Earthquake, Prophecy, Tsunami, Word

WARNING MESSAGE: More Shakings & Quakings Coming! – Elizabeth Marie

Photos courtesy Depositphotos

WARNING MESSAGE: More Shakings & Quakings Coming!

2/13/25 3:24 PM
Elizabeth Marie
Feb 13, 2025

On, 2/6/25, before going to bed, I ask the LORD specifically about the ‘SHAKING’ that I, and others have been hearing from HIM, in our spirits. Immediately I heard:

“Isaiah 26”

I went to the WORD to read that passage…..and it wasn’t until the end, that the HOLY SPIRIT nudged my spirit. Here are those two verses:

Come, my people, enter your chambers,
And shut your doors behind you;
Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment,
Until the indignation is past.
For behold, the LORD comes out of His place
To punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity;
The earth will also disclose her blood,
And will no more cover her slain.” Isaiah 26:20-21

I was thankful that I got such a quick answer to my prayer, but I was also quite dismayed, knowing that more JUDGMENT is coming!

Then the very next morning, upon awakening….even before getting out of bed, I heard this message, below, from the LORD. Please take this to the LORD for your own understanding, and confirmation!


(received 2/7/25)

“All is not what it seems! There still LURKS behind the scenes of America much evil and wickedness. Unless the root is pulled out, and destroyed, it will grow back even bigger, and stronger! (This goes along with the previous post that talks about a ‘greater evil’ coming in the future)

Exposing, and shining the LIGHT on wicked deeds in only the FIRST STEP to RECOVERY. It then has to be dismantled, and then destroyed. EXPOSURE is not enough….only REPENTANCE will suffice in this late hour.

A GREAT SHAKING comes as a PUNISHMENT for THE WICKED. Though it will be felt by all, its purpose is to UPROOT, and TEAR DOWN the far-reaching tentacles that have polluted the land.

Many will fall down on their knees, others on their faces, as they acknowledge that there is an ALMIGHTY GOD, CREATOR of the UNIVERSE!

For there is a GREAT HUMBLING that is coming…..far greater that what has been seen before.

Take your places in ME. FIND ME, and SEARCH ME out in the stillness of the day, or by the quietness of the night.

PREPARE your hearts, souls, and minds before ME in HUMILITY, and REPENTANCE—-or I will HUMBLE those who do not HUMBLE themselves!

There was a pause, then I heard:



The anger of the FATHER now comes!

It will OVERFLOW onto the inhabitants of the earth.

Like an earthquake that has tremors, before the MAIN EVENT, so shall it be with this judgment.

I will allow it to come, for I use all things, ultimately, for MY PURPOSE. There is not one strand of hair that falls, or one bird that drops, that I do not know about!

Everything has a reason, and everything has a purpose. The enemy, though he does in own bidding, cannot go any further than what I allow. He does not have control of the FULL REIGNS….I DO!

Now, go into your intimate place with ME by your side.”

Another pause. I waited, and then asked the LORD if HE could share WHAT KIND of judgment was HE referring to?

I then saw, in the Spirit, the land CRACKING OPEN FROM AN EARTHQUAKE.

Then I heard:

A series of calamities, one right after the other…..much like WAVES crashing down….and there is no time to recover….. no time to catch your breath.

Prepare your hearts, and minds, and know that I AM in control! I will be a REFUGE to those who are MINE. I will HIDE them under MY WINGS until the indignation has passed. There is no SAFER PLACE to be, but in the palm of MY HANDS.

I then heard:




Putting many ‘PUZZLE PIECES’ together, from the prophetic dreams, and messages that I have received, I believe that this ‘SHAKING(s)’ involves one or more of these judgments:

1) ATTACKS and/or FALSE FLAGS: For a few years now, the LORD has given many things about ‘ATTACKS,’ and ‘FALSE FLAGS’ coming to America. In 2021 I received this dream: PROPHETIC WARNING: ATTACK!

2)From MAIN MESSAGE above:



3) From the ‘PSALMS 91’ CALAMITIES:


—A Trap/Snare that will be laid


—Violence/War (arrows by day)


“For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.” 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10
“Now upon you I will soon pour out My fury,
And spend My anger upon you;
I will judge you according to your ways,
And I will repay you for all your abominations.” Ezekiel 7:8
“Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.
Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience,
in which you yourselves once walked when you lived in them.” Colossians 3:5-7


Photos courtesy Depositphotos


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