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What Really Happened on the April 8, the Day of the Eclipse – Life In the Spirit

Photos courtesy Pixabay

What Really Happened on the April 8, the Day of the Eclipse

8/19/24 6:51 PM
Mark Peterson

What I saw on the morning of April 8 was very unusual and even a little scary, particularly in light of warnings from several watchmen and women in previous days. I don’t know all of what happened on that day, but I can report what I saw and documented by taking pictures.

As you know from  The Eclipse is a Warning to America – Stay Inside!, many watchmen spoke of the eclipse as a warning from God, and that on that day, planes would be spraying chemicals in the air that would contain some kind of bioweapon. They also reported that the effect of these chemicals would not be experienced immediately, but would take some time to manifest.

This is confirmed by this article:  Pilot Testifies Bill Gates Spraying ‘Air Vax’ mRNA on Humanity via Chemtrails, which makes these key points:

  • According to a commercial airlines pilot who has come forward to blow the whistle on chemtrails operations in North America and Europe, Bill Gates is spraying airborne mRNA on dense urban populations and rural areas with low vaccine uptake.
  • According to pilots familiar with the scheme, the new airborne mRNA, known as Air Vax, is designed to deliver the vaccine right into people’s lungs, bypassing the need for injections – and the need for consent.
  • As the globalist elite find it harder to convince humanity to submit to Covid mRNA shots and endless boosters, they are having to find deceitful new ways to force their mRNA on us.

Chemtrails – chemicals sprayed into the atmosphere to alter the climate – have been going on for many years. This is not a conspiracy theory, but a well documented fact. You can learn more about them here at Geoengineering Watch. I would add that on more than one occasion I have seen a plane leaving a long chemtrail and not too far away in the sky is another large plane flying LEAVING NO CHEMTRAILS. So it is not a matter of atmospheric conditions, or they would have the same effect.

The picture below is a picture I took on the morning of April 8, of the day of the eclipse. Although the picture doesn’t show it because of the trees, I counted EIGHT chemtrails in the sky. I have NEVER seen more than perhaps three chemtrails in the sky. HOW CAN WE EXPLAIN THIS, for this to take place on the very day of the eclipse?

Isn’t this exactly what we would expect to see if the chemtrail spraying was to take place ON THE DAY OF THE ECLIPSE?  What are the odds that this happen by chance? One in a thousand? (That would be one in three years, and I haven’t seen it for at least 30 years.)  I have NEVER seen this before. HOW CAN WE EXPLAIN THIS?

One more thing – I went out to look at the sky one hour later, and all of the chemtrails had dissipated into clouds. So if a person had not looked up at the sky until an hour after the planes flew over our area, THEY WOULD NEVER HAVE SEEN THE CHEMTRAILS.

Like the moon covering the light of the sun during the eclipse, there is a veil of deception and darkness covering the light and truth of the Son of God in America. But as the moon moves on and the light of the sun returns, we need to let the light, the love, and the truth of the Son of God shine through us to enlighten the darkness embracing our nation and the many souls who don’t know our Lord.

But we must first seek our Lord, repent of our sins, forgive others, and seek Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. And when we do, we will become spiritually clean. And He will then guide us and direct us, as He promises in His Word:

As tragic events unfold, always remember that God loves us and does not want any to perish. So let us go forth with the love and truth of the Lord to reach all who do not know the Lord, for time is short, eternity is a very long time, and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.

To God be the glory

Mark Peterson



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