Wake Up! A Message from the Lord in this late hour
11/6/24 5:29 PM
Justin Adkinson
November 4, 2024
4:44 am! Wake Up!
God wants to speak to me!
I am here Lord. Speak to me whatever you want and I will be obedient to you and I will not fear man.
Look watchman at the verses I show you in my word and I will start to speak to your heart so you can share with all who have ears to ear. I want all of my children to hear this message. I am about to speak to you because of my GREAT LOVE FOR THEM! I desire that NONE should perish in the increasing birth pains which are my judgments upon your land. Wickedness bounds in the church and they are spiritually blind in the final moments of dispensation. You will write down all I say and share these words just the same as you have done for me these past seven years.
I have watched you struggle sharing when words were harsh but what they don’t understand is that I gave you my heart of love for them. That is why you are compelled to share all I give to you. Don’t fear man in this late hour. I have stored up rewards for those who are my watchmen warning their loved ones who mock, scoff, ridicule, and even attack them. I see it all. I see all the tears that have fallen from my people who love me and are obedient to my voice even if it means losing respect and love of those around them.
Now for what you must share today. Yes. Do not delay in this warning. There is no more time as you already can sense and feel in your spirit. That is why you have the Holy Spirit within you. He will get so excited when he sees me coming for my bride. Do not worry about what you must do on that day because I have it all planned out. I am waiting for my Father and your Father to say GO GET MY CHILDREN AND TAKE YOUR BRIDE FROM OFF THE EARTH. They will not partake in my wrath.
I say this to you today watchman. WAKE THEM UP! There is no more time to use their money for pleasures! I see so many thinking their wealth can and will save them when I am the one who gave it to them. They have made their wealth a god! I will not stand by idle anymore. Their love for the next pleasure they can experience is a stench in my nostrils and that is why so many are NOT READY!
I have sent you to warn yet they refuse to listen. Their pride and arrogance will keep them out of my kingdom. NO! NOT ALL that say Lord, Lord will enter my kingdom with me as my bride. That is why my word says this to you. Yet many tickle your ears telling you that all will “Go up” when I come. FALSE! DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM! This makes you idle and comfortable in your daily life. When you then sin you forget or refuse to take heed to the conviction of MY HOLY SPIRIT.
I am warning all who have ears to hear AND a heart that desires to understand my word. Some truly want to know me more and are sitting there listening to wolves in sheep’s clothing teaching them words that tickle their ears. I must warn through you my watchman. But few will listen. Their heart has hardened to the truth. They would much rather believe the lies than come to me with a humble and repentant heart.
I speak these words to you so that you will share and so that these words will reach the HEARTS of my children.
Now write those verses down and share them in order to open their eyes and save my children from experiencing my wrath upon the earth. This world is NOT their home. I do not want any of my children left behind because many will give in to the antichrist to save their life. My word tells you this. Where many try and save their life here on earth, they will lose eternal life in my kingdom. But those who lose their life here on earth will gain eternal life in my kingdom. They will join my bride by dying for their faith in me. But know this, my bride will not face the man of lawlessness or the mark which will be the temptation that comes upon the entire earth.
Write my word down now watchman.
Job 21:13 “They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to the grave.”
14 “Therefore they say unto God (in their heart), Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways (such as this warning I have given you to share).”
15 “What is the Almighty, that we should serve him (with a full surrender of their heart)? And what profit should we have, if we pray unto him (refusing to pray to me about everything)?”
16 “Lo, their god is not their hand: the counsel of the wicked is far from me.”
Yes, they counsel among themselves and within their own heart against me and my love for them. They love the pleasures of this world more than me, so they heap upon themselves those teachers who will only tell them soothing and comforting words. They do not believe or want to hear that I am coming for my bride. They WILL NOT be taken even though they attend a church building in my name. Their hearts are far from me and that is why I warn through you today watchman. Even you must be obedient to my words and repent when you sin.
When you put something before me in your life, that is a sin. And when you go without repenting, thinking that it is good to enjoy your wealth because “you deserve it” or “you earned it”, I am ignored and my word is dead in your ears and heart. That is why I warn you first my watchman. No one is promised tomorrow. No one is guaranteed to enter my kingdom! Those who tell you this will cause many to enter the pit screaming. They will cry out to me Lord, Lord, and I will say Depart from me for I never knew you worker of iniquity.
That is why I say today, REPENT! There is no more time to enjoy your sinful pleasure seeking lifestyle lukewarm Christians. I am calling you a lukewarm Christian because that is what my word says about those who love this world and do not hear my Spirit speaking to their heart.
Write down the rest of the verses and share watchman. This is their final warning to stop loving this world and to stop pursuing the next pleasure that they feel entitled to enjoy.
Job 21:17 “How oft is the candle of the wicked put out! And how oft cometh their destruction upon them! God distributeth sorrows in his anger.”
18 “They are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carrieth away.”
Yes watchman! This is coming upon the earth and many that profess my name will be caught unaware because their heart will not hear or understand this warning. They refuse to change their ways. Fire will destroy many in an instant while they pursue their next pleasure. They will end up in the pit if they do not take heed to my full council and repent for pursuing their god of pleasures that this world offers them.
Their wealth allows them to live comfortable lives right now. But they are in danger of losing their soul to the pit, so WARN THEM NOW WATCHMAN! They may not have another chance to change their ways. Hardly a rich man will enter my kingdom because of their heart. I see who they find as their comforter and it is not me who they claim with their mouth.
This is a direct warning to the wealthy in your land. Stop living for your next pleasurable experience and run to me and repent! I will hear you and forgive. But you must recognize this hidden sin in your life. My watchman knows the cost of following me closely while not many around him are. He knows the cost but his reward is with me when I come for my bride. He knows that he can forfeit his rewards and even being part of my bride if he turns from me to pursue what he used to before I called him my watchman. He must make his calling and election sure! You must do the same.
I love you my bride. Do not take your eyes and heart off me! I AM COMING! Wake up!
Those were the words I received this morning. I had asked the Lord before going to bed to wake me up if he had anything he wanted me to share and this was it. I take all the words I am given personally and ask the Lord to change my heart first before I can release these words. He desires for me to examine myself and take the LOG out of my own eye before I am able to share anything from him. This has been the same for the last seven years as his watchman. I take all warnings seriously and try to work out my own salvation with fear and trembling as God’s word commands us to do.
I thank the Lord for his such great love for us all. He will forgive when we come to him with a humble heart and repent. I too used to love this world and that’s why he uses me to share these words of correction to anyone that will listen with their heart. His arms are open wide and no sin is too great for Him to forgive. God is so loving that he is warning us all in this late hour to get our heart right with him. Sudden destruction is coming and we don’t know when our last breath will be.
Jesus loves you. This word is shared out of love and not hate. Forgive those who have hurt you so God will forgive you. If you hold onto unforgiveness towards anyone you will not be forgiven. He has told me this and it’s a warning to all who will listen.
-Justin Adkinson
A watchman until I am called home
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