You are entering a new season
November 12, 2021
Barbara Francis
I kept hearing yesterday
You are entering a new season , I heard it several times this morning .
I asked what kind of season ?
HE answered, a season of unspeakable evil. The odor of sulphur in the air , the smell of burning flesh will be carried by the winds. It will make the pandemic /pestilence look like a minor event in mans history on earth. Man has turned his back on me and ignores my calls to him and my voice. He pursues demons and follows their evil instructions in many cases , to the point of murdering the innocent . Mans future is being weighed on my scale of Justice. Where is your Spiritual discernment ? You will not continue in this evil state as though there were no consequences. Judgement will come in fire as it was written by my Prophets Isaiah, Malachi,and Joel .
Original Article Can Be Found Here