America, Prophecy, Vision, Word

Word from God for America – Martha Rygiel

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

Word from God for America

10/11/24 3:57 PM
Martha Rygiel
I’m forwarding a word I received in prayer while listening to something Jonathon Cahn put out regarding Yom Kippur and prayer for this nation.

I’m very clear that “we” do not command His angelic armies only Yahweh - Lord Sabaoth is the commander of Hosts … and as I praying I WAS just seeing rows of angels lining up before me and as soon as they arrived they just instantly took off to do what God was commanding them to do.

It is in our intercession in sensitivity to His Spirit BEFORE Lord Sabaoth at HIS COMMAND that such things takes place. “WE” are just his instruments for his use and purposes at his bidding. Praise You Lord, God! Lord of the Angel Armies! Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!


Esther’s and Mordecai’s rise up now!

I’m hearing a trumpet blow!

Get ready.

Ready my people!

Wisdom. Prudence, Preparation,

Watchmen on the wall, I’m calling you now.

Be on guard. Have sharp eyes. Be alert!

I’m seeing a vision of The Statue of Liberty moving into a kneeling position.

I’m hearing, “Pray for this nation’s sense of ‘self reliance’ around ‘freedom’ to shift to a humble place of leaning into God and ‘Liberty’ In Christ.”

I’m hearing, “She can bow of her own volition or she will be brought to her knees by force.”

I’m seeing shields be put up to close the gap that appears to be open over the nation.

I’m hearing “Send out the laborers into the harvest.”

Watchmen on the wall! Now is the time to pray!

Break “the sides” down that my people may be one people with my heart and my Spirit.

Bow in the place of all those who do not know that they should bow or will not bow and repent in their place! Stand in the gap for them!

Go before the courts of heaven and appeal the case of this nation and individual people based upon the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and the power of His blood covering you as his holy ones belonging to Christ Jesus as our intercessor and mediator.

Establish the legal authority of Christ Jesus!

Tear down every other alter but His!

I’m seeing thousands of angels being released.

Watchmen on the walls of America, command the angelic armies, He has given you instructions for in prayer!

Praise you, Oh God of the angel armies!

Rise up!

Praise you, God of the angel armies!

Rise Up!

Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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