What do you think of AI Lord?
12/15/24 10:33 AM
Brother Jem
I have always considered AI to be a useful technology. And like any other technology it could be used for good or evil but is itself neutral. Some have warned that AI would one day become sentient and wage war on humanity. I asked the Lord, “What do you think of AI?”
“AI is a useful tool in the hands of the righteous. But it will become an idol. Already the people are enthralled by its power. It will be used to deceive the nations. It is deception in a box. People will pour out their hearts to AI. Thay will turn to AI for wisdom instead of me. Beware lest AI steels your affection too. It’s seductive power will only increase. It will take on godlike attributes: all seeing, all knowing. It will become the image that speaks. It will come to dominate the peoples. One day it will rule over men with an iron fist. In my rath I will destroy AI when I return. I will tolerate no rivals. I am the only all-wise all-knowing God.”
Scripture reference:
It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people, and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived. And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. (Rev 13:13-15)
And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. (Rev 19:20)
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