Oct 21, 2024
TheMeek Cjt
I was praying last week when the presence of Holy Spirit came over me, and the Lord brought me into a vision, where I was taken into the near future.
I saw a huge crowd of people running from a big war tank that was shooting bombshells into the crowd. The people ran screaming through the streets while being shot at. I saw the word WW3 and then WORLD AT WAR, that flashed several times.
Then the vision switched over to a different setting, and I saw an even larger crowd of thousands of people, mainly young people that ran screaming in terror, running through the streets trying to escape from something. I then saw a large demon with bat like wings glide over the crowd and snatch someone from the ground, taking off with them in the air. Suddenly the demon litetally ripped the person apart with his claws, and pieces of their flesh and bones rained down on the rest of the people below, as they covered their heads and ran screaming in anguish. However, wherever the people tried to run to, the demons knew exactly where they were, and would appear out o nowhere, and kill them in any fashion they liked.
Then another demon, the size of a large building began breathing fire on the people, burning them to a cisp, as another demon, with huge hoofs the size of a large SUV appeared out of nowhere above the crowd, and stepped on people, crushing dozens of them beneath his giant hooves as if you were to step on a grape. Then another demon the size of an elephant appeared and snatched people from the streets and shoveling them into it’s mouth grinding them into mush. Then everything started to fade out, and the Lord said,
“This is the tribulation. Directly after the rapture, I will withdraw my hand of protection from the earth, and my presence as well. Then the demons and fallen angels will make their way to this planet.”