Why Do You Grow Impatient?
July 5, 2024 3:36 PM
William Brooks
Come, bow your hearts and ears and hear the Words of your Lord, my Church and even my Bride. Why are you so suddenly removed from your hope in my appearing, as if I’m not coming? As if the declarations of Yahweh can be changed? Has the great eternal God, Yahweh, forgotten his promises? Have I forgotten my words and promises? Truly, truly, I say not! And all who ascribe folly to Yahweh, the great eternal God, and to me, Yeshua HaMashiach, the Great Lord of Lords and King of Kings, should repent immediately. Ask for forgiveness my children and continue to make yourselves ready for I will appear suddenly, and you will stand in awe at how quickly the next major event in Yahweh’s plan of redemption for mankind comes to pass, for it will happen suddenly and unexpectedly for so it has been declared. For it will happen that I will resurrect the dead in Christ first and you which are alive and remain will be taken to meet me in the clouds, and it will happen in the twinkle of an eye.
Why do you grow impatient? Why do some of you pretend that things have returned to the way they were? Clearly there is no returning to the ways of old, for the world that now is will meet strong calamity and forever will be changed, and it will change further during Jacob’s trouble and the earth will be as in the days of Noah. When the restrainer is removed there will be nothing to keep the evil hordes at bay, even the armies of the fallen ones who will attack all that is of me, for Yahweh has given the dragon power to make war with the saints and to overcome them. Many will come to me through the destruction of their flesh, even the flesh that they love and still binds them. For all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved, and the servant is not above his master.
Though I have offered escape from the coming destruction for the faithful, many are not ready but will be saved and serve great purpose in my coming Kingdom, for I will rule from the throne of David and I share in my Father’s throne, and you will share in my throne my faithful. For those who are not ready they will suffer much for my namesake, and they will suffer as I, Jesus the Nazarene, suffered to secure mankind’s salvation and through my crucifixion I have left an example of obedience unto death for all to follow. And through great tribulation will many multitudes be saved and come to great reward in me Christ Jesus, and even serve Yahweh in his temple. Great reward awaits all who call on my name, and those who call on my name until the end will be saved, even those who love not their lives to the end. For this world is perishing and will be destroyed and punished utterly before my Kingdom of righteousness is established on earth.
So faint not my Children, for my promises are yea and amen and I will snatch my bride away into the heavens as promised, and not one person who is ordained for eternal salvation by Yahweh before the foundations of the earth were laid, will be plucked from my eternal hands and your salvation is secure in me, Christ Jesus, only stay faithful and remain in Christ until the end. This has always been a requirement from Yahweh, that a man be found Faithful in his ways. And I, Yeshua HaMashiach, do bring the ways of Yahweh and those who learn of me do learn the ways of Yahweh, for I am one in unity and purpose with my Father. Soon you will be one with us, is it not written that you are made part of the eternal Godhead, for so is your inheritance and so is my reward for the faithful sons of God who were found faithful in me. For in me, Christ Jesus, dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and you will share in my inheritance for your faithfulness, and you will share in my throne as Kings and Priests and my Kingdom has no end.
So stand fast for me in these final seconds of the age, and understand that time is up. Yes, time is up for Mystery Babylon to repent. My times of grace and mercy are up, though mercy and grace are forever with me. Now comes great judgment on the earth, and the nations and even the land. But judgment will not fall that eliminates all the living, but will fall and accumulate. Judgment upon judgment, seal after seal, trumpet upon trumpet, vial upon vial, woe upon woe, and plague upon plague. And as a result many, many, many people will come to salvation in me, Jesus the Nazarene, for I am the perfect Passover Lamb for all time, and there is no more need of sacrifice. But for you, my faithful Bride, the times of waiting are ended. There will be no more delay, and no more wait, and you will come to your full reward and inheritance in me. And even though some will suffer loss, eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor entered into the heart of men, the things that Yahweh has prepared for those who love him. And so it is my faithful loves, you have shown your love for me, Christ Jesus, and your love for Yahweh because you obeyed my commandments by faith in this evil day. Even though you have not seen me with your own eyes, nor have you beheld Yahweh’s eternal glory with your own eyes you have remained faithful in me to the end, therefore is there great reward treasured up for you in the heavens, so faint not!
Continue in patience, my Children, for I am approaching. Do not listen to the scoffers who mock you because their scoffing will very soon be turned to great sorrow, and many who scoff will fall into silence as their lives are at an end. For so is the coming judgments. For those who have rejected my outstretched arms and counted my atoning blood an unholy thing and reckoned themselves unworthy of eternal life in my coming Kingdom, even the same will inherit darkness and death they so loved and desired and many will fall willingly to the second death. For in my Father’s great love, even Yahweh the eternal God for there is none like him, he will not force not one of his creations to follow and love him. All are given free will and all will receive the reward of their choice. For so are the laws of Yahweh. Those who love evil, who love the pleasures of sin and love the evil their sins cause others who suffer unjustly on account of their lusts and froward ways will inherit their own evil ways back into their bosoms and so their punishment shall be and every sin will be recompensed eternally. But for those who accept Yahweh’s peace treaty, even me Jesus the Nazarene, will inherit everlasting life and peace and reward and love and eternal joy in my presence and the presence of Yahweh himself, for soon Yahweh’s dwelling place will be among men for so it is written. And I am approaching to snatch you away to the throne room of Yahweh himself, where you are already seated, and your crowns await you.
Do not believe their lies my children, I am coming for you, only remain steadfast another second or two, for my appearing is at hand and will happen any second now, and I will exceed your expectations. Prepare yourselves and purify yourselves in my atoning blood. Continue your lives of repentance and continue to crucify your fleshly ways, for they are not of me and no evil thing will enter my Kingdom and no evil thing will stand in the presence of Yahweh. I am your eternal sacrifice and I have made you without spot or wrinkle and there is no stain on my faithful because my blood continuously purifies you as you confess your sins in repentance, even though your flesh is utterly corrupt.
Come to me with an open heart and I will lovingly show you your shortcomings so you may confess your sins to me, and in so doing I will cleanse you and will continue to make you whole according as you are a new creation in me, Christ Jesus. And truly, truly all who are sealed with my holy spirit of promise, whether Judean or Gentile, (whether bond or free) will be fully recreated as one new man in me Christ Jesus and will stand in glorified liberty for eternity! For I am a life giving spirit, for so has my Father made me. And I am that the great I AM has made me forever more. And now so to you will be made like me in a glorified body, a body fashioned in reward that will embody your accomplishments in your stand for me in this evil day. Not one of your efforts will go unrewarded: For God is not unrighteous, that he should forget your work, and labor of love, which you showed toward his Name, in that you have ministered to the Saints, and yet minister.
Your true selves are hidden in me, even your savior and Messiah. Forever more will you be with me, and you will be of one mind and heart with me Yeshua HaMashiach and even with Yahweh, for the Great El Shaddai, even the Almighty God will be all in all for his purposes will be fulfilled in you, my called, chosen and faithful. I am coming for you, my Bride, are you ready? Do you have oil in your lamps? Have you washed yourselves fully in my atoning blood? Have you stopped washing one anothers feet?
Watch! Look! Listen! Watch for my appearing and encourage each other because Satan would hide my appearing if such a thing were possible. Look to me, the author and finisher of your faith, for in the twinkling of an eye will you be changed and fashioned like me forever more. Listen to my Words and be ready for my appearing and above all be obedient out of Love for Yahweh and for me to keep my holy Word in pureness of heart, knowing that your redemption no longer draws near but is here.
I am one in unity and purpose with my Father, and soon you will be one with us
I am the perfect Passover Lamb for all time
I am approaching. Do not listen to the scoffers who mock you
I am coming for you, only remain steadfast another second or two
I am your eternal sacrifice
I am a life giving spirit, for so has my Father made me
I am that the great I AM has made me forever more
I am coming for you, my Bride, are you ready?
Original Article can be found here