12/17/24 7:13 PM
Handmaid of the Most High
Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
In the past, the Holy Spirit has led me to expose and reveal the plans by the elites for the worldwide takeover of all banking. Once that is done, the mark will be required. Today, I came across this video, that I know the Holy Spirit wanted me to watch. About a third of the way through, I heard Him say to share this with the readers on this site.
Essentially, the video talks a bit on how the power brokers that already have significant control of the U.S. banking system have rigged legislation behind the scenes enabling them to take all your property (deposits in the system as well as your physical assets (home, car, etc.)), when they decide to bring about one world currency. Last December, an insightful book, “The Great Taking” by David Webb, explains the step by step process the banking system has approached worldwide financial takeover. Webb mentions a Christian Couple, who operate a Christian advocacy forum, has become actively reaching out to various states to reverse this insidious legislation and they have had some success!
Please reach out and support their efforts! We do have the power to stand up to the plans of the enemy. Scripture tells us when we witness evil to speak truth to power. The organization is and you can view their informative research and see what needs to be done.
God Bless You, Pray and ask the Lord how you can be a change agent. Also, spread this information, lets get this into the hands of U.S. citizens across the country. This is not a merely political matter, it is more than your lifestyle, it is how your future will function. Will you be free or will you have all you have worked for to be taken by evil people.
~Handmaid of the Most High~ Acts 2:17-18
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