Abortion, Jesus, Judgment, Prophecy


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9/9/24 8:08 AM
Abby K

Message given on 25/08/24

Matthew 13:11: He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given.

As I came before the Lord in prayer and I was in the throne room, Yeshua began to speak….

Satan has finalized his plans on earth but man is in the dark of what the plans are, yet they will affect him directly. In fact, mankind is the target. However, because I am light, I will not leave man in the dark despite My many endless warnings that he has chosen to ignore. I am light, and darkness is now covering the earth and gross darkness the people’s minds, that they cannot perceive between good and evil. He has called good evil and evil good and now his heart and mind is inclined to the evil and deception he has allowed into his soul. He is fully under the control of the prince of this world, ready to do as he’s told.

But because I created man in My image and likeness, I will provide hope in these times as My Glory descends upon the earth, a glory that is the only one that can rise above this darkness. It is about to get even darker, and while men go on with their lives as if all is normal, suddenly everything will change and he will then realize how late it is and how hopeless it is. The cross is still powerful and My blood is still speaking better things than what the dark kingdom is giving, and all who will hear My voice will be saved. If they look to the cross, the serpent will not bite them, for his venom in these last days is a thousand times deadlier, that once beaten, man stands no chance. My daughter, write these words….

I, Yeshua Hamashiach, Son of the Living God is alive today. I am the only answer given to mankind by Yahweh Himself, that all men and all creation will receive forgiveness and eternal life. I am the only Way, the only Truth that all must believe in to receive life eternal. This is the time to look to Me, not your jobs, your money, your families, your churches, BUT to Me and Me alone, for there’s no other name given to mankind in the heavens, on earth and beneath the earth, that man shall be saved by, but My name- Jesus Christ, Who died and rose again and now lives and is forever seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for

As long as sin and all it’s consequences still exists on earth, I cannot stop interceding for you. My pain is still as much now as it was on the day I laid down My life for you. I defeated death, I defeated the grave and I gained victory for you. The life I lived on earth, I lived for you. The pain, the rejection and the insults I went through, I did for you. The death that I died, I died for you, that IN CHRIST, you may live, even if you die.

My children I live, and I am coming soon to judge the living and the dead. The signs of My soon coming are all around you and now is the time to wake up from your slumber, to rise out of your unbelief, for I tell you, the enemy of your souls is coming for those who are his, for he can recognize his seed and the fruit thereof in the hearts of men. Forget the things of this world; forget what you are now living for and chasing after, for the little grace that is now left is not for you to amass worldly wealth, rather it’s for you to save your soul. For what will it profit you to gain worldly wealth that is passing away and lose your soul? I died so as to redeem your souls, not for you to live a worldly rich life. What earthly riches I give you are when you have first sought My Kingdom and it’s righteousness and all these other things you have lived your life chasing, I will freely add onto you.

Instead, you have gone after these things first and ignored My Kingdom, so once I take away all you have worked for, where will you be left standing? What foundation have you laid that is built on Rock? Because all your earthly riches are on the foundation of this world system which has been built on a lie, a lie that I am exposing for what it is and all that has been built upon it will fall to it’s death. I am the only TRUTH and TRUTH did I bring into this world to expose the works of darkness and so free your souls from its grip. I came with GRACE as well and now so little of it is left , for all truth has been given to you, but you have chosen to believe in the lies of the enemy. He is the father of lies and he has been lying since the beginning, since he tricked man in the garden. This is his nature and many now carry the nature of their Father. My Grace has been sufficient throughout the ages of mankind, but now the last threads of it remain, that are holding the door of the Ark open for those that will hearken to My TRUTHS. For this reason did I come into this world, to die for the lies that have plagued mankind since the beginning.

Now, I am returning the order of all things back to the beginning, back to before the foundations of the earth where only I and My Father stood before time. The plans we had for mankind and all creation were GRAND, but were intercepted by the fallen one, who sat on the surface of the deep as the gross darkness. I only separated light from darkness, but darkness remained, he reminded together with his fallen ones and he found his way into the garden and brought the knowledge of good and evil from the previous age that I had put an end to. He corrupted man with this knowledge, and because man believed in the lie, this lie found its way into the pure DNA I had put in man and it rested in his loins. Now this lie and evil knowledge was passed on to mankind since then, and it has grown and empowered the serpent into the great dragon, who will now empower the beast of the sea and of the land, to rise and finish what he began at the garden.

But I Yeshua, by My Blood, have I redeemed a people for Myself who I have separated from the gross darkness once again, to rise in My glory and great light to salvage what has been left of mankind. These ones did not partake of the knowledge of good and evil, rather, they have been eating of the Tree of Life, which is what was pre-ordained for them from before time began. These are the ones who will dwell with Me in My sanctuary, the pillars that will stand strong in these times. They have My name and that of My Father sealed on their foreheads as the great Witnesses I am sending forth to all the earth, to destroy the works of darkness and redeem mankind.

They are selected and sealed for this work not only to protect them, but to set them apart as those that will not be touched by any tool or device of the evil one. Evil will shake at the very mention of their names, for they carry My fullness in them. Theirs is My Power and My Glory, CHRIST the anointed One in them and they in Him, to do the greatest wonders and signs ever seen on earth. Your adventure and superpower movies will pale in comparison to them. They know themselves wherever they are for My Spirit in them bears this witness. My words have I put in them and My Fire burns deep in their bellies, for pure rivers of living water shall flow from them to refresh the souls of men and flash out all that is not of Me from their hearts. The words they speak are Spirit and life and they will release life to the ancient ruins and rebuild them once again.

They stand with Me in Zion, undefiled and transformed into My image, carrying only My TRUTHS in their hearts. They are Emmanuel, God, who will once again stand in the midst of His people. The Word made flesh yet again, to bring life, that will be the light of men and light in this gross darkness. They are My incorruptible seed, for they have laid down their lives as a seed, a living sacrifice, broken and crushed and have died to themselves, that many may receive life. Just as I laid down My life for many, so have they, to bring My mercy one last time upon this wicked generation. I endured the cross for the joy that was before Me and they too have endured their crosses for the joy that lays before them, that they will now see as they bring in the greatest harvest of souls. They have lived martyred lives even though not dead in the body, but have died to self, denying themselves the pleasures of this world.

They carry only My will in their hearts and desire nothing else but to know Me. Now, I live in them for I am their life and no one by any means will take it away from them. They have believed and lived in Me and for Me, and now life immortal is theirs. Now I am about to release them to the world, to lift My banner high and fight the evil that is now prevalent and when it will be the darkest, the will they rise, full of My Glory to snatch souls from the gates of hell. Against them, hades will by no means prevail. They are My battle axes and weapons of war, the standard I am raising against the floods of the evil one.

They are My Kingdom on earth that will take back dominion that man lost at the garden. My Sons belong in the heavens, to rule and reign there, not the evil ones. Soon, they will be cast down to earth to eat of the dust that was mandated to them due to their rebellion. The inhabitants of the earth will receive their wrath, for they hearkened not to My Truths and they have lived as friends of the world, of their flesh and now their faith will be tested by the tribulations about to fall.

I ,Yeshua, I am returning in these My Brethren, as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, and I will roar and shake the earth and the heavens and beneath the earth, and every knee will bow and every tongue shall call upon My name, for Mine is the only name that brings salvation. The nations have been raging and making war against Me, but I laugh as I see how futile their plans are. None will hide from Me, even those great cities they have built for themselves, I await them there with My mighty hand to crush them to their true abodes, their tombs. I am not mocked, and the wicked have their days numbered if they do not repent and call upon Me, they will meet their end in a very bad way. Whatsoever wickedness they have meted out, so shall their exit be.

The cries of the innocent blood has come up to Me and now I arise to avenge their blood, for vengeance belongs to Me, and I will leave no stone unturned. I have delayed for I have desired for no man to perish, even the wicked ones. But now, My patience has worn thin and time as I laid out in My word, has caught up with the events that must now be for all to be fulfilled. So brace yourselves as I pour out My Spirit on all flesh as I make Myself manifest through the children, the young men and the old men, who will all testify of Me with accuracy.

Wow to the false prophets and teachers, for your time has come to an end and you will receive your just rewards. Nobody will bypass My seat of judgment no matter how much you preached Me or did signs and miracles. I will judge every motive and intent of your work and many will hear these words, ” Depart from Me for I never knew you”. I only see the hearts and so judge them, for the hearts of men are beyond wicked and very deceiving and many have been deceived by their very hearts. This is why My true worshippers, worship Me in Spirit and in Truth, for I am Spirit and I am The TRUTH. No lies can be found in such a one as this.

So look up, for your salvation is here, I am here and the time is now! Will I find faith in you? Will I find you worthy to carry My Glory and rise above the darkness? For I now come to release My eagles who will soar high in My power and might. I am taking away their weariness that they will not grow faint for one minute. They are seated with Me in the heavenly places, high above all principalities, powers, rulers and spiritual wickedness in high places. They now enter to lay hold of their spiritual blessings and return to earth to rescue the souls of men.

Be it unto you all My Sons as I have spoken. Great has been your faithfulness and great is your reward. For your time to rule and reign with Me has come. Stand now in your positions and be ready to heal the nations, as they partake of the living waters that are flowing from you. And I Yeshua, the Source, is with you to the very end of the age.


John 8:12

Isaiah 60:2

Isaiah 5:20

Genesis 6:5

2 Thessalonians 5:3

1 Corinthians 1:18

Hebrews 12:24

John 14:6

Hebrews 12:2

Acts 4:12

Ephesians 5:14

Mark 8:36

Matthew 6:37

Matthew 7:24-27

John 1:17

John 8:44

Genesis 1:2

Genesis 2:15-17

Revelation 13:1

Isaiah 60:1

Revelation 3:12

Revelation 7:3

Acts 10:38

John 7:38-39

John 6:62

Revelation 14:1

Isaiah 7:14

Matthew 1:23

John 1:14

1 Peter 1:23

Colossians 3:4

John 11:26

Matthew 16:17-19

Jeremiah 51:20-23

Isaiah 5:19

Revelation 12:9, 12

James 4:4

Philippians 2:9-11

Psalms 2:1-6

2 Peter 3:9

Joel 2:28

2 Corinthians 5:10

Matthew 7:21-23

Jeremiah 17:9-10

Ephesians 2:6

Ephesians 1:21

Ephesians 1:3

Matthew 28:20

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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