great. This lineage had the promise of God to rely upon. They were also strengthened with Yahweh’s might.

Through the Lord Jesus Christ, can we not all claim these promises for ourselves?

Zep 1:2 I will utterly consume all things from off the land, saith the LORD.

Expanded by using Strong’s concordance, it can read like this:

Zep 1:2 I will utterly consume (to gather, remove, destroy, for the purpose of snatching away, to terminate, to have a final end) all things from off (the face of) the land (ad-aw-mah – the soil, ground), saith the LORD (Yehovah).

Has there ever been a prophecy that started off with stronger language than this? This was a man who got to the truth without preamble. You would be hard pressed to make a stronger opening statement than this. The word ad-aw-mah comes from a root word aw-dam, which means the color red, or to show blood. This is a subtle reference to what will actually occur as God is consuming all things from off the earth. It will not be a gentle snatching away. It will be bloody. Perhaps one could translate it as ‘I will consume all in blood’.

As of this moment, we see the devil and his acolytes trying to preempt God. By the use of chemtrails, bioweapons, the shutting down of farmland and the blowing up of food processing plants, by the fake climate change garbage, the toxins in our processed food and in our water supply, the devil is attempting to destroy all life off the planet. You wonder why any human being would go along with this. It is insane. No, it is well beyond insane. It is in a class of evil so off the charts, that words fail to describe it. So why do they do it? Suppose they succeed. Suppose they make this planet uninhabitable for all plant and animal life. Who are they terraforming the planet for?

Some think that they all plan to upload their consciousness into the cloud, and live forever in the internet. Others think that they will of transformed their bodies into some sort of indestructible mechanical device and thus, will not need plants and animals to survive. Even if all this were true, and their demented dreams came to fruition, it still begs the question as to why engage in this global planetary genocide of all life as we know it? The answer must be their singular, all encompassing hatred of God. I heard someone say that the reason the elite torture babies to death, is that this is the most effective way that they have to hurt God, since babies represent the image of God in all its innocence, before sin has its way in a soul as it grows up. We cannot hope to understand this level of evil, nor should we seek to, lest we too become irreparably defiled in our souls. Suffice it to say that the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Never before in all of history have we seen him put this into practise as we do today.

Before the devil completes his plan, God will have the final say over all of his creation. The reason God will consume all things, is just as in the days of Noah, mankind has corrupted themselves past the point of no return. We are of that generation that has gone beyond any hope of reversal. We cannot fix this. No one can. Not Trump, not RFK, not any fight for freedom, not if every human being (outside the cabal) stood up today and demanded justice. No, the day of the Lord is upon us. It is here. We do not need any more words of prophecy to know this. It is all around us. Let Zephaniah speak to us, and describe for us what we are about to face, so that we can try to prepare as best we can for what is. Let us stop living in la la land, hoping that the fairy tales and fables that our Laodicean pastors keep spouting at us, will somehow magically make reality disappear, so we can go back to ‘normal’ times, where we can go about seeking our own pleasures and effectively ignore God, like we have done so perfectly in the decades leading up to this moment.

Zep 1:3 I will consume (soof – terminate, have an end) man (aw-dawm) and beast (be-hay-mah); I will consume (soof) the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumblingblocks (figuratively the idols) with the wicked (raw-shaw – ungodly); and I will cut off (kaw-rath – as cutting a covenant) man (aw-dawm) from off (off the face of) the land (as-aw-mah – earth), saith the LORD.

As the globalists have unleashed their end time scenario of depopulation and the utter destruction of the environment via mrna poisons, chemtrails, and fake pcr tests to cull the animals, God is actually claiming credit for this himself. Whether one wants to see God as merely permitting the crushing of all created life in this generation, or actually using the cabal as his instrument of judgment, is not really the issue. The issue is that nothing that happens on this planet is somehow out of the control of the one who is ultimately in charge.

If it helps you sleep better at night to believe that everything evil is only done by the will of the devil, and that God has nothing to do with it, then how do you explain verses such as this in Isaiah?

Isa_45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Indeed, Yehovah mocks those celestial beings who think to usurp God’s role. He challenges them to do ultimate good or ultimate evil, something that is the domain of Yahweh himself:

Isa_41:23 Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.

Evil in the biblical sense is not simply wickedness. It may refer to calamity, tribulation, or harsh trial. It is bound in the ways of God, which are known via his judgments. By nature, judgments are evil. If God strikes your spouse dead via his judgment, would you not say that a great evil has befallen you? We need to get back to the true meaning of words, which can only be found in the word of God, and quit letting churchmen and the world define terms for us.

I say all this to try and wake up the church to the fact that no matter how awful the cabal acts towards mankind in the days ahead, know that they would not be allowed to do anything without the express permission of God, as we all learned from the book of Job. Why didn’t the cabal launch their terrible plans sooner? Were they not ready? Were they afraid? Did not those whose lives were ending not want to see the fruit of their wicked labor come to pass as soon as possible? Of course they did. But until the fullness of time, God would not allow them to unleash their final battle plan until God gave the go ahead to do so.

So, as we watch our governments kill our chickens and cows, know that this is all part of the end time judgment of God, whose patience has run our with sinful man. As the jabs have consumed man, so the fake bird flu positive pcr test is being used of God to consume the fowls of the heaven. So the dew (direct energy) weapons have been used to wipe out cattle herds, and more destruction is on the way. The fish are next. The frequencies of those horrible wind turbines are one way that the fish are being destroyed. Don’t get me started on the millions of birds being slaughtered by those wicked machines.

Not only is all of God’s wonderful creation being terminated, but at the same time God will destroy our stumblingblocks, which are our idols. Have not our entertainment industry, whether Hollywood or sports leagues, become so woke, that they have become utterly unwatchable? How many of us used to love following certain sports teams, but have turned away in disgust as they bowed to the demonic, woke culture of our insane cultures? Do we need to be reminded of the rampant sodomy when we watch a sports game? Or how about the satanism on display during the Olympics? Have we not all had enough of this blasphemy? God says he has. He will make an utter end of all idols, along with the wicked. Oh, how we long for the day when the wicked are finally cut off from the land!

Here is a truth that must be completely restored to the body of Christ. One that has been utterly abandoned. And that is developing a perfect hatred for not only wickedness, but the wicked themselves.

I am so sick of hearing the phrase, ‘hate the sin, but love the sinner’. I get why people say this. Aren’t we supposed to love our neighbor as ourself? Should not love be the banner that every believer is known for?

These things are true. However we will not really understand the bible without an understanding of one simple fact. There is not just the saved and lost, but also a subset of the lost called the wicked. Not all of the lost can be saved. Romans chapter one clearly teaches this. One can continue in sin to such as extent that God sees there is no future hope for them, so he turns them over to their sin. In effect, he damns them while they are still alive. They then become utterly depraved, and it always is marked by some form of sexual depravity being the trademark of their life. These are the wicked.

In recent months God is blowing the top off the child sex trafficking that is taking place in America, and really in all the world. It seems as if the world is truly being run by pedophiles. And why is that? It is because these are the wicked, those that God has turned over to their uncontrollable lusts. They now have no ability to restrain their despicable sexual appetites. As they indulge their darkest fantasies, they desire to go deeper and deeper into unmentionable atrocities. These are the Gates and the Soros and the (insert your favorite villain) of our day. God speaks of these freaks in this passage:

Rom 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

Rom 1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Rom 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

Rom 1:29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

Rom 1:30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,

Rom 1:31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:

Rom 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Take a close look at each of those characteristics that Paul mentions. Can we not see each and every one of those traits clearly manifested in men such as those mentioned? And those are just a representative sample. Most are just puppets, front men for the real controllers behind the curtain.

John tells us the true state of the world today:

1Jn 5:19 And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.

So we acknowledge that yes, there are many, many reprobates out there. They are countless, and satan has given them their reward in this life. Do you think we should be praying for them? For those who knowingly and wilfully have chosen to serve the enemy of Jehovah?

Let’s take a look at some of the greatest heroes of the faith from the word of God. What was their attitude toward the truly wicked? How about David, a man after God’s own heart?

Psa 139:19 Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.

Psa 139:20 For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain.

Psa 139:21 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?

Psa 139:22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

Psa 139:23 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:

Psa 139:24 And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

Is this not one of the most stunning, eye opening passages in the entire scripture? Note David did not say that he hated the wicked man’s deeds, but the wicked themselves! He did not separate the man from his works. And neither does God. Does not God say again and again in his word that all of us will have to give account for the deeds done in our body, whether good or bad? Does God say, well, I hate your deeds, but since I love you so much, everyone can come into heaven? You cannot separate the man from his actions.

David is so confident of his righteous attitude that he asks God to search his heart. If he was unsure that this was the right attitude to have toward the truly wicked, then why is he so bold in asking God to try him? This is not arrogance, but revelation. A sure confidence that he has the mind of the Lord on this topic.

Note however that David makes a distinction between his personal enemies and the enemies of his God. With someone like king Saul, who became David’s personal enemy, he did not raise up a finger against him, but waited for the justice of God. But when it came to an enemy of Yahweh himself, David shows that he is completely on God’s side. To say that I love Bill Gates, when Mr. Gates has been unleashing genocide on the entire human race for many years, is spitting in the face of God himself. Would you also profess your love for satan himself? When will the church admit that in our pride and arrogance, we have created a morality that we thought was superior to God’s? In effect, if we say we love those that God hates, we are taking the sides of God’s enemies. Let us look at some scriptures that speak of God’s attitude toward the truly wicked. Remember, we are not speaking about the lost, but those who have taken the side of satan, once and for all, in this cosmic war against God.

Psa 7:11 God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.

Psa 11:5 The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.

Psa 11:6 Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.

Psa 37:20 But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.

Pro 15:26 The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the LORD: but the words of the pure are pleasant words.

Here is a scary verse, that I will not even begin to try and explain theologically, as all the predestinationalists will take this as ammunition for their cause. All this says is that God knows the wicked, right from the womb. In some mysterious fashion, it’s as if they are cut off from the life of God and the hope of salvation as soon as they are conceived, such vile souls they will turn out to be by the foreknowledge of God.

Psa 58:3 The wicked are estranged from the womb: they go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.

One more example is that of Phinehas. Let’s take a look at the story.

Num 25:1 And Israel abode in Shittim, and the people began to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab.

Num 25:2 And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods.

Num 25:3 And Israel joined himself unto Baalpeor: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against Israel.

Num 25:4 And the LORD said unto Moses, Take all the heads of the people, and hang them up before the LORD against the sun, that the fierce anger of the LORD may be turned away from Israel.

Num 25:5 And Moses said unto the judges of Israel, Slay ye every one his men that were joined unto Baalpeor.

Num 25:6 And, behold, one of the children of Israel came and brought unto his brethren a Midianitish woman in the sight of Moses, and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel, who were weeping before the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.

Num 25:7 And when Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose up from among the congregation, and took a javelin in his hand;

Num 25:8 And he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly. So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel.

Num 25:9 And those that died in the plague were twenty and four thousand.

Num 25:10 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,

Num 25:11 Phinehas, the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, hath turned my wrath away from the children of Israel, while he was zealous for my sake among them, that I consumed not the children of Israel in my jealousy.

Num 25:12 Wherefore say, Behold, I give unto him my covenant of peace:

Num 25:13 And he shall have it, and his seed after him, even the covenant of an everlasting priesthood; because he was zealous for his God, and made an atonement for the children of Israel.

God had just instructed Moses to kill every idolater that had defiled themselves. As judgment was being meted out, one of the men so despised the judgments of the Lord, that he decided to bring one of these whorish women right into the camp before the eyes of all.

Phinehas did not have to think twice. He did not have to pray about it, or call a committee meeting. He saw flagrant evil, and immediately took matters into his own hand. He showed no typical Laodicean tolerance of sin. He did not decide to raise up a rainbow flag, to show our love and inclusivity for all men. No, he killed them both, without hesitation.

And what was the result? God was so pleased, that he gave him an eternal promise. His line out of all the lines of Aaron, would inherit an everlasting priesthood. How that will be played out in the Millenium, nobody knows, but it will come to pass. And why did God single him out for such a special blessing? Because of his perfect hatred not just of evil, but of the ones who openly were committing it.

In America and other so called Christian nations today, we see the utter folly and ruin of substituting God’s judgment on the wicked with our misguided, and ultimately evil decision to go soft on wickedness, and not punish the vile. Do you think we would have our children cutting their genitals off today if we had continued to criminalize homosexuality, as God demanded? Do you think we would have drag queen story hour if we would of preached holiness in our churches, the way God wanted it preached? Do you think we would have child sex trafficking and child organ harvesting, if we would of executed every rapist when caught? The sword was given to governments to give all people a visual reminder of eternal punishment, when they witnessed the temporal punishment of the wicked. When we decided to take the wicked’s side in showing misplaced mercy, we became the enemy of God and his ways. So now we will have to live with the consequence of that choice. As God’s enemy, we can expect the righteous retribution of a God that has been betrayed by his own people.

This is where so many stumble over doctrines such as eternal security. They love to quote verses about the faithfulness of God. If God never leaves or forsakes us, then how can we lose our salvation? But this has nothing to do with whether the doctrine of eternal security is true or not. The problem is never on God’s side. He always keeps his word. When we come to Jesus, there are two sides to this covenant that has been made. We make a covenant with the Father, to love and obey his son, by following him, no matter where he leads us. In response, the Father agrees to accept the payment of his Son’s blood as payment for our sin, and provides an entrance for us into his kingdom.

Once we cut that covenant, does God then take away our free will? Is it impossible for us to change our mind? Why would we ever think that?

No, God will never break the covenant. However, from our side it’s quite a different story. When speaking about the character of Yehovah, the bible clearly says things such as ‘I am the Lord, I change not’. That certainly should also be our goal, but in reality cannot be said of too many of us! Should we choose to wilfully walk away from the covenant we have made, then we are free to do so. Only do not expect the blessings of the covenant to still be yours, if you have chosen to break the terms. You agreed to accept Jesus as Lord of your life. Should you now reject him as Lord, then the covenant has been broken. Either you repent, and God graciously restores you, or stay in your sin and reap the consequence.

So here in this verse it sure seems as if God is breaking the Noahic covenant.

Gen 9:16 And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth.

Gen 9:17 And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth.

Of course we know the specifics of the covenant was that God would not destroy all the earth any more via a flood. He did reserve the right to destroy the earth via some other way. Yet God never initiates the destructive process. It is always our sin that sets the wheels of judgment in motion.

In this verse (if you can remember what the verse says after all this commentary on it) Zephaniah is looking to the final generation and showing us the destruction that is to make this verse come to pass in its fulness. However as we now proceed to examine the rest of the chapter, we will see that the initial fulfillment of this terrible pronouncement is meant for his nation of Judah. Remember that he is prophesying around 630 BC, a mere 25 years before the 1st invasion by Babylon.

Zep 1:4 I will also stretch out mine hand upon Judah, and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and I will cut off (kaw-rath) the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the Chemarims (kaw-mawr – ascetic, idolatrous priests) with the priests;

We would do well to remind ourselves that the number one sin on God’s hit list is always idolatry. Thou shalt have no other gods before thee. We tend to think of sins against other people as the most heinous, because we are so self focused and not God focused. Sins against the creator are always of a more serious nature than sins against the creation.

The Chemarims were known as ascetic idolatrous priests. This word kaw-mawr is found in only 2 other places:

2Ki 23:5 And he put down the idolatrous priests (kaw-mawr), whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.

Hos 10:5 The inhabitants of Samaria shall fear because of the calves of Bethaven: for the people thereof shall mourn over it, and the priests (kaw-mawr) thereof that rejoiced on it, for the glory thereof, because it is departed from it.

If Zephaniah gave this word before Josiah’s reforms (which is what we concluded as most likely), then this would refer to a prediction of Josiah cleansing the land of these false priests. If this word was given after Josiah’s reforms, we know that the people’s hearts were not purged of this demon worship, as they quickly fell back into idol worship once Josiah was gone. So this would refer to the complete cleansing of the land of all idols at the time of the day of the Lord. As with all these pronouncements of judgment, one can clearly see a double fulfillment. The actual day of the Lord will be when the full and final fulfillment will take place.

We also see a mention of Baal. It seems as if no matter how thorough one tries to cleanse one’s heart of a certain besetting sin, a remnant may still remain. Let us ensure that no remnant of that secret sin that so easily defeats us, is left in our hearts to spring up and take us down when we find ourselves weakened and tempted in the future.

Zep 1:5 And them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops; and them that worship and that swear by the LORD, and that swear by Malcham;

More and more idolatry. You would think that Judah would of learned the lesson of their northern neighbors, who had been destroyed and wiped off the map by the Assyrians, less than a century ago. But like all generations, it seems the spiritual lessons learned are quickly forgotten by those that come after. What is it about the allure of sin that causes people of every tribe and every generation to fall into the same trap, over and over again? What is the point of history, if we learn nothing from it?

Josiah destroyed the altars that past kings had made.

2Ki 23:12 And the altars that were on the top of the upper chamber of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two courts of the house of the LORD, did the king beat down, and brake them down from thence, and cast the dust of them into the brook Kidron.

Malchum was called Milcom (same Hebrew word), the god of the Ammonites (1 Ki 11:33), and was better known as Moloch(1 Ki 11:7).

The most notable thing of this verse is God’s indictment of his people trying to have it both ways. They would swear by Yahweh, but also swear by Moloch. They think they were saved because they honored Yehovah. But just to be safe, to cover all bases, or maybe just to be socially acceptable with their pagan neighbors, they also worshipped this detestable deity of child sacrifice.

How many Christians, who sincerely believe that they are truly born again, have had abortions and think nothing of it? Well over 60 million babies have been given to Moloch in America in the last 50 years. Is it any wonder that God now has allowed spirits of such darkness in our lands that is making our children truly believe that they are the opposite sex, that cutting off their body parts will make them happy, and that over half a million children a year in America now are missing, all destined to be raped to death, or organ harvested, or both? How many so called Christian parents are allowing their kids to proclaim that they are a different gender? You don’t understand, you say. My child will hate me if I don’t. They may even take my child away if I don’t affirm them. So we choose to defy God and embrace a lie, rather than speak the truth and leave the rest up to God? Can we not trust our heavenly father to give us the wisdom to speak the truth in love? Can we not trust that he knows best? So what if your child is taken away? God forbid, but this may be the level of sacrifice that may be asked of some of us. The time is almost upon us, when all bible believing parents will be at risk of losing their children for taking a stand against the satanism that has become the official religion and law of the land. Did not early generations of believers encourage their children to stand strong and not apostatize, knowing that they and their children were about to be thrown into the arena to be eaten by wild beasts? This is that kind of time that we are living in. We must do all that we can to try and get ready, no matter how distasteful the truth has become.

Satan may accept your half hearted worship of him. He does not really care, as one who is not all in for Jesus, is his anyway. But Jesus is not like that. You either belong totally to him, or not at all. Did he not spent a lot of time challenging the half hearted, forcing them to face their insincere faith? Better to find out on this side of eternity that you are not fit for the kingdom of heaven, and do something about it, rather than deceiving yourself, only to find out on the other side that you have made such a mistake that you will have all of eternity to regret it.

Zep 1:6 And them that are turned back (soog – flinch, apostatize, backslide, turn away) from the LORD; and those that have not sought (searched out) the LORD, nor enquired (follow, seek, worship) for him.

God is still speaking of those who he will cast off (v3). Not only the idol worshippers, but the backslider as well. Those that refuse to get serious in their faith by sincerely seeking God, and those that won’t follow or worship him, which encompasses all lukewarm believers. When will we stop trying to comfort those that are in most danger of hellfire? A sinner who knows the gospel message and has rejected it, at least knows what the bible says as far as where he is headed. But our churches are filled with those who have no idea that they are headed for exactly the same place. Perhaps the backslider knows that the ‘once saved, always saved’, nonsense will not hold up, else why would his conscience keep pricking him? But how about so many who have let the cares of this world choke all life out of them? How most spent no real quality time with the master. They do not seek him, or worship him. A few minutes on Sunday singing some songs, even raising your hands, does not mean you are a disciple. Jesus demands our all. Anything less will not cut it.

Zep 1:7 Hold thy peace (be silent) at the presence (in the face of) of the Lord GOD: for the day of the LORD is at hand: for the LORD hath prepared a sacrifice (zeh-bakh – slaughter), he hath bid (kaw-dash – consecrated, sanctified) his guests.

Your stupid false doctrines of peace and prosperity will come to an end. When the day of the Lord takes place, as it is now, you will be silenced.

Where are the prosperity preachers now? Where are all the televangelists? Where are all the hucksters, selling us special anointing oil, or prayer cloths, or water from the Jordan river, all for a special offering? Where are all the Copelands and the Tiltons and all the rest of their ilk? Why aren’t they here making proclamations, speaking to the 50 million immigrant invaders, turning them back from our borders by simply standing on the word and confessing Mark 11:23? Why aren’t they moving the mountain of child sex trafficking out of our lands? I guess those promises were only good for obtaining 5 or 6 palatial homes, and half a dozen private jets. Not so good for actually turning back evil and saving our children and our country.

Now that the day of the Lord is really at hand, the silence from the heretics is deafening.

I like the fact that the Hebrew indicates that the ones that God invites to witness the great slaughter are his consecrated ones. Not the lukewarm. Not the Laodiceans. Not the mega church attendees. Not the seeker friendly crowd. Not the hip, or the casual. No, only the consecrated ones are invited to witness the slaughter that is about to take place. If you are not called to be a witness, then chances are that you are going to be a part of that slaughter yourself!

Zep 1:8 And it shall come to pass in the day of the LORD’S sacrifice (zeh-bakh), that I will punish (paw-kad – visit, do judgment) the princes (governor), and the king’s children (melek bane – the king’s son), and all such as are clothed with strange (nok-ree – foreign, outlandish) apparel.

God refers to this day of vengeance as a sacrifice, or slaughter, that is being prepared for him. It singles out the rulers and their offspring. Perhaps one can see a reference here to the transgenders, and the drag queen freaks, who clothe themselves in outlandish apparel. Embracing pagan customs and practices has always been condemned by Yahweh.

Another aspect of this verse can be looked at those who come to the wedding feast without a proper wedding garment. It brings to mind not only believers who have been taught a different Jesus than the one found in the bible, but so many truthers in the alternative media space. Most of them claim to be Christians. Nonetheless, if you spend enough time listening to them, their belief system is covered in much ‘strange apparel’. They are found to be full of new age and other unbiblical ideas. And this is the result of being brought up in the Laodicean church. Because we were so fearful of speaking the truth so as not to offend, the children of that generation, though well meaning in spirit, and even used of God to do much good, will end up in the same lake of fire as their adversaries, because they know not their own desperate need for the real Jesus to wash their sins away.

Zep 1:9 In the same day also will I punish (paw-kad) all those that leap on the threshold, which fill their masters’ houses with violence (khaw-mawce – injustice, cruelty, violent dealing) and deceit (meer-maw – fraud, treachery).

Leaping on the threshold is an expression denoting the eagerness of these thieves in entering the righteous man’s abode, and dragging him away unjustly, acting as traitors in their evil master’s service.

Does this not describe so many in positions of small authority, who have sold their souls during covid to enforce wicked mandates? Who would empty the jails of real criminals, to protect their health, but lock up the innocent, quarantine them, and confiscate their wealth through egregious fines, and the lockdown of their businesses? Who would gleefully arrest pastors, and lock their churches down?

I will never forget when they arrested Mr. Coates, a Canadian pastor, for having the audacity of holding a church service. Then they brought many pieces of chain link fence, and surrounded his church property with it, and posted armed police officers to keep everyone out. There was no limit to the absurdity and the expense they went to, in order to intimidate and get people used to the idea of total enslavement. Tamara Lich and Chris Barber had a 47 day trial over a charge of mischief, two and a half years after the truckers convoy. The many millions of dollars of taxpayers money spent by the provincial Ontario government to prosecute them is mind boggling. Yet the mainstream media think nothing of it, receiving the majority of their revenue from federal government grants. They gleefully lie and betray the country they live in, all for a bowl of pottage, like Esau. Granted, some of those bowls may contain many thousands of dollars, but in the end, it all comes down to the same thing, does it not?

Do we now see just how evil the prosperity doctrine truly was? Teaching Christians that the priority in your Christian life was to embrace the notion that God wants you to be financially wealthy. Regardless of the reason they taught that, just look at what the love of money has caused most people in our nations to do. Money was used to coerce people into getting the poison death jab, in order to keep their paycheque. Doctors and nurses were paid for every patient they poisoned, tortured, and murdered. Antifa and blm got paid to burn down cities. Soldiers and law officers got paid to become thugs, and beat unarmed people at the truckers rally, and on January 6th. Bureaucrats of every government department were given bonuses to enforce freedom destroying mandates. The more draconian the measures they implemented, the more money they received, and the greater the promotion earned. I talked to a born again, spirit filled believer, who made crazy amounts of money installing 5g towers when all of society was locked down. He seemed to of had no problem in doing it, probably believing the Lord was blessing him mightily at that time. Imagine, installing towers that would send debilitating microwaves to the jabbed masses, at the whim and will of the wicked, and because of all the overtime he was making, thinking that Jesus was blessing him!

All this was possible because of the love of money. The love of money caused billions to rationalize their wicked deeds. Whether minor or major, from wearing a mask to murdering hospital patients, money was at the bottom of it all.

Jesus said you cannot serve God and mammon. Period. No exceptions. No qualifications. The world has just witnessed the greatest abandonment of personal morality and ethics during the covid plandemic that mankind has ever seen. And this mostly in so called Christian nations. This has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that most Christians do think you can serve serve God and mammon. They are in for a very rude awakening once they get on the other side of eternity.

I believe all this was made possible by the prosperity gospel. If the gospel had been preached in its pure, biblical form, many, many millions would of not hesitated in defying our governments, as all they had was the threat of losing our paycheques, or even more pathetic, the threat of withholding an extra bonus for doing evil. But because we were taught that a sure sign of God’s favor is monetary wealth, I am sure many thought these bonuses were a great blessing from God. I know that many pastors eagerly took special payouts from the government in Canada for keeping their churches closed. And for turning them into vaccination centers. Just look at all the so called Christian NGO’s, that are making the invasion of our lands possible. They are raking in billions, while committing treason of the highest magnitude. And it all began with the sabotaging of our churches, preaching doctrines that ticked our ears, and inflamed our carnal lusts for the things of this world. We wanted Jesus, and the American dream also. Now most will have neither.

Zep 1:10 And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD, that there shall be the noise of a cry (shriek) from the fish gate, and an howling from the second, and a great crashing (fracture, destruction) from the hills.

The fish gate is mentioned in Neh 3:3. The point is that there will be shrieks of alarm and misery from all parts of the city. There will be no place that is safe. God is sending total destruction. Where do you think you will be able to hide?

The elite are building bunkers. They know what is coming. They are causing it. It will do them no good. When it is time for them to pay for their treachery, God knows where to find them.

Zep 1:11 Howl, ye inhabitants of Maktesh, for all the merchant (ken-ah-an – Canaan, traffickers) people are cut down (daw-mah – dumb, silent, to be undone, fail, perish); all they that bear (are laden with) silver (money) are cut off (kaw-rath – in this instance, to perish).

Maktesh comes from a root meaning mortar, a place where corn or medicine is pounded. This is not so much a name of an actual town, but of a valley besides Jerusalem, where, like the mortar, the inhabitants will be pounded down in the day of the Lord.

Now the rest of the verse gets interesting. These valley dwellers are howling, not because these merchantmen, these Canaanites, are coming to kill you, but that they are being killed! Since Canaan also means traffickers, it reminds one of that passage in Ezekiel:

Eze 28:16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.

Where satan is denoted as being cast out of heaven because of his heart that was filled with trading, or trafficking. Something about that act of commerce so infuriated God that he cast satan out of heaven forever.

In a more direct application, I believe this verse is saying that the inhabitants are howling over the fact that the traffickers have been exposed and undone. This could refer to the human traffickers of our day. And because so many citizens of America are using the services of these traffickers, they will howl when their source of child sex slaves is taken away by the judgment of God.

This is how sick and disgusting our nations in the west have become. Our own citizens will howl when the child sex peddlers are taken away by God. If it is true that we now import a half million children between the ages of infant to 17 each year, and we also export a half million of our own children to other parts of the world yearly, then think of the demand these children represent of the demonic sexual appetites of those that use them. Remember many of these children get raped a dozen or more times per day, so try to visualize the amount of people that are engaging in these heinous acts, right in our own nations!

There was a verse that I could never make sense of in Revelation, but now has been made very clear:

Rev 18:11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:

Rev 18:12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble,

Rev 18:13 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.

It seemed like an antiquated and archaic bit of hyperbole when this list ended with slaves and souls of men. I thought that modern 21st century Babylon cannot be engaged in the slave trade. Yet here we now find that the United States government is the largest child sex trafficking organization in the history of mankind. The facts are beyond staggering. Who would of ever thought such a thing would ever be possible? Yet here we are.

Zep 1:12 And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with candles, and punish the men that are settled on their lees: that say in their heart, The LORD will not do good, neither will he do evil.

The idea here is that God is leaving no stone unturned when he decides it is time to settle up accounts. How many times do we see Hollywood portray the turning of one’s back on God, because he allowed some tragedy to occur, or some crime go temporarily unpunished? How many millions of souls has satan sent to hell, in whispering to them that God is not real, or even worse, that he does not care, since he allowed such and such to happen, or so and so to die.

Like the dregs of the wine at the bottom of the bottle, left too long until it has become bitter and harsh, so these men of Jerusalem during that time of judgment had become. This applies to any heart that has strayed so far from God, that it becomes cold and harsh, like that last sip at the bottom of a home made bottle of wine, filled with sediment and all unpleasantness.

Their hearts have become so estranged from the spirit of God, in that they have become totally indifferent to God and his ways. In effect, they are saying, if God is even out there, he does not give a crap about us. He won’t intervene, no matter what happens. Those that have no contact with the divine will most likely end up as these men. You become angry, then cynical, then indifferent. You think you are all that there is. Soon you go from believing that God does not care, to God not even existing. Because you have not paid the price to seek God and let him find you, you turn your back on him, become harsh and callous, and then you dismiss the idea of God right out of hand. This is how the horror of evolution came to be, which was the first and foundational error of modern thought, that led to eugenics, communism, nazism, and every other totalitarian philosophy under the sun. After all, if it is survival of the fittest, then there is no God, and we are all here by random chance, right?

If I have to summarize the attitude of the average Canadian toward the things of God, I would use the word indifference. Not hostility, or outright opposition, but indifference. The vast majority of people simply do not care. They do not care to discuss eternal things, thinking it all falls under the category of religion, which is never to be publicly spoken about. They have no interest in prayer and bible reading, and know not the fear of the Lord. That is why my first prayer, every day since 2020, has been for God to bring back the genuine fear of the Lord to this God ignoring land.

Has our heart been so deceived, due to some great tragedy or disappointment in our life, that we have started to entertain such thoughts? Notice that these men did not speak this blasphemy out loud, but in their hearts, their innermost being, this is what they had come to believe.

If we harbor any offense against almighty God, then let us get rid of it in all haste before we fall into this trap of indifference and ultimate despair.

Zep 1:13 Therefore their goods (strength) shall become a booty (plunder), and their houses (family) a desolation (laid waste): they shall also build houses, but not inhabit (remain in) them; and they shall plant vineyards, but not drink the wine thereof.

The first part of the verse can be interpreted two broad ways. The text prefers to speak of their material goods, while alternate meanings in brackets speak of more abstract things, such as their strength and their families. I prefer the second emphasis, as the second half of the verse takes care of the physical calamities that are about to fall these rebellious Judeans, and conversely, those of us, the last generation, as well.

Have we not seen our strength wane, as judgment crashes over us? Almost 5 years into the great reset, and no one on the planet has been brought to justice for unleashing global genocide. We fight and fight, and all we get in return is exhaustion. Exhaustion of our finances. Exhaustion of our time and resources. Exhaustion of the mind and spirit. How many families have been laid waste due to this plandemic, this great reset? Families torn apart by unjust prison sentences. Finances exhausted, trying to fight the beast system in the beast controlled courts. Family members killed and maimed by the jabs. These are the things that happen when a people turn their backs on their creator.

With the great invasion that is now in such stark evidence in America (and everywhere else in the west), we are starting to see people lose their homes to migrant invaders. Whether by force or by subtlety, people are being kicked out of their dwelling places as they are being given to these savages. In addition, this is all occurring with our money! Our governments are borrowing money like never before, in order to provide for all the physical needs of these aliens. And why is that? Well, the natural reason is that once we are replaced, these new people come from places where there is no concept of personal liberty. It is westerners from Christian nations that know and believe in personal liberty. If you want a planet of mindless slaves, then you must first get rid of anyone who harbors any notions of personal freedom. It so happens that white westerners are the predominant group in that category. So off we go. To jab land. To the camps. To a place where we will trouble the tyrants no more.

Zep 1:14 The great day of the LORD is near (in place and time), it is near, and hasteth (hurries suddenly) greatly (with vehemence), even the voice (thundering) of the day of the LORD: the mighty man (gibbor – giant, tyrant) shall cry (with a shrill voice) there bitterly.

Now we get to the meat of the matter. Here is where we will find the central truth of this book that God wants us to grasp. Not only to grasp, but to meditate on so that it becomes an integral foundation of all that we believe of the time that we are in.

First off, this day is said to be near. Even in 630 BC, it was said to of been close. If it was close then, it is right at the door today! If it was fulfilled in a small part in 586BC, think of what it will mean when it is fulfilled in its entirety in our generation!

It is also said to hurry suddenly.

1Th 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

1Th 5:3 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

1Th 5:4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

There is this recurring biblical idea that the end time events come in an instant. Note how it catches the world unaware, but it does not catch the saints unaware.

How does this truth reconcile with what we have been observing in the last 5 years especially? Can we not see the day of the Lord coming upon us rather gradually, although events are certainly speeding up? Well, there is a difference between seeing the signs all around us, and the actual unleashing of the day of the Lord, which is the great tribulation. Jesus told us to watch for certain signs that herald the coming of the great and awful day. Yet it seems the bible also clearly teaches that there will be some event that will suddenly plunge the world into a chaos unlike mankind has ever witnessed. So just as this verse in Zephaniah says the day of the Lord is near, so he is saying that as in Judah’s day, there were signs that final judgment was almost upon them. Then with great suddenness the day of judgment broke forth upon them with great vehemence. This was not some half measure, some partial penalty for their sin. It would cause the greatest and the strongest in the land to cry aloud with a shrill voice, knowing that all is now lost and it is too late.

Zep 1:15 That day is a day of wrath (eb-raw – an outburst of passion and rage), a day of trouble (tsaw-raw – tightness, adversity, anguish, affliction, tribulation) and distress (mets-oo-kaw – narrowness), a day of wasteness (sho-aw – tempest, devastation, destruction) and desolation (mesh-o-aw – ruin, a wreck, waste), a day of darkness (kho-shek – misery, death, sorrow, wickedness) and gloominess (af-ay-law – misfortune, concealment, thick darkness), a day of clouds (aw-nawm – thunder cloud) and thick darkness (ar-aw-fel – gloom, gross darkness),

I understand how difficult it may be to read the above verse with every word expanded out from the original Hebrew. I did this on purpose so that we all take the time and meditate slowly on each and every nuance of all these words. Let these adjectives sink in.

If you have been taught by some misguided fools that somehow this is the most exciting time to be alive, then this verse is for you (and them). Read it slowly. Read it thoroughly. Think about each and every word listed here. Wrath. Rage. Anguish. Tribulation. Wasteness. Devastation. Destruction. Desolation. Ruin. Darkness. Misery. Death. Sorrow. Wickedness. Gloominess. Misfortune. Gross darkness. To name a few.

Now, are you still excited to be alive? Has at least a modicum of sobriety penetrated that religious fog that the ignorant and the flippant have instilled in your brain?

This is the absolute worst time in history to be alive. Only the days of Noah compare, according to Jesus (Mat 24:37, Lk 17:26). And yet Jesus only said that certain characteristics of the days of Noah will be found in the day that he returns. What he really said about the day of the Lord is identical to what we find here in Zephaniah:

Mar 13:19 For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be.

People want to talk about this great end time harvest, where they think more people will be saved than in all the epochs beforehand. Now I am not here to get in a debate about that. I know and understand the scriptures they refer to in Joel and Revelation that they believe makes their case. Whether or not uncountable souls will be saved at that time is a discussion for another day. What I am dealing with here is the description of what life will be like during this time period. And the fact is that this is the most horrible circumstances that mankind will ever find themselves in, while on this earth. Think about this. Think about the times of Noah, where fallen angels were raping women, producing giant Nephilim. They went around eating people. Think about Canaan, a land so corrupt that God told Joshua that every human being had to be wiped off the face of the earth, lest their ways corrupt and destroy you. Think about the eras of the Mongols, the great Islamic conquests, then the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, Nazism in Germany, communism in China. And our generation’s circumstances will be worse than any of them, and maybe all of them put together.

Think of the suffering that is just ahead of us. Can we even begin to keep up with the list of atrocities that have already been uncovered? Do I need to list the litany of evil that the likes of the cabal, the Illuminati, the globalists, the WHO, the WEF, the UN, and any and every other organization has unleashed upon mankind? I will not list all the wicked plots, knowing that I would of only covered s small portion. There are yet many plots that no one is aware of. These are truly the days of unimaginable horror. To think that you will simply pray and praise and declare your way our of them, by standing on the word, and wave your bible, and nothing of this tempest will touch you, is just, well, plainly stupid, ridiculous, and oh so naive.

I speak like this because we all have had our hearts hardened by the unrelenting wickedness and propaganda that has been spewing upon our souls non stop 24/7. We need to get real. This is the mother of all battles. This is not Sunday school stuff. This is as ugly, depraved, sick, twisted, vile, and horrific as it gets. We need go looking no further than the explosive revelation of the child sex trafficking that the American government is facilitating and paying for. Half a million children a year now being imported, with most of them being sent to ordinary homes like we live in, to be repeatedly raped to death. Orifices torn open, festering and bleeding, yet being raped some more. Drugged to the hilt, to keep them from crying. Usually dead within 2 to 4 years at most.

Are you still excited to be alive? Want to hear more? Let us ask Zephaniah to expand on the truth of verse 15. be thankful that he uses language a lot more restrained that I have!

Zep 1:16 A day of the trumpet (shofar) and alarm (clamor) against the fenced (inaccessible) cities, and against the high towers.

I like the fact that the word shofar is used here. I am so sick of poorly taught saints that think that blowing this instrument is somehow releasing heavenly angels to blow some walls of the enemy down and bring them victory. It is always in the context of Joshua and the battle of Jericho. That was only one story. The shofar’s primary purpose was for the watchman to blow when the enemy was approaching and about to attack. It was not meant to signal certain, supernatural victory, but to get ready to fight for your lives!

This reminds me of the time of the truckers convoy back in February of 2022. I remember hearing that some Christians went on a Jericho march around the Canadian parliament buildings seven times, on some sort of victory march, thinking that this will cause the government’s evil stance on mandates to come toppling down. The very next day, the government declared martial law, brought in foreign troops, trampled the protesters, beating some, trashing trucks, freezing bank accounts, and generally destroyed the freedom protest. What was God saying? That he had had enough of our religious nonsense. God will not be mocked. Quit taking some biblical idea so out of context, trying to apply it to something that is totally inappropriate. Instead of walking around the buildings and blowing horns in total arrogance, we should of all been flat on our faces weeping over our nation’s gross wickedness and begging God to spare us in all humility and meekness. Instead we got doofusses marching around, yelling and blowing horns! In a time of total judgment, arrogance and presumption is the surest way to seal the deal as regarding your terrible fate.

God help us all.

If someone would of described the situation on the ground here in September of 2024 back in 2019, no one would believe you. Who would think our nations could fall so fast, so far! America is about to fall. The authorities admit that they cannot even protect one man (Trump) from being killed. Remember how after 9/11, we all eagerly traded our rights and freedoms for the illusion of increased security? Today we now see that we were all fools. We traded away all our liberties and received absolutely nothing in return, not even that illusion of security that we sacrificed our children’s future for.

I say these things because America was known as that inaccessible city. Her enemies could only gnash their teeth in envy at her impregnability, her wealth and seemingly limitless power. How they must of wondered in shock, then in joy, when they were invited by the American leaders themselves to send all the military aged males that you could possibly spare, and we will pay for it all! What madness has caused this, the greatest of all nations, to commit such blatant suicide?

Of course, most would say it was the cabal. Some, being a little more discerning than others, would say that it was ultimately satan who orchestrated this, using the cabal as his puppets. Yet the only truth that matters is that God has done this. He just is so happening to use the cabal and their insane plans for transhumanism and their sick new world order as the vehicle to unleash the day of the Lord upon us.

What caused this sudden calamity? Sin. Our sin alone. If we had just remained even moderately faithful to God and his ways, none of this would of happened in our generation, at least. Yes, some would say that there is a certain inevitability of the day of the Lord, since it is written down in the infallible word of God. But this is simply God’s foreknowledge that caused prophecy to say what it says. He knew we would rebel to such an extent, that we would merit such horrific punishment. But this was never predestined. It never had to be this way. We chose this outcome. God saw it before the foundation of the world, so the word was written to warn us, and help us to navigate these most evil of times.

Thus here we are. Let us have the courage to face our reality.

Zep 1:17 And I will bring distress (tsaw-rar – to cramp, to shut up, to bring about a narrowness) upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned (khaw-taw – to miss the mark and thus to bear the blame) against the LORD: and their blood shall be poured out as dust (rubbish), and their flesh as the dung.

Zephaniah is not finished. You may have heard enough, but he’s just getting warmed up. Actually, God is the one who is just getting warmed up, as this is the word of the Lord, not the word of man. I am sure Zephaniah had no intention of ever speaking like this to anyone.

Have we not all experienced a narrowing of our liberties and freedoms that were so hard hard fought for? And we lost them for what? Political correctness? Of being afraid of insults and being called names? Because our sense of compassion was thought to be superior to God’s, in that we refused to punish the wicked appropriately, thinking God’s biblical verdicts as too harsh? Why do we think that the death penalty for adultery and sodomy is too harsh? If it was too harsh, then would not of God clearly commanded Moses not to write that down? I know things like this seem unbelievably harsh according to our modern sensibilities, but this only proves just how far we have strayed from God’s ways, which is judgment, or mishpat, his righteous decrees and verdicts on our conduct.

God says we bring blindness upon our souls because of sin, not because God is mean or vindictive. We sin first and foremost against Yahweh, not men. As a result, our blood shall freely flow, and our flesh shall be turned into crap. What does this mean? These are all euphemisms for the fact that as we shed blood like water, so our blood will be shed by the destroying angel in equal or greater measure, as just retribution for our iniquity. We have killed many millions in the womb, so now receive the just recompense in your veins with the death jabs of venom and toxin that you so richly deserve. So have we disregarded the destruction of mankind via our senseless wars, and defiling our bodies by allowing the alphabet crowd to redefine sexual norms, so I will treat your bodies like the crap in your sewers. Since you choose to defile your bodies by going so far as to sexually penetrate each other’s backsides, and not only call it normal, but teach your children these things, so I will treat your bodies as the crap in the sewage tank, by sending jabs and poisons that will destroy your immune systems, and leave you defenceless to every attack of the enemy.

Zep 1:18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver (snatch them away) them in the day of the LORD’S wrath (eb-raw – outburst of passion, rage); but the whole land shall be devoured (aw-kal – burned up, consumed) by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy (hasty) riddance (kaw-law – complete destruction, a full end) of all them that dwell in the land.

First of all, you can go ahead and convert all your fiat currency into precious metals. I am not saying that is unwise, but please to not look to your buried loot as your deliverance! Nothing can save you except the Lord God alone. Also, do not look to be snatched away before the real bad stuff begins, as those pre trib rapture folks keep promising their listeners. Jesus is slated to come back a second time, not a second and third time! While the above statement may be looked at as a warning to the wicked, it applies to all of us, saint and sinner alike. When God decides it is time to wind up the history of man on this earth, there is no place to hide, and no way to escape. All the trillions of dollars the elite have accumulated will avail them nothing.

I love the hints of things that we are experiencing in these old texts. The whole land shall be devoured. That is, burned up. Not only does this point to God cleansing the earth by fire instead of water in the end times, but could also reference the direct energy weapons that have been used many times to burn up the land that the cabal wants to possess. Even though the wicked think they are initiating these things, it is only because God wills it so as part of his end time judgments on all of us.

The final point to be made in this most terrible of chapters is that once this judgment starts, it will snowball in speed and intensity. The end point is the utter destruction of all flesh. One can see this in the poisoning of all natural life. In the genetically modified plants and the mrna modified animals that are replacing God’s creation. The transhumanist’s wet dream is to replace all the life created by God with so called life created by man, in the lab, inspired by their god, satan. Somehow they think this is one way to weaken God, as they fight against him.

Let us end on a more positive note. As we contemplate all this horror, and at times begin to feel overwhelmed, let us recount exactly what God thinks of all this nonsense:

Psa 2:1 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

Psa 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,

Psa 2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

Psa 2:4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

Psa 2:5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

Psa 2:6 Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.

Psa 2:7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

Psa 2:8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

Psa 2:9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.

Psa 2:10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

Psa 2:11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

Psa 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

As we move into the final two chapters, let us ensure that we have not skimmed the critical lessons that the Lord wants to teach us, especially since we are on the cusp of the very days that he is trying to prepare us for in books such as these.

Solitary Man


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