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Why Should I repent from taking the C Shots — Additional Content – J Howey

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Why Should I repent from taking the C Shots — Additional Content

July 14, 2024 2:36 PM
J Howey


Why Should I repent from taking the C Shots — Additional Content

J Howey

Ominous Warnings from those who dared investigate:



World Leader Confesses Unvaccinated Were Right.  We Tried Poisoning Billions  (they actually did poison them!) to death…. (


Facts known by evidence discovered and documented by doctors and scientists around the world in the last 3+ years since the C Shots were rolled out:

1) After 3 shots, the recipients no longer have any immune system...it’s been turned off / destroyed by the C Shots (on purpose), and VAIDS exists now (Vaccine induced AIDS)

2) Crspr Caste 9 was used to edit the DNA of each recipient to do the following:

  1.      A)Remove cancer fighting systems in the body (turns them off), hence the rampant “turbo cancers”     happening wherever the shots were given
  2.      B)Migrate to the heart, lungs, reproductive organs and the brain…and take over
  3.      C)The body becomes a factory for several things:
    i) poison viper venom (Krate, Cobra and more) – making people chronically sick
    ii) lipid nanoparticles (LNP) and hydrogel — self aware, self assembling
    nano bot technology throughout the entire body
  4.        D)because of the above 3 (A-C), the wombs of women are now hostile to babies

              in utero (the baby is an enemy to the body. and reports are being hidden to expose huge

percentages of babies are artificially self terminated by the mother’s bodies… (fetal demise)

  1.        E)The LNP are creating antennas throughout the body (otherwise known as white fibrous clots, that are virtually indestructible even with heavy duty industrial solvents, and they do not weaken or disperse using standard anti-clotting meds and treatments.  74% or so of those being embalmed have these white fibrous clots, which in effect kill the men, women, and children by blocking blood flow to the body. And it’s worth noting that the clots continue to grow when outside the body for months while in formaldehyde in refrigerated conditions.
  2. F) The LNP begin doing the following on rapid repeat with no off switch
  3. i) infect each and every cell in the body and rob it of its nutrients and minerals to create more LPN antennas and microchips in the bodies of each recipient.
  4. ii) Create new synthetic red blood cells of a different (demonic) DNA

iii) Create a third helix (instead of a double helix DNA)…again, demonic

  1. iv)  Create secondary control systems in the brains of each recipient, effectively taking over the mind.

3) Cesium 137 — nuclear — to track and trace the recipients anywhere in the world

4) Some people report Bluetooth signals from their bodies (and even after death, Bluetooth signals are picked up in graveyards from the graves of the dead)

And there’s more being discovered each and every day, using dark field microscopes, and more…


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