Winds of Change
The winds of change are blowing. The atmosphere is morphing. The elements are combusting. Our DNA is changing. We must cling to the (word) that give you strength and courage, wisdom and understanding. MY WORD. No matter what unfolds around you know that I AM is near that My word and prophecies of old must come to pass. (Had a pause)
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 3:12 (I read and asked why this scripture. It didn’t make sense to me)
Churches have built their foundations on the teachings of prosperity that My Fathers favor is great with them and they have earned these riches based on My Salvation. These teachings will go as money will become worthless causing many church goers to turn their backs on Jehovah.
Community is important. So be in physical church to help the back slidden, confused and Luke warm. They need your intercession and supplication.
Brace for impact as the winds will shift the earths rotation causing the seasons to change and the countries to panic. You must follow my strict instructions when they come. It will mean life and death.
Remember I AM will be with you. You will never go it alone. I love you and cherish our time together. You are tasked with leadership roles and you must be ready to lead. Seek the answers and you will gain the wisdom you need to perform great miracles in my name.
Yahushua Ha Meschiach