Warning, Dream

Warning Dream For Western Countries – Isaac Alvarado

Photos courtesy Pixabay

Warning Dream For Western Countries

June 21, 2024 2:07 AM
Isaac Alvarado

I dreamed that there was a situation in which news was given that people from the
West / West began to leave their countries because contamination had been detected in people (connect, it is contamination with radio act….) and so I could see crowds coming from the West to the East Well, in the Western Countries a contamination was detected in People and That’s why they fled to the East (in the Dream my Sister told me
She said “surly the people are going to Asia because there nobody matters what you do and who you are you can be the way you are
“ I said to myself that’s not right the people from the West will suffer in the East

“I can understand this Dream as a warning to pray for the Western Country’s some thing big is on the way “

“You shall not deceive or mistreat a foreigner, for you too were foreigners in Egypt.” EXODUS 22:21 RV2020

Let’s Start Praying for the Nations of the West can feel a strong Shaking Coming

Do not be deceived: no one mocks God. A man reaps what he sows.
Galatians 6:7

Photos courtesy Pixabay


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