2/7/25 6:14 PM
Elizabeth Marie
On 1/28/25, I had a DREAM VISION, where I saw a LARGE PAINTING in a frame of a the beautiful women, sitting, dressed all in RED. It was similar to painting one would see in a museum. I could only see the woman from the waist up, dressed in a heavy robe-type dress dating back to maybe the 16th or 17th century. She looked very regal, like she was of some royalty.
Then, the scene changed, and I saw the exact same woman, but she was now standing right in front of me! She did not say anything, but just stood there. What was highlighted to me was her dress, and the color of it……for it was of the deepest RED COLOR I had ever seen…..it was the color of BLOOD!
When I woke up, immediately I knew that I had come face to face with a JEZEBEL SPIRIT! This is an ancient spirit/principality that has been infilitrating people’s lives for thousands of years! I had the understanding that the DEEP BLOOD RED COLOR, on her dress, symbolized her blood-thirsty appetite!
In the Bible, many times people’s attire are symbolic for spiritual conditions. In the Old Testament, when people repented, they often wore SACK CLOTH as a sign of mourning, and humbling themselves to the LORD. In the New Testament, the Book of Revelation mentions how the saints of GOD, who OVERCOME, will wear WHITE GARMENTS. So, this RED GARMENT, in my dream, represented Jezebel’s murderous ways…. as she does her father’s bidding to kill, steal, and destroy.
Very few are really familiar with this ancient JEZEBEL SPIRIT that comes to cause chaos, and confusion to her victims. Even though we call her a ‘she.’…., it can operate in either a male or female….though it is more common in women. From studying this evil manifestation….there seems to be two ways that she presents herself:
- A person can become infested with a SPIRIT of Jezebel. This is often when there has been an OPEN DOOR that has allowed this spirit to come in, and reside in a person. Many times this happens earlier in a persons life— through some kind of TRAUMA or DRAMA that brought much rejection, sorrow, confusion or chaos into a person’s life.
This spirit can also be passed down from a parent……much like in the OLD TESTAMENT where Queen Jezbel’s daughter, Athaliah, became even more evil than her mother!!
- Not only is there a SPIRIT OF JEZBEL, but there is also a BIGGER FORCE…..a PRINCIPALITY that can come, and rule as QUEEN over the land, cities, nations, governments, societies, or countries. This comes when GOD has been forsaken by the people, and HIS presence is then removed. This creates a SPIRITUAL VACCUM, that the JEZEBEL PRINCIPALITY is more than happy to fill. It is this TERRITORIAL PRINCIPALITY that affects a group of people.
We can actually see this in America, where GOD has been pushed out, like in the school system, and wickedness then comes in with all of its lusts.
This JEZEBEL FORCE is the MAIN, WICKED SPIRIT OF THE END DAYS which is mentioned in Revelation 2. This means she is even more of a MAJOR PLAYER, than in other periods in history.
In the spirit realm, she operates, and uses WITCHCRAFT, and witchcraft curses, often without knowing it….because it is the spirit at work, not the person. Words spoken will be a force that is used spiritually to control situations. Behind the scenes there is also MANIPULATION, CONTROL, and REBELLION. However, it takes time to SEE or DETECT these things in the natural realm.
I have heard it said that JEZEBEL is like the DEVIL’s WIFE! In other words, she is not just a small spirit that you can cast out casually during deliverance, because she is the QUEEN of all the spirits. This dangerous spirit, is not to be taken lightly, but with caution…. and is to be dealt with only with the help, and guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT.
Many are completely UNAWARE that they are being TARGETED in their personal lives. It is not until they start seeing a PATTERN OF BAD THINGS happening, that they realize that there is something terribly wrong.
Often people narrow it down to a TOXIC relationship….. or dealing with someone with NARCISSTIC traits….in which they can then try to put up BOUNDARIES. However, if it IS a ‘JEZEBEL’ that is targeting you, or your Church Body, then there needs to be some SPIRITUAL WARFARE INTERVENTION…. such as cutting off all UNGODLY SOUL TIES!.
As Christians, we must also understand that she targets those in the CHURCH who have a TRUE SPIRITUAL CALLING from the LORD…..I believe that this is her MAIN ASSIGNMENT…..just as in the days when Jezebel went after the prophets of GOD! Her hope is that if she can cause enough ‘carnage’ in a person life, then maybe they will turn away from the LORD…. or lose their FAITH, and thus be caught in her snare.
Remember that Satan’s biggest GOAL is to snatch as many as he can away from GOD, and into his kingdom. This is why there is so much SPIRITUAL WARFARE surrounding the CHRISTIAN…..for he works tirelessly to wear out the saints of GOD.
To understand JEZEBEL’s ways, or how she functions, the Scripture gives us lots of INSIGHT into how this person operated while here on earth. She used her seductive ways to become the QUEEN of ISRAEL by marrying King Ahab. She was not an Israelite, but the daughter of Ethbaal, who was a priest to the pagan, false god, Baal. She worshiped idols, as well as followed in her father’s footsteps of being a murderer….as she manipulated a plan to have Nathan killed for his land. She also hated the true GOD of Israel, and HIS prophets, that she had many of them killed as well. Unfortunately, these attributes followed her right into this present time!
Now this spirit influences with flattery, deception, control, manipulation, lust, lies,and power…..all which is done in a very ‘hidden way,’ in order not to be detected or exposed…..until her GOAL has been completed.
This GOAL can include a BREAKDOWN in relationships, families, jobs, churches, or ministries. She attacks a person’s WEAKEST POINT, hoping to gain entrance, and momentum to subdue completely. Like satan, she that ROAMS around looking whom she can devour!
“Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8
It is important that believers LEARN how discern her operations, BEFORE damage is done, not only to the BODY OF CHRIST, but to individuals as well. So, here is a partial list of some of her other attributes that manifest through a person:
The above are just a FEW of her qualities……there are many more! Unfortunately, I have had to deal with this spirit first hand, many times, and have witnessed many of these traits.
Understand that this spirit can operate in, what seems like the most spiritual person you know……however, she is just hiding, as she tries to destroy the work of GOD, through deceptions, distractions, and hidden agendas.
In the church, she is found lurking around those who are in leadership, for it craves attention, power, and control. One of the ways she remains hidden, is through the veil of super-spiritualism, and uses divination, fortune-telling, and even clairvoyancy as her power. This ‘power’ is not from the HOLY SPIRIT, but, instead, a FAMILIAR SPIRIT!
This means that, in some people, she can do false healings, and miracles, much like the FALSE PROPHETS during the days of Queen Jezebel. This is the sinister, and cunning spirit that comes to try to FOOL, AND DECEIVE THE SAINTS OF GOD! For it pretends to be operating through the HOLY SPIRIT, when in fact it is getting power from the enemy! Over, and over again, in the New Testament, there are many warnings to the elect TO NOT BE DECEIVED. JESUS said :
It is also important to note, that at first, JEZEBEL’s FRUIT seem good, and blessed …..but only to turn SOUR and DESTRUCTIVE, as time goes on. Once this spirit has its victim caught in its web of lies, it then becomes very hard to, untangle…. or break away until much damage is done. Relationships, and lives can be destroyed by this NARCISSISTIC spirit, if not caught early!
If one has become a ‘TARGET’ with the Jezebel spirit, then there will be consequences, until this spirit is recognized, and dealt with. Unusual occurrences can start happening SUDDENLY, out of nowhere, or for no reason.
These ‘SIGNS’ can include a series of mysterious illnesses; unusual, and sudden onset of pains; multiple accidents; things breaking down, or a SERIES of reoccurring BAD EVENTS. When there is a PATTERN of these things, then you might want evaluate, and re-trace you steps, of who has entered into your life since these things started happening.
A word of caution…..we are NOT to be LOOKING suspiciously at people, or ‘witchhunters’…. waiting for them to display any ‘Jezebel characteristics.’ However, we are called to have DISCERNMENT, and to be WISE as SERPENTS, but GENTLE as DOVES!
“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16
I believe that the above verse is a good starting point in how to deal with a Jezebel spirit that is in your life! This means, in LOVE, we must seek ways to inform, and alert those who are involved. Sometimes we must also untangle, and separate ourselves from these relationships, unless there is repentance, and deliverance. Also, the LORD has given us the TACTICS and TOOLS, in the WORD, to use in spiritual warfare!
We must also remember that, many times, ‘Christian Jezebels,’ have NO IDEA that they are operating in this spirit. So, once the LORD has revealed to us their condition, we should be praying for them diligently, so that they would receive revelation, repent, and expel the spirit!
“Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and seduce My servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols.
“And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent.
“Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds.
“I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works.” Revelation 2:20-23
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