America, Prophecy, War

“War is coming and has now begun. It will affect the whole world but it will affect America the most” – Angel Falcione

Angel Falcione

September 8, 2018

Write down these words. You and others are hearing Me loud and clear now and must heed to My Voice.
I am placing you where I need you to be My Children with the task in hand. The task was placed in your hearts and is now permeating into your minds. You have all had a glimpse of what you need to be doing for the Kingdom, and the time is now, it has arrived. War is coming and has now begun. It will affect the whole world but it will affect America the most. She has fallen and will continue to fall, and will be disintegrated.
My chosen will be protected by My grace and glory but the wicked will perish in an instant. You were all warned so this should come as no surprise to see all that will take place right before your eyes. Some of you need to be praying for Me to intervene in the spirit realm to pull souls out of hell. You tell these people who are dying to renounce Satan and call out to Me for the forgiveness of their sins, and I will save them! Others are going to be nursing others spiritually and physically back to health.
It is going to be a terrible time for all but I am in the midst of you. I will never leave you nor forsake you My Children.
You must abide by My Commandments no matter what you face and I will protect you. My promises stand forever.
Many will be in shock and in disbelief of the events taking place. You need to stay in constant prayer to endure these horrific sites. You will suffer greatly My Children but I am with you. Don’t give up or lose hope.
I Am the beginning and the end. Your end is drawing near, My return is very soon.
Take the time to stop and prepare now spiritually, there is no more time to contemplate this event, it already has begun. I’m sorry you will suffer My Children, but this must be done to avenge the innocent blood shed.


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