Words of Yahshua to the Satanists: For your love of sin, you shall be destroyed by it
9/17/24 3:07 PM
Olasubomi Williams
Isaiah 57, Enoch 16:2-5, Obadiah 1:9-10, Jasher 12:20-70
Enoch 16:2-5
[2]And now to the Watchers, who have sent thee to pray for them, who in the beginning were in heaven,
[3]Say, In heaven have you been; secret things, however, have not been manifested to you; yet have you known a reprobated mystery
[4]And this you have related to women in the hardness of your heart, and by that mystery have women and mankind multiplied evils upon the earth
[5]Say to them, Never therefore shall you obtain peace
Words of Yahshua
Hello children and my fellow subjects, it is I Yahshua speaking again through this prophets. All things are under my Authority and there is nothing outside my jurisdiction that doesn’t go unnoticed.
This is a P.S.A to the so called Satanists all over the world. You have hid yourselves under religion and you have spread your branches across the earth. You are part of the reasons the world is thoroughly defiled. You think you are like a hydra, cut off one head and two more will take it’s place.
Well, I have bad news for you, I am bringing an unquenchable fire that will destroy all of your works. It will thoroughly consume the hydra and all that it remains down to its root.
The righteous perishes from the earth, but no one takes it to mind. But you oh worshippers of satan come here and receive judgement for your punishment is at due. You will drink from the cup of my wrath for your sorcery you have placed upon the earth. For your witchcraft and evil, you shall be destroyed for it. Go to your father satan, ask him to deliver you and see whether he can save you from my wrath.
I raise kings and kingdoms and I bring them down. America, oh you land of sorceries and witchcraft, you have taught witchcraft, magic and sorcery and every abominable teachings to the whole world through the media and television, through social media and through your secret initiations of sodomy and lesser magic. You who practice the occult of the greater and lesser keys of Solomon, you have only learnt the useless things that brings forth your quick destruction. The most important thing to know is me, the I AM. However, in your pride and arrogance, you don’t want or need me. So, I will not respond to you if you keep behaving this way.
Here is the final call before the hammer strikes, drop satanism NOW!!! I mean it. Drop it now and serve me. You will have great, even greater rewards in me in my kingdom. The occultic knowledge you have now will only stay with you on this earth. It will not take you to my kingdom. The world and the things you have learnt from it will all PERISH!!! Do not attach yourself to it now. Repent and let me clean you from within and restore you to your glorious destiny. Forsake your past and move on now onto a promised future and hope.
Your saviour, your King, Yahshua.
P.S: Children, do not read or study the greater and lesser keys of Solomon, it is not for you my children. Do not seek any knowledge that is not in my words i.e that was not written by the ancient prophets and patriarchs of the Hebrew Isrealites or by the early church.
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